Generally I like this Dennis Kucinich piece. However I see some holes in it. One criticism is the continued use of Israeli figures of 1400 Israeli deaths on Oct 7. This is an exaggeration and lie. About 50% of those people were IDF soldiers, many of them women. They were not civilians. Further, it is questionable whether that many were even killed that day. I have read the number is about 700 including more than half being IDF. While all deaths bring grief, I cannot but hold Israel totally responsible for creating this mess. 75 yrs of Brutal and illegal Occupation! It is amazing that it took the Palestinians this long to react.

Other relevant facts not often mentioned, and not here either. Hamas broke thru Israel's barrier wall with the intent of kidnapping some soldiers for hostage for the few 1000 kidnapped Palestinians being held by Israel. The lack of strong IDF presence was a shock to Hamas as to the rest of the world.

Since Israel knew Hamas had an action in the works from Egyptian reports to Netanyahu and he did nothing, it leads me to believe Israel saw this as its 9-11; its False Flag to begin the genocidal assault they had been wanting for years. Israel even told the IDF to stand down for 6-10 hours to allow some mayhem/murder to occur as its excuse for its genocidal plans.

One other point is that Israel was committed to never allow for peace with Palestinians. Many of their leaders for years clearly stated this. I recall a video of Netanyahu in a fundamentalist home being asked about creation of 2 State solution. He stated emphatically "never" under his watch. And that is the official position of Israel.

One of the tactics was to create Hamas as a divisive force with the PLO to help ensure a Palestinian State would never be formed. In fact Israel funded Hamas.

People can call for peace and ceasefire now but where were they for 75 yrs when the Palestinians were removed, ethnic cleansing style as the US did with the Native Americans. They were calling for help. They were dying by the 1000's. Their children are so deformed and underdeveloped from the starvation, the trauma, the injuries. This is a slow death tactic; ie, genocide. The Palestinans tried all kinds of peaceful tactics but were always excluded and rebuffed. At some point violence is all that is left and it must be respected, as horrible a choice as it is. The images are finally getting thru to the comfortable Americans who live in safety with more food than they can eat. Now the fear of death brings calls for "let's be nice folks and stop killing children!"

Stop the support of Israel is needed. Stop funding this racist genocide. Get the US military out of the ME. 5000 military people are now in Israel i have read this week. Make the demands concrete. Stop supporting a goverment that is so vile--the US government I mean.

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The Americsn war profiteers are selling weapons to both sides. The hypocrisy is jaw-dropping.

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The hypocrisy is jaw dropping because this entire effort has been a giant war crime by Israel and by extension her donors and allies who have jumped in with her. Shameful. Disgusting, murderous actions, heartbreaking, unforgivable actions, including by my own country the U.S. of A. I have not stopped protesting. Even what the Nazi's did to Jews does not excuse this. Is Israel just competing on how low a nation can go?

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You got that right!!!!

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As long as the DEATH $ keeps flowing,,

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I agree with you about the repeating of exaggerated death numbers of Israelis. Many people

cannot get their mind to accept this Hamas attack was unstopped for many hours to create a false flag. It looks like Netanyahu sacrificed his own citizens to gain the sympathy and ire of the US and other allies. Netanyahu must find other government leaders weak and stupid and easy to manipulate.

I will never forget when Dennis Kucinich spoke of creating a Department of Peace. I would have voted for him 100 times over if it were legal.


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No one believed it - but it was true. The vast number of casualties on October 7th were caused by the IFD not Hamas


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This is why I remind people of the Abusive "family" that's been normal in the US for my entire life that wasn't taken seriously. When "parents" can abuse even kill their own children,, it's a symptom of a larger disease

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Very well put. You obviously have done your homework, read the history, and paid attention to what was actually occurring, rather than what someone said was occurring. You must be as frustrated with the ignorance and credulity of the general public as I.

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Astute. Persuasive.

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Excellent summary.Thanks.

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Shocking to hear the Israeli government would propagate something that's not true. That's so unlike them.

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A lot of the Israelis who died turn out to have been killed by the IDF, which shelled houses containing Israeli civilians and Palestinian gunmen to kill all occupants. One Israeli commander called in airstrikes onto his base, which killed some of his soldiers.

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{Stop the support of Israel is needed. Stop funding this racist genocide. Get the US military out of the ME. 5000 military people are now in Israel i have read this week. Make the demands concrete. Stop supporting a goverment that is so vile--the US government I mean.}


It sickens me to no end that campaign donation outweigh human life! Had to love Tulsi Gabbard when instead of saying she supports Israel 100% (so much for her no war stance) she just ripped into Hamas! There is no lower form of life than a politician! How do you possibly quantify accepting donations or money, how, so they can continue to circumvent and ignore everything? Ask every US politician why they support Israel? We all know it's all about the money!!

For years and years and years they bitch non-stop about anti-Semitism when it wasn't even remotely as severe as they claimed. Just like the blacks and every single thing is racism! But now? Good luck being a Jew anywhere! It akin to having a target on your back! This time they brought it on themselves! I don't care how many Jews do not support what Israel is doing right now! They certainly wield more power than we do!

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What a bunch of misinformation, propaganda and nonsense.

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Your outed yourself by using the word misinformation. Troll. Lol. I'm sure this tactic works well in other groups. You picked the wrong group. Unlike you, these people are smart and informed.

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You are the troll. 50% of victims were not IDF soldiers. Just one lie in this whole dumb comment of half-truths and victim blaming. This group is as dumb as a bag of rocks. Losers.

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I only wish that you were President. I know you tried...and I tried to help, too.

Expecting the US government, under the current duopoly, to act in any manner other than as a blind and obedient supplier of weapons and funds to Israel, is a waste of time. Given the fact that our ongoing support is illegal, as Israel has weapons of mass destruction, specifically nuclear weapons which they refuse to acknowledge and the U.S. knows the truth, but refuses to admit the facts that they know. Ask Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli scientist whistleblower, who has spent decades in one Israeli prison after another, for telling the truth. If our government is that corrupt, some thing new is needed. I only wish I knew what it might be. Keep on fighting, Dennis.

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Dennis Kucinich is one of the few political candidates to whom I ever sent donations, back when he was running for president.

I completely understand Dennish leaving the Kennedy campaign, based on RFK Jr's Israel/Palestine stance, and am proud of him for it.

RFK Jr's campaign is now being run by a CIA alumnus, oddly enough...

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I am wondering why he ever joined it in the first place ...

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Bobby Jr. was coming-around on several other issues, and seems sincere, intelligent, worldly-wise and articulate.

I keep suspecting he made an agreement with TPTB decades ago, to keep from "dying funny", like his dad, uncle and cousin did.

Supporting the Zionist project may be the deal.

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Jr. running to challenge the chosen DP candidate, and certainly running as an Independent, cannot have endeared him to those PTB, whether he supports the Zionist project or not .... and I wonder who is funding him ...

I wonder why Kucinich supported him initially - to poke the DP, that screwed him over, in the eye? And then why did K leave him - because of his stand on Israel or because he decided to run as an Ind - some things are not clear to me ...

K's major flaw, IMO, was/is? his loyalty/addiction? to the DP in spite of all it did to him ...

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it's incomprehenable what we and the world are witnessing in Gaza in Ukraine in Yeman in Lebanon in Iraq, along our border with mexico just to name a few places that immediately come to mind. We are complicit in all the above atrocities mentioned above. Trillions of our tax dollars spent killing people around the globe by our elected government officials sociopaths obsession to colonize the world.

These atrocities will come back to haunt us. The world is watching how we are treating them. Even here in the states people are beginning to see how deranged our elected leaders are. Blind to our needs here at home yet determined to commit genocide in our name with our tax dollars to those that don't listen to the sound of their war drums and comply to their jaded dream of world order in their name. we must put an end to this craziness. end them by hook or by crook or by your vote

**where are the makers of peace**

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Outstanding work. Thanks Dennis.

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All that invades my mind now as a Professor Emerita of cultural anthropologist (specializing in folkloristics and specializing in the oral history of the Arab world) is the latest tragic chapter in the Israeli occupation and persecution of the Palestinian people. From the beginning in 1947 when Palestinians witnessed their homes and villages reduced to rubble and citizens of over 100 villages massacred (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_and_villages_depopulated_during_the_1947%E2%80%931949_Palestine_war), Palestinians in the occupied territories of what was supposed to be the future Palestine mostly tried to resist loss of their livelihoods and their homes by the pen rather than the sword. I stand with JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace) in its powerful and well-reasoned resistance to zionism and their support for the rights of Palestinians.

Sabra Webber

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"It is time to reengage with our own humanity." Wish that more US citizens thought that way!

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Thanks Dennis for covering this while most of the West is ignoring this!

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Amen, Mr Kucinich.

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At last - some sanity!

Much gratitude to Dennis Kucinich!

We The People must find ways to take action against the sociopaths who hold power.

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Brilliant, crystal clear. Thank you.

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Speaks directly to the heart as always. Thank you Dennis. We love you.

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"Mr. Netanyahu has vowed to wipe out Hamas, which is estimated to have at least 40,000 members. If the ration of 50 -1 holds up, that is 50 Palestinians will die for every Hamas member killed -- then every single Palestinian in Gaza would be killed. This is not without possibility, perhaps the colonizers’ plan."

I do believe this has been the plan all along: Genocide of the Palestinian people, appropriation of all lands and natural resources held by the Palestinian peoples (both in Gaza and the West Bank), and more Israeli settlers living in the former homes of Palestinians.

Thank you, Dennis, for speaking out for those whose voices have been drown out in the mainstream media. Thank you for not remaining in the employ of a candidate who sympathizes with those who commit genocide against the Palestinians. (Have you thought of running in the Green Party 2024 primary yourself?)

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Love to all here, including DK. We appreciate your tireless truth telling .

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I hope you’ve talked to Bobby about this. A lot of people have dropped their support of him because of his extremely strong pro-Israel statements in interviews. It makes me sad. I would hope to see him come out with a more nuanced conversation about the situation. You could have him look at Gabor Mate’s interview with his daughter Hannah on his YouTube channel. He should really make a public statement unless he’s worried about political implications/those who would disagree with a reasonable stance. Thanks for the great work you do!

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Do you not think that Bobby would not be killed if he reversed positions on Israel? The steam roller of elite power is nearby.

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Would Biden or Harris be killed if they reversed positions? After all, their reversal wold be much more injurious to that elite power ...

Whatever happened to that ole "Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead" or "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

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If he became nuanced, he'd be lying.

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Very well said!

This guy also gives me ideas to consider.


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Yo! Who is that guy in the video?

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His name is Shahid Bolsen

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Shahid is Arabic for martyr

One thing that pains me as a progressive, whose been fighting for equality, diversity and human rights in America, is the number of stupid, absolutely stupid Americans that are allies and defenders of the most homophobic, misogynistic, patriarchal religion on earth. Neither Dennis, nor any bleeding heart leftist would survive if dropped into an Islamic ruled country . Gays are subject to be murdered, as justified by the Quran and haddiths, raped women would be considered adulteress,because their word in an Islamic court is not sufficient, she would have to have four men, who would be accomplices to testify in her behalf, and her sisters forced into submission, and wearing a hijab, or bee keeper suit

I am a student of Islam, have read and studied the Quran and haddiths to such an extent that an online Muslim antagonists called me a murtadd (an apostate) and apostasy in death is punishable by death, by anyone, ask Salman Rushdie.

Just because Dubya, waged a criminal war on Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't mean that stupid people who lack critical reasoning skills to become Islamophiles.

As regards Israel. Netanyahoo is a criminal, and I do believe that he knew something was brewing, he just did not know the extent and targets, like Dubya knew 9/11 was afoot, he just didn't know the targets, timing and extent of the damage.

And I blame the right wing Orthodox settlers, who are killing and dispossessing the Arabs, so they can built their communes. They need to be tried for their crimes, but are being protected by Netanyahoo's government.

Yet at the end of the day, there is no both sides argument. HAMAS (the name is an acronym) committed a barbaric war crime, up front and personal, murdering and burning alive babies, toddlers, the disabled and old folk.

Yes Gazans are dying, but they are collateral damage, and Israel warned them to get out of the way and HAMAS kept them in place. HAMAS uses it's people and hostages as human shields, and that is a dastardly war crime of the 1st Order, and stupid leftists go along without question, and accept the lies of HAMAS without question. The war is not a numbers game, but the criminal terrorist HAMAS, has made it one, and the vapid left has bought into it.

From the river to the sea is a a genocidal motto, it means that Jews will be terminated or flee to Europe and America, I could not believe that there was this virulent antisemitism in America and Europe, and in that they are in company with the tiki carrying NAZI MAGA right.

I like to think I am a progressive, but the presence of gullible, children (be they a college professor or a student wearing a checkered scarf, forces me to rethink.

I was a regular donor to Free Speech TV/Democracy Now, until I fiigured out that they were (in the name of so called peace) obliquely pro Putin, and now Pro terrorist.

HAMAS is not a Democracy, it is a theocracy (read the HAMAS Covenant if you dare

https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp. Israel is a democracy even has Arab and Muslim citizens who vote and have reps in the Knesset. Find a Muslim country that is a true democracy.

Totally fed up with the left, thankfully there is at least AOC.

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Me, too. I didn't know Israelis see him as the bad news he is and I got insight from this into how we are selling our souls. Kamala is ringing in my ears: "Israel without any question has a right to defend itself." Without any question? A pox on us.

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One of the things I liked about his comments was that it wasn't about taking sides. He wasn't pointing fingers. Rather, he was explaining what, in his view, are the longstanding underlying issues that have kept this violence going on for the past 75 years and what he thought needed to happen to make it possible for both sides to live in peace.....together.

Under the current situation; Israels ties to Europe and the US and PM Netanyahu it is not possible. But, if the changes he suggested were made, then maybe it could work. A lot to think about.

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It IS as gruesome or worse ... than your description, Dennis. It is a pitiful , horrible, thing that we are doing, .... in our support and re-arming of the Israelis, because there IS NO WAY OUT for these people, in the Gaza strip. I wonder IF we will all live through this disgusting time, or whether this will bring about the convergence of so many other nations, against the U.S., that it will become the same "hell on Earth", which the U.S. has inflicted upon SO MANY other sovereign Nations... as it has plundered everything from People to Natural resources... The U.S. historical record is full of inequity, struggle, slavery, economic subjugation of its own people (via the "Federal Reserve"... (a private banking cartel, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Federal government... but was merely NAMED "THE FEDERAL RESERVE", in order to make people believe that it IS a part of the Federal Government. ) It's about as Federal as FEDERAL EXPRESS ! ) lol This situation in Gaza MUST stop. I would even be willing to help start a movement towards a National Strike, to bring pressure upon Biden and Congress... to step down... and Have Publicly = Funded Elections (with no outside money allowed.) I have actually written this up so often, that I wrote up a permanent description of the system I envision, with all the details. Please let e know, if you'd like to look it over. Take care, Dennis, and thank you for this truthful and insightful writing. I definitely believe YOU would have made the best president, when you ran. I would have voted for you, and did organize a public event... to popularize your campaign. You ARE "The Man" !

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Here's the problem - there are a lot of good ideas floating around - what is needed is for someone to carry them into the electoral arena and for LOTS of folks to contribute to, work and vote for ,that person, regardless of his/her party affiliation or lack thereof ....

Sanders might have been that person, until, for whatever reason, he chose, and continues to choose, Party over Principle. K did that once, IMO, re M4A, when he was a D in the House - the question is, would he do it again now that he owes nothing to the DP - he is a good writer, a good speaker, a man of principle and well known - he has his platform here - how to convince him to run again free of the chains of the DP ....

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He won't run again.

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Yeah, I know - he has a most debilitating addiction - to the DP

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It’s not that, though I agree, he seems be severely-lacking , in that one quality, most needed , to control people….their susceptibility to being enticed, coerced, or bribed, with “campaign contributions. He’s NOT a “corporate guy” !! 😊👍🌈

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