you say nothing of the massacre in Gaza, or trump's feelings of "get it over with , Netanyahu" meaning to nuke them, so no, the Republicans also harbor war hawks.....we are allowing AIPAC, to rule us, it is a foreign agent and illegal, yet, because of the money they bring to American politicians, it thrives, and in fact, we say "Israel must defend itself" as it brings war, starvation and killing to the middle east......does anyone wonder why the Arabs hate us so? Vote thrid party.

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Lame answer, Mr Kucinich. You could have made a case that Trump's words (i.e. writing checks with a negative balance on his account) re the Ukraine is good enough in today's circumstances -- not to mention that the hopeless third parties' policies aren't much better than his. You could have argued that, tactically speaking, that crazy gamble is unfortunately our best chance today. You could have argued that, although he is a rabid Zionist puppet, Trump still is much more likely than any Democrat to stop the Zionazi exacerbation... there are indeed various arguments to be considered against the third party vote under our US dictatorship. Instead, you offer your own condemnation of the genocidal Zionist attack, which is not a response to Pat Kanzler's worry. It is not much of a condemnation either, as it peddles Zionist myths and forgets the imprescribable right of Palestinians to resist the invader by all means available, as stated in international law. Other than that, congratulations for finally giving up on the Democrat dictatorship. Better late than never.

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You do know, the government is watching along with Larry Fink...yea, just like PDiddy, Epstien & the rest.... if they can't dig shit up on you, they will come after us any way they can... God bless James Trafficant... and you also Dennis.. but you cannot play in this game, you will find yourself short and you know it... I love you to death, but if your still at the table, your no better than Kamala Trump.... oops no oops... I was there with you and Viggo... I went with Ron... he was no better.. there is no such thing as a peaceful revolution with Satan worshipers... Your were only polling 1%... I had to run somewhere... now I'm on a government watchlist weighing out my options... woods & obscurity.... maybe defect to Russia... I don't know how I'd even do that but I'm born n bred Ohio.... as was bloody bill Anderson.... but I'm not suicidal... this shit storm is about to hit at our feet...

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Thank you for excellent explanation of current US strategy in the Ukraine war. It is stupid, dangerous and damaging to the American people. I have been waiting for 2 years to hear your voice.

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From one Cleveland native to another, it's always nice to see your posts.

I hope folks are listening to you.

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I thank you for this clearly written essay! I am horrified by some of the comments and it just goes to show how much mainstream media has challenged actual thinking! We, the USA, stopped the peace agreement and yet some of these commenters say Russia is the aggressor?

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Thank you Dennis, You should run for president!

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He tried that and failed, thank God!

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I humbly ask that you endorse Stein/Ware campaign. You've been fighting within the DNC to very little out come. Now you're an Independent which means slowly your name and powerful voice will soon be lost to many. I admire the fact you left the RFKJ campaign when you finally realized he was a terrible candidate. There is an incredible momentum behind the Green Party, perhaps you should think about joining with a party that truly aligns with what you've faught for, for so long in the wrong party.

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Yes! Please endorse Dr. Jill Stein and Prof. Butch Ware. They are running on the same values you express--people over profit, planet over greed, peace over war. jillstein2024.com/platform

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Dammit Dennis, give 'em hell! Every word of your post should be enshrined in US foreign policy.

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"Red or blue, there are no winners in a war devouring our lives, our blood and our national wealth."

You've got this right, Dennis. Neither of the factions of the uniparty care about us or anyone else in the world. They're in it for the money they can get from the MIC and AIPAC.

Good luck on your campaign!

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Excellent piece Dennis !

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Wow. Just, wow! Wish every American would read this. Bravo.

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Dear Dennis Kucinich

Great article. I will publish (maybe as the lead) tomorrow on EarthNewspaper.com.

Chapter 9, Michael Yeats

You’re An Irish Poet

by Mark R. Elsis


Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis

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I am sharing your post in the hopes that more people can hear your voice of reason and help our nation come to its senses. Time is running out.

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As a European, an interesting read, thank you. Thank you also to the USA for coming to our rescue in WW2 - but apart from that, destabilizing countries around the Med with endless wars has given us millions of refugees, the arrival of whom in various Eurpoean countries is giving the far right every excuse to gain power. And if Putin is provoked to go nuclear, it will be my children and grandchildren in Berlin, London & Manchester who may well get vapourised.

I wish the "Peace through Strength" strategy had morphed into "Strength through Peace" long ago. Your decades of work trying to bring this about is admirable but has not worked because real power lies elsewhere with a bunch of psychos who are currently showing their true colours (just think of the one group/nation no politician ever dares to criticise -- and, as the old quote goes, they are the ones who rule over you).

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Listen to MIKE BENCE -

Never did anyone explain Covert Operations / 'deep state' / state craft / the empire of lies as well as Bence does.


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Love You Dennis - and War is evil/sucks but please stop comparing Ukrainians war for sovereignty and what was a corrupt but functioning Democracy (like USA) with occupier/aggressor Russia and our 20 year stupid dirty Oil Wars in the Middle East using Democracy as a cover that most people there were not desirous or ready for anyway. Most wars are based on a handful of men getting rich off he slaughter of innocents but once in a blue moon there are righteous wars for independence and freedoms like our own Revolution with Britain 248 years ago or against Fascists in WW2. Ukraine is a legit war for independence free of the evil iron fist of Putin the Russian Dictator crook and the US should support them until they are free.

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The idea that Ukraine is in any wise a democracy is a joke, and it is a puppet regime with less sovereignty than Zelenskii's family dog.

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Get a life you pathetic troll!

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Brilliant logic, there, Socrates.

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What is your understanding of the roots/history of Russia's invasion ?

You could go back to WWII, or talk about the end of the cold war, but here's some recent examples:

What the US Govt did to Ukraine is unforgivable:

The 2014 coup with the help of Nazis and CIA snipers, endless propaganda and lies, breaches of the Minsk accords, murder of 15,000+ ethnic Russians in Donbas, provoking war with Russia via NATO expansion with plans to station nuclear capable missiles 400km from Moscow, arrogantly ignoring Russias warning to back off, acting surprised when Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”, blowing up the NordStream pipelines in an act of international terrorism, unleashing thousands of sanctions against Russia to force “regime change” (unsuccessfully), bankrupting Ukraine with loans and by wrecking the Ukrainian economy, ripping off the US tax base and paying the Military Industrial Complex for sending old and ineffective arms stockpiles to Ukraine, causing millions of Ukrainians to flee to Europe, falsely promising Ukraine “unwavering support for as long as it takes”, preventing a peace agreement with Russia, causing 600,000+ Ukrainians to die in a US proxy war, losing 20% of Ukrainian territory and $10+ trillion of proven natural resources to Russia, controlling western mainstream media and lying to the world by falsely claiming that Ukraine is winning and that Russia is about to fold, using EU politicians as puppets who sold out and will never win re-election, de-industrialization of Europe and luring Gas dependent Industries with unfair subsidies to the US, costing EU taxpayers 120+ billion for funding a US proxy war and causing trillions in future economic losses for the EU, getting Germany to send tanks to kill Russians after the Soviets sacrificed 27 million people in WW2 to stop Adolf Hitler, getting Putin charged for war crimes by the western funded International Criminal Court and then backing an actual genocide by Israel against Palestinian civilians, blaming Ukraine for the failed counter-offensive instead of admitting that Pentagon war simulations are garbage, preventing diplomacy because peace and a neutral Ukraine would be a victory for Russia and destroying Biden’s re-election chances, laundering money via Ukraine to US and Ukrainian politicians, the list goes on and on

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Okay - but this antagonism goes further back to Holomdomor in the early 1930s - is why the young men in Ukraine were prepared to fight Russia this time - grandparents telling grandchildren horrific stories of starvation and slaughter because of Soviet Union’s (Russia) creepy dictator Stalin in the 1930s exploiting their nation and killing those who spoke out against them stealing all their crops to feed mother Russia. Military Industrial Complex is evil and they will have their day of judgement - but Ukraine is fighting their righteous war for sovereignty and Democracy with amazing courage and intelligence with limited resources against Putin the tyrant-a super power. They will win even with concessions and be free to join European Union and not have to deal with scumbag gangster Putin anymore. God Bless Ukraine!


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Sovereignty of Ukraine, lol. Look up how many people even spoke "Ukrainian" 20, 30 or 100 years ago, not to mention that modern language is unintelligible to the people who studied it then. It's three absolutely different regions packed by Soviets into one artificial country and today it's Russians fighting ex-Russians all the way. It's a Civil War, not an invasion, you moron.

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Thanks, Dennis, for remaining the voice for sanity and peace. I was a big supporter of your presidential runs.

I have friends who supported you and are now supporting the Democrat war machine in Palestine and Ukraine. This highlights a serious problem that you might address. The media is controlled by the military/industrial/government/Wall St./zionist complex and they keep repeating the pro war lies so many times that most former peace advocates are now war mongers.

You could help change this by ending the communication monopolies and energizing Jill Steinis recommendations for election reforms.

Peace, Brother, John

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