This is why I stand by Dennis Kucinich, and will consider the US stronger when he returns to Congress.

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Yes, exactly. That is why all those that Dennis mentioned - who are targeted, censored, jailed by the profit-driven billionaire ruling class - what they all have in common, is that they are critical of the zionist supremacist ideology of the billionaire ruling class and their century-long ruthless project to disposses, annihilate, terrorize, throw out, dehumanize and erase the local people in Palestine (their current AI-powered mass-slaughter child-abusing starvation campaign in Gaza is just one iteration of their century-long project and of their God-ignorant tribalist ethnocentric supremacist nazi-like ideology). See here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor

Being critical of the supremacist ideology and murderous criminality of the terrorist genocidal zionist state is completely unacceptable to the american NeoConservstive ruling class and their propaganda media (and slanted search engines and social medias that they own). See here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

That is exactly why the zionist billionaire ruling class employ this massive censorship and cancel campaign and viciously attack American freedom of speech, truth-tellers and protectors of human rights.

All those that Dennis mentioned as targeted, censored, csncelled and jailed, they all have this in common, criticism of the supremacist abusive terrorist genocidal zionist state. Such criticism is simply not allowed in USA today, because the american billionaire ruling class and israeli billionaire ruling class are literally fused into one. Their war machine is one and the same! Their geopolitical agenda is one and the same. Their militarized empire of financial capital is one and the same!!

PS. And by the way, please don't fall for the zionist lie that they must disposses and inflict their genocidal abuse on the local people in order to protect jews. I am jewish and the zionist ultra-wealthy class are deceiving you on that. They have complete contempt for ordinary jews and israelis, see here https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to and do everything in their power to keep humanity tribalisticslly divided and in a state of constant nationalistic fear, hatred and conflict. Why would they do that? See here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies and especially here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor?

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What i find so hard to swallow is that all republicans, democrats, their spokespeople show nothing but actual contempt for everyone. Is mind boggling. Blinken , aka tbs butcher of Gaza; John Kirby at “press” conferences so obnoxious and full of contempt. How do American citizens accept that? They don’t care about lying outrageously and finding out that the funding for UNRWA has been diverted. Of course he could not tell where and how do you even dare to ask that question. Even going further by saying i find yr question offensive. If it wasn’t such a dark world we are dealing with you’d laugh yr head off

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Downloaded. Will absolutely read after. To think that 8 months ago i lived this blissful ignorant life to all what was happening. Live in Western Australia and news is like yr local gazette. So not worth watching and the sun always shines. So could enjoy my retirement. Then 7/10. Knew nothing about the Palestinian struggle but man my gut was saying something really fishy is going on here. This is not right. Am used to timezone differences and it is near impossible or downright impossible to have all news everywhere same time saying exactly the same stuff. Just weird as so got looking for info and so woke up. Since then haven’t stopped. Now tbh never had any respect for US politics and the last war my home country was involved in was WWII. And again even at a young age resented the yanks coming at the end of the war and playing heroes. This is what they do best. Look at Biden pretending to do ceasefire talks. This is beyond ridiculous. But didn’t know anything about their illegal wars. It is the Americans that really need to wake up this time tho. No time to lose. Seriously, the whole government should be charged with treason and also war crimes. Same goes for Australia. People here are sleepwalking tbh. Big cities are better but Perth is like a country town. Sorry longwinded but want to know yr thoughts. I really feel that what we should be doing is to get a petition going to sign the pledge not to fight for yr country BS and this goes for any western country. If we have millions signing this may give EU countries a reality check as no matter what, they need bodies for their machinery. Aaron Bushnel made this point abundantly clear in my view. 2) need a concise 1 piece newsletter for letterdrop. Info of what is actually going on, how yr country is involved, arms contracts, uni involvement. Hit them where there tax dollars go to. Anything to wake them up.

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You, being in Australia, might enjoy reading another Australian, Caitlin Johnstone, and her writings on substack, if you haven't been doing so already.

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Well said. And that is exactly why I shared the links to the two profoundly wise essays above. They explain in great detail exactly how the ruling class operate and why they do what they do (including the things you mentioned in your comment). In my humble opinion, these fully-cited essays are a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand what is actually happening in our world and what is the driving force and logic behind the nonstop tribalistic divisions and conflicts.https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies as well as this profoundly important article that shows you exactly how the wealthy upper class maintain their control over us and why they treat the majoroty of humanity (the non upper class) like dirt https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor

We must wake up to how their schemes operate and see clearly how they manipulate us (through their professional narrative managers in their billionaire-owned propagamda media and through their slanted search engines and social media algorithms that enclose us in separate information bubbles). Only then we would be able to step out of the net they have woven for us and not react in the conditioned tribalistic way that they programmed us to react in. Once the majority of us see through their constructed narratives then the possibility of a new reality opens up. https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/revolutionary-movement-building-101?

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The dystopia the criminal United States government has been implementing the last hundred years at the behest of their corporate Puppet Masters is coming to light and there's nothing more dangerous than a cornered rat.

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I once cornered a rat. It wasn't that bad. He escaped by running between my legs.

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You once cornered a rat?.......Why?

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Haha my daughter in Sydney was sheltering in someone’s porch from heavy hailstorm and a rat was as well. Usually would have freaked out but was a moment of yeah fair enough lol

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Why not?

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Well, poor little Ratty might've thought he was your house mate

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He may have. I'll have to ask.

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There you see, dialogue and diplomacy, just what M. Kucinich is talking about.

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I do agree with that statement and their gaslighting of the last few months of China has accelerated a lot. We have to debunk that and tell those criminals China is not the terrorist. US and Israhell and EU are!! Dangerous times

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Crazy Scott Ritter's passport would be taken away in violation of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, based on a presumably secret order, with no oversight or obvious form of recourse. I sadly can't say I'm surprised at this point, but I don't remember such a thing happening to a US citizen in recent memory. All because they don't like his views and they're inconvenient for the present administration! The US has fast become just like all the authoritarian countries that are the designated enemies in the American demonology.

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Your last sentence says it all. The mother of all hypocrisies. I remember way back during the Iraq war - warmonger Senator Patty Murray of WA telling a group of people on TV that we had to be in Iraq because "they hate our freedoms". That's the best she could do for $175K a year with perks and benefits, be a George Bush sock puppet. Was she referring to the Patriot Act freedoms. the FISA freedoms? The woman is as dumb as a door nail and I regret that I voted for her when she first ran for office.

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No surprise the Biden regime mimics authoritarian governments. They’ve collected millions from them.

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This has been going on since at LEAST 9/11. I truly believe that the history books will mark that as the day this nation truly died.

It sparked the Patriot Act, which led to the bailouts and the Supreme Court ruling that classified businesses as people, which led to the legalization of propaganda being circulated by the US gov.

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I'd feared he was controlled opposition ONLY because he and every other expert never ever mentions or talks about all varying future possibilities - how is that even remotely possible?

How is it no one is going anywhere near predicting the plethora of scenario's? You can't read anything in this Country that isn't an opinion and or prediction. Think elections or the financial market. What about aviation disasters? Everyone has an opinion - yet when it comes to Russia all we hear is the same exact things - Ukraine (USA & NATO) are poking the bear. Same holds true with Israel. Over and over and over all we get are recaps. It appears Scott may be the real deal but here's where it gets a bit dubious - both he and Judge Napolitano were involved in sex scandals and yet not only survived but returned whereas others have been blacklisted for life. Think Matt Lauer. Even Charlie Rose. AN was allegedly involved in a scandal with men while SR was allegedly involved with underage children and is a convicted sex offender. So perhaps that's what this was all about - exposing (no pun intended) his past in order to discredit him?

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I suggest you do some research before asserting that Scott Ritter "was involved with underage children." Check what he was convicted of, what actually occurred, and who set him up.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

I knew nothing about his past until this unfolded. It said he was now a convicted sex offender. It involved an uncover cop posing as an underage adult and the internet. I won't describe what it alleged because it's inappropriate but do tell what you know. Not that I have ever been an advocate of the NYT but at least back then they were a tad more credible than today and this is what I read:


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This is such typical US MO. Slandering a person, setting him up and convicting a person. Look at Julian Assange and how they still are trying to get him extradited. Their mentality has always been the same as Israhell is displaying. US government should be charged with treason as well as war crimes. Look how the bullies react to the seeking of arrest warrants for Satanyahoo. All congress bar a couple for sanctioning the ICC. They have nor have they ever, any scruples and will commit murder, extortion, blackmail etc to force their way. Rotten to the absolute core. Same for FBI, CIA etc. US now fighting wars in Gaza, Lebanon, Russia, Syria, Yemen and now seeking China as well. Insanity. Total insanity. Americans cannot wait till elections. Those madmen will cause a total catastrophe to the world

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Greet, you raise excellent points. However, unlike Assange, Scott admitted what he did and that it was also wrong. This is actually a great discussion as there are myriad perspectives.

With regard to entrapment, Scott stated he knew the individual he was talking to was not a 15 year old, but still, he continued down that road. Why would you ever risk everythng? Why didn't he just stop, right there and then?

Secondly with regard to entrapment, how many thousands of sexual predators have been removed from society using these very techniques? Every single one of them has the ability to immediately end the conversation but doesn't. Isn't one of the very reasons because they are actually unable to control their sexual impulses and therefore might this also constitute as a threat to society if you can't control yourself?

For anyone who has children and or grandchildren I would think most agree and applaud law enforcement. Again, why didn't Scott immediately terminate the conversation? There is not a day I don't open my local newspaper to read they arrested yet another person with hundreds of photo's of young children on their computers. How else can you stop this? This is where they congregate.

I read an article in the Sunday NYT years and years ago - two full entire pages - that explained how the internet has enabled all these people. Now they get together on-line and truly believe because there are so many of them, there is absolutely nothing wrong with their behavior and it's society that just doesn't understand. Their excuse is, how could soooooooooo many people all be wrong? Sick isn't it?

As I said in my response to Chris above, there is no denying the US Government is one of, if not the the most, barbaric government's in the world. They have absolutely no regard for human life which is one of the many reasons why I have never nor will ever vote. The others being malfeasance, subterfuge, corruption and cronyism. I agree with what you say and hope if Putin goes nuclear, he starts with them first. I agree with everythng you said.

But in my personal opinion that does not excuse to what Scott himself admitted. If for nothing more, it's sad such an intelligent man throws it all away. The other side of this coin which no one has mentioned is how many other prominent individuals do the exact same thing? It's been rumored and supposedly even proven VP-C suffers from coprophilia. Look at Epstein and all those who're associated to him. I've always said politicians are akin to rapists, it's all about power and control. Maybe Scott felt he too would be protected because there is an air of arrogance to his defense. Again this is just my personal opinion, and nothing more.

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Do you want Ritter to babysit your kids, or advocate for peace? Human beings are imperfect. In other words, he could be right about foreign policy, and wrong about everything else. He could be a convicted murderer. That doesn't invalidate other things he does.

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I meant no malice Christopher - I just never understand why all these "experts" never discuss the myriad possibilities. I think we can all concur if Israel continues to attack Iran and others in the Middle East, Iran will eventually do the same to Israel. In return the US will get involved to defend Israel and attack Iran which will lead to Russia coming to the aid of Iran and then perhaps even China's involvement. That much seems to be crystal clear. So why do they never talk about how this will all pan out? I also don't understand why Ritter backed down so easily when they took his passport never asking for names but even worse demanding to see a warrant? These are just observations and nothing more.

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Chris, you ask, do you want him to babysit your kids and that would be a resounding no! It is not as though he denies anything. His reasoning is what upsets me the most. Claiming the war crimes are far more relevant and severe in addition to "depression" for me personally, doesn't bode well. I can think of many comparisons. If I'm drunk and hit someone with my car but don't kill them can I say, the person that was just as drunk as I was but killed someone, is far worse than my crime? Personally speaking I have always lived by the letter of the law and perhaps why this doesn't sit well with me. BTW there are many holes in the NYT article.

No one is denying that the US Government is one of the most heinous governments in the entire world - responsible for the killing, murdering and outright slaughter of millions of people not to mention the total destruction and annihilation of how many Countries. Precisely why I never have, nor ever will vote. I refuse to support and enable any of this.

Personally speaking I believe what Scott did was wrong, as he himself admitted. I found his excuses, to be just that. No one is above the law no matter how great their contribution to society.

The list of famous sexual deviant's is quite lengthy to say the least. Should we excuse all of them as well? Scott states he didn't hurt anyone. Can the same defense used for Woody Allen, Matt Lauer, Mark Halperin, Charlie Rose just to name a few, off the top of my head? Should they too be excused as I can think of no greater contributor to society than Charlie Rose, who for decades, educated all of us and exposed many, a lie. Is there any world leader this man has not met?

Chris, the beauty of Substack is that we all get to share our differing opinions with no malice nor disrespect of which of course I too mean neither.

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Although I’m probably more conservative than you, I have considered you an honest broker for years

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We're at a point where any political disagreements other than over issues of war, peace, and freedom are distractions.

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Same here.

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The Deep State’s Biden Administration and Democratic Party not only seek to keep all Biden presidential opponents off the ballot (think Jill Stein; Cornell West, PhD and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) or incarcerated (Think Donald J. Trump, obviously), but also are doing everything possible to make liberty and freedom of expression passé, as this article from the United States’ most decent, capable and honorable politician, former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich makes obvious. What a shame that he has abandoned his presidential aspirations. What he discloses should be an outrage to every decent American, regardless of past political affiliations and should raise serious doubts as to why the issue seems uninteresting to the corporate media.

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"are doing everything possible to make liberty and freedom of expression passé," Or maybe just making you think freedom is what they tell you it is.

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Last month Scott Ritter spoke of a June trip to Russia, visiting dozens of Russian cities, doing live on air goodwill introductions between Russian and American families. Is this what the Biden administration is afraid of? Or should I say the Blinken, Israeli administration? I doubt Biden is conducting any government business.

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Spot on. Biden is the puppet on the string. The guy had full blown dementia. Blinken is a true zionist and extremely dangerous. Trump is not an option. Would order shooting students in the legs for protesting. Who can vote for such a lunatic? He is also best friends with Satanyahoo. Jill Stein or Cornel West. Only ones anti-war. For US such a must. Don’t believe the propaganda that it is impossible for them to win. US have used their gaslighting forever. Vote with moral integrity. Republicans and democrats out (sanctioning ICC and even threatening them individually) is that what you as American stand for?

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Don't fall for the censorship/propagandha trap of the DNC and neo cons in this admin.

Yes, I oppose the zionists and Bobby's siding with the Israeli's but LISTEN to what he says not what cable news is telling you he said. He's won Hundrends of cases against corporate American and certain dept's of gov't. He knows who the players are in these govt agencies. His RECOVERING AMERICA film/podcast is superb on how to fix the drug epidemic in this country. He's a solution guy, integrity, intelligence, courageous. Many superb podcasts/interviews on youtube. NOW PROVEN CORRECT about Covid. He KNOWS SCIENCE.

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Excellent, Dennis, and so appalling this attack by Biden on our US Constitutional Rights. I still have my 2008 Kucinich for President button. What a saner America/ World, if you had won the nomination. Both Democrat/Republican Parties have caused so much harm, plus they’ve allowed Zionism to influence our government policies, our Constitutional Rights!

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I have my Kucinich hat and buttons. At the Maine Caucus, I was the only one of over 250 people who voted for him. This constant fracturing into small cliques is silly. We must stop daydreaming and realize that Trump is the only and last chance to avert war with Russia.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 5


SCOTT Ritter Interview today

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Who is John Ritter?

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My mother accidentally calls Scott Ritter that at times too. Apparently there used to be a John Ritter who was a pretty big actor on some TV sitcom briefly, so she says maybe that is why she mixes the names up. Maybe BJ is in a similar age group making the same mistake? Either way, I'm sure she'll be relieved to learn at least one other person messes his name up, too!

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That would have been the

80's sitcom Three's Company. He also appeared in many other shows, including an adaptation of Stephen King's IT

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Early in his career, John Ritter had a bit part in the eerie 1972 movie The Other (not to be confused with Nicole Kidman's 2001 movie, The Others).

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Thanks. I believe I've seen that, as I have rarely missed one of that genre beginning with "Revenge of Frankenstein" in the 50's (I took a hiatus in the 80's when the gory slasher movies hit the screens), but I'll check it out.

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I hope you like it.

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OMG thanks for the heads up and YES I too am OLD!

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Thank you for posting this important link.

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Dennis, Please work with Jill Stein since you both have very similar platforms. https://youtu.be/sWjWPhfflZQ?si=EK47HGG0tT0GdsFo

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Yup, definitely a Juntos Haremos Historia moment.

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Thank you Dennis that was a very much needed report ! And thank you to the person who gave a link to Ritter's TV interview which EVERYONE should watch as it discusses so much more than just what the State Dept did to Ritter!! I'm 90 years old and this is the absolutely scariest thing I've read and also listened to in my life. Our country has gone insane and has been insane for decades. I agree with the lady who said you should run for President Dennis; that is assuming we aren't all dead 4 years from now. Meanwhile, I hope you win the Ohio election.

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"Has Scott Ritter been under federal surveillance because of the exercise of his First Amendment rights?"


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Thanks for stating the case so succinctly, and powerfully. Freedom of expression is hated by tyrants and dictators and but loved by those seeking the truth.

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Thank you. Excellent, clear summary of the issues. Please run for President.

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Keep us informed; doesn't sound like anybody else is on this

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It is said: Truth Really Upsets Most People.

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Thanks for the article Dennis.

I have shared your link on our Substack.

A Skeptic War Reports


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