As usual, Rep. Kucinich is on target!

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I'm ashamed to ever have supported Kucinich, this article and his platform are straight from Russian propaganda. As a Ukrainian-Russian-American, I can only urge the real folks among the bots and trolls to recognize Whataboutism as a method to distract from Putin's evils and point the finger elsewhere. We Ukrainians are dying, we're sacrificing our future and fighting with everything we have to survive. This is OUR war, and the vast majority of the world stands behind us, including the US. Only Russia, China, and Iran call this a "proxy war" because it benefits Russia.

Please write your politicians in support of Ukraine, we need plainly good people to call out evil.

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Forgive me if I am wrong in assuming that as an American you do not live in Ukraine, but if that is the case, it is highly unusual to use the term "we" to refer to a group of people that does not in fact include the one using it. It sounds as if you are actually cheering on others to die, sacrifice, and fight, without being at risk yourself: would you be saying the same if you were on the front lines? From what I hear of the casualty rate and morale, it seems unlikely.

Has it ever occurred to you that there might be people who disagree with you who are not "bots and trolls" employed by the Kremlin? The vast majority of the world is neutral and sees the war as an internal affair between Russia and Ukraine, and wants peace sooner than later. There is a reason not a single non-Western member at the Group of 20 session in Bangalore was willing to sign Janet Yellen's US communiqué to condemn Russia; the US is no longer even taken seriously internationally.

Many, including myself, don't care for either side of the conflict, because not everything has to be Us vs Them, a childish, black and white, Manichean "Good vs Evil", and not everyone is pro-war. The risk of nuclear war outweighs everything else. Most people in the world are not Ukrainians (or Russians) and don't give a damn who rules the Donbass, but do care about the endless stream of money being sent to prolong a foreign conflict that doesn't improve the quality of their own lives at all—rather, it worsens it.

I honestly don't support the Russian invasion, far from it. But that doesn't mean I need to support Ukraine, call Russians evil, and advocate for sending more weapons, either.

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Great reply, couldn't agree with you more.

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Excellent. Thank you Emma. (Emma's reply to kicktown)

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you have no idea what war is then. people on one half arent CHOOSING to fight, they are FORCED to fight. because a group of people are trying to take their livelihood. and as someone of a culture and nationality one has the right to identify with that, but I'm sure as an american who stole all your blood-soaked land you wouldn't know anything about culture anyway. cowards.

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It was a US Coup in 2014 and Kiev been bombing Russian speaking Donbass since. NATO fears it needed to move east. US Foreign Policy has been insane since right after it dropped 2 bombs on Japan. Now we on the verge.

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Can't you see that Ukraine is only getting enough help to keep the war going while the USA gets to look like the "good guys."

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IF that were true, give them more, not less. Ukraine needs weapons, not Russian troops.

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The Pentagon has $50 million a year and intelligence has a huge amount to spread pro war propaganda. This post is an example of how this works. The vast majority of the world does NOT support Ukraine in this war. Around 43 countries out of around 193 have given some limited support and most of them are arm twisted by the US.

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The basic problem we have here, is that most folk in the US listen to the news, and think they're hearing something true... Sucks. They believed there was a natural pandemic too..

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you people are [redact]arded...

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I cannot believe you are serious.

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Can't fix stupid, hope your getting paid enough.

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Oh please 🙄

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Unfortunately all too accurate analysis.

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The only ones to benefit from the U.S.'s pushing NATO into Ukraine and against China are the arms makers and merchants. Certainly not the hapless soldiers and civilians in Ukraine, both "ours" and "theirs." Why are Americans so fearful and hateful? Always rousing up reaction, creating enemies whether external or internal. Even Democrats are propelling this hate factory. I'm against the next war too. We should be competing and/or cooperating with China to quickly fix global warming, not wasting resources, money, people, and the environment creating needless, tragic wars.

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Thank you Rep. Kicinich for your consistently accurate analysis of the reckless autoimmune disease otherwise called US foreign policy. The planners had Russia in their sites for destruction, 100 years ago, and they now have the USA targeted - with what they hope will be a more successful outcome. No one in their right mind, can look at US debt, the condition of the US military, the combined strength of China, Russia and the BRICS nations - and the quality of men/women/? at our helm, and see anything in the offing but total destruction here. Anyone who thinks otherwise is listening to CNN rather than reading factual analysis such as yours - and many others - who know what's coming down.

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Excellent article, Dennis! You really told it like it is! So much is wrong with all that’s going on with the leadership (actually non- leadership) in this country. We are genuinely afraid of what’s to come because the media is so very intertwined with Washington and the have a huge megaphone….what can be done? It’s all so very frustrating and nobody is listening to the few voices of reason 😩

- Carol & Berj Shakarian

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OK, Dennis, what do we do about it?

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Dan Ellsberg offers Greta Tunberg as an example. Protest during business hours = strike!

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And that saves Europe from Putin how?

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Europe need not fear Putin if they'll just stay away from Russia's borders.

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It doesn't, all it does is weaken and destabilize America. You're surrounded by Russian shills here. As a Russian-Ukrainian American, trust me and get the hell out of this substack, Kucinich is completely compromised. This is what propaganda looks like: whataboutism(constantly pointing the finger at the US or other countries when Russia or Putin are mentioned) and encouraging behaviors that destabilize the US.

Please write your politicians in support of Ukraine. We need good people to call out evil, not shills to distract from Putin's evil.

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You got it wrong, Kicktown.

Kucinich is spot on. We have a foreign policy of global hegemony.

Who is so stupid and fearful that they think another country will willingly commit suicide by attacking the US and our nuclear arsenals.

Our leaders need someone to fear and hate to rally the troops to war and feed those who really make the decisions, the trillionaire defense and Wall Street industry.

China is the next whipping boy to feed our war machine.

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How much is the Pentagon paying you?

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The above is plainly what brainwashing looks like. If the police were to only arrest black criminals and no others, those who cry "whataboutism" would doubtlessly defend it while questioning why the critics are speaking of the others—what is wrong with them, are they against the police arresting criminals?

Far be it from one to want their state to fulfill its obligations toward its own citizens and focus on them, rather than on the citizens of some faraway country nobody cares about, but who happen to be at war with the present Designated Enemy by the war machine.

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It's not that we don't care about Ukrainians. Tho we needed the million$ spent in Viet Nam here at home, we DID care about the imperialist murder of innocent people over there. The thing is, the more weapons we send to Ukraine, the longer the war lasts and the greater the misery for Ukrainians. What's needed is a ceasefire and negotiations, which won't happen as long as we keep sending weapons

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subtle racism, nice, love you cashsucking conservative braindeads getting manipulated by grifters and actual benedict arnolds.

i'm an anarchist who hates america, and even I'm not stupid enough to believe this is a proxy war. those who lead russia and america only need one thing, a guillotine.

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Dennis, you have a proven record of standing up for the average and the powerless. Reading this article saddened me. It felt like reading something manufactured by the Fox News outrage machine. As someone who has lived and worked in Russia and Ukraine, I suggest you do a bit more research rather than resorting to conspiracy theories and speculation. The Russian government has invaded Ukraine and kills innocent civilians on a near-daily basis. Ukrainians (that I know at least) didn’t ask for this nor would anyone deserve it. There is little conspiracy here and it’s really difficult to ignore the lived experience of tens of thousands of people impacted by this brutal invasion. Some people may make money and spin it to support other agendas, but don’t confuse that as some sort of worldwide conspiracy. Again, I appreciate the many years you have dedicated to making peoples lives better.

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'The Russian government has invaded Ukraine and kills innocent civilians on a near-daily basis.' Rick. You have no idea what you're talking about. Stop parroting US 'news' channels and do some listening to analysts., Colonel MacGregor, John Mearsheimer, Paul Craig Roberts, Michel Chossudovsky, to name a few. Please. Wake up before the war we put there comes here.

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You and kick town are likely paid by the Pentagon from their $50 million a year propaganda budget. Interesting that neither of you mention the 2014 coup that had the US partner with neo Nazis to overthrow a democratically elected government. Neither of you mention the torture and.murder of over 14,000 ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Please cash your Pentagon checks and leave this site.

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how do you inbred repribates love and hate the government so equally? you understand everything you say sounds like batshit wordsalad, right?

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You need professional help.

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Thanks for not falling for the BS, as a Ukrainian. Once upon a time I thought Kucinich was a decent human being, but reading this there's no way he isn't compromised or profoundly ignorant. It's beyond sad. My family is trapped and dying, facing loss of limb and life daily, and we used to trust that Russia were our brothers... You don't know what it's like to be betrayed like this, to see your friends dead in the streets during a blatant invasion. It's beyond painful, and the lies that come with it are the worst. Calling this a proxy war is so insulting as my people are dying every day, and we stood up for democratic values and pluralism on our own before anyone had to come help us. Life was only improving after the USSR collapsed and Ukraine's economy and % of people online surpassed Russia, and those greedy liars came and tried to take it with violence and lies. If Americans properly understood just what Ukraine was and what we risk losing, they would all be up in arms.

God I hate what the internet has become, these bots and insincere trolls, it's impossible to keep up. I only have my one tiny voice.

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Your voice is big, and it is heard brother. long live revolution, long live freedom, down with the fascists. These fools will learn when they have boots on their ground and bullets in their head, and even then, maybe not. As an American, of Native descent, these bastards are a parasite to this beautiful land. a bunch of fat pasty braindead lugs. they're not even worth reasoning with, if they're here spouting this crap they are beyond gone. they used their entire attention span to read this word salad of propaganda and idk extremist ideology? lol these people are cracked and you're better off working with liberals, preferably just normal leftists like me though, are the best to try and work with to spread awareness and education.

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Are you planning on running for the White House, Dennis? Please do so. The entire world needs a voice of calm and for peace in all this cacaphony of saber rattling. (You could run as a Green or an independent. There's no use running as a Dem, since they're cancelling their primaries anyway.) We don't want or need another World War! #GivePeaceAChance

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I believe he is supporting RFK Jr

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Sorry Dennis. USA is so BAMBOOZLED that they don't even know it. You remember General Clark's mention of "7 countries in 5 years" OVERTHROWING, not bringing free dumb or whatever. We are at the other end of this. Our Own US Defense Intelligence Agency among MANY OTHERS recognized this in a 2017 report. I try to 'splain it, but NO BODY Listens. RAY MCGOVERN, SCOTT RITTER, Douglas Macgregor, Jack Matlock, I list as much as I can find on http://www.vfp143.org

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Thanks Dennis for a well written summary of the state of the nation. Please discuss with Kennedy how you both can save this country. I could imagine you stumping for Kennedy immediately, especially in New Hampshire and states you did well in. When you win, you could be head of state or head of the Department of Peace.

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Thnx for this truth-telling. It's hard to organize resistance when most people fall for ubiquitous and ever more sophisticated propaganda. We need to educate and motivate people to protest, boycott, and strike. Escalating acts of non-violent resistance, including civil disobedience, may be our best hope for getting thru to power mongers. What do you think? What do you suggest?

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PS There's a Fri afternoon sing along at a beach. I just asked them to move it to a high traffic area (maybe in front of a Senator's office) and, even if they don't sing peace songs, wear big peace symbols and hold peace signs while singing so their social event will be a dual purpose protest. Any of you who play guitar or ukelele, please steal my idea!

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It is good to hear from you again and to read your writing again. You are spot on in what you wrote about the criminal rot that permeates the entire US Government and that is responsible for mass murder, war crimes, crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity.

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What would RFKjr do?

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Worse than feared. Some have said US Military Foreign Policy. Only kind we have. Is run by Religious People who believe the US is to fight "God's Wars." That's called abominations and blasphemy of the Church-State Beasts of Revelation 12-14 war being thrown down here. We been watching 70+ years of US war crimes of undeclared wars, breaking both International and US law. If ever a time for the world court of Daniel 7 to sit, now would be a good time. Its not hard to imagine over a 100+ years of killing by first 3 beasts, China, USSR and USA, the 4th the Church itself, the 10 horns churches that came out of Rome. They just part of the last plagues they end by feeding the world. Make no mistake, 1-6-21 riot had to be when Tents were pitched against the beautiful holy mountain of appointed time in Daniel 11:45-40.


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Kucinich has been the Dean of Peace for our nation in the US Congress he gave over 300 speeches advocating for strength through peace. Bravo honored to have led with Kucinich as an advisor in his 04 and 08 campaign for the White House. The country would look very different if we had walked down Pennsylvania Avenue to lead the nation towards peace. Fight on!

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I was very active in supporting Kucinich for president. Please consider using your energy to elect Kennedy in 2024. Dennis is supporting him and they share many of the same values.

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What message do streets free of anti war protesters send to our ruling class? To the world? To ourselves? To our children? To the future?

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