Dennis Kucinich, are you the one in RFK Jr's campaign who stopped RFK Jr from facing Max Blumenthal? Because he would look like a fool if he tried to defend the murderous apartheid-regime with Max there to correct him and show the voters that he doesn't know ANYTHING about Israel/Palestine, at least not correctly?
Why not let Max Blumenthal lift the veil from Bobby Jr's eyes and make him a humane human being, an anti-Zionist? Lots of Jewish people around the world, including those who leave Israel because of the overwhelmingly one-sided aggression and apartheid, would embrace that. I believe he would gain more votes than he'd lose in doing so.
RFK Jr; great on many things, horrible on Palestine.
I don't take this comment seriously at all. I would take it seriously if the writer would apply it to every other candidate or potential candidate from all parties. For instance, Biden is running the US proxy war in Ukraine against Russia where Zelensky states as his war aim to make Ukraine a "big Israel." There are people who are blaming RFK Jr. for every crime Israel has committed since it was first recognized by Truman. Plus Blumenthal, et al, expects RFK Jr. to destroy his candidacy before it has even gotten off the ground by poking this particular hornet's nest so as to drown out all other issues. This is nothing on Blumenthal's part other than his own virtue-signaling. Let RFK Jr. as president make peace with Russia and China and stop the Covid genocide. Then let him deal with Israel.
The other candidates haven't said that they WILL sit down with Max and then reneged on it. Through a campaign spokesperson, but all the same. Saying that 'sure, he'll do it, AFTER the primary' is firstly dishonest and secondly only shows that you KNOW he's an anti-Palestinian a-hole who doesn't want Max to show it to the voters.
There is nothing virtue signaling in what Max is doing regarding Palestine. Have you even heard him talk about it? Or read any of his many articles? Or books?
Max is so deeply engaged in the issue that his blood starts to boil when he talks about it, especially when responding to Zionist talking points.
YOU tell the hundreds of Palestinian parents whose children are under arrest, right now, that they will have to wait a little.
When it’s clear that Biden won’t be running for reelection (because of evidence corroborating the laptop that the CIA told us back in 2020 was a Russian op/“he’s too old”), which will happen no later than Halloween, the CIA selected Democratic candidate (I’m guessing Liz Cheney, who they’ve positioned via J6 as the best person to beat Trump) is going to enter the primary and RFK Jr is going to be brutally disposed of. He’s already been painted a racist, anti-Semitic anti-vaxxer, but it’s going to get much worse with the stories of his sex-addicted Epstein-Maxwell years and his ex-wife’s suicide, which the media could make people suspect was a murder (her fingers between her neck and the noose). The way the media will portray all of this will make President Pussygrabber look innocent by comparison. They will create RFK Jr, the predatory sexist, racist, anti-vaxxer and, presented a narrow choice by the CIA, brainwashed Democratic voters will happily choose Liz Cheney (or whoever else the CIA selects). It would be wise for Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich to get out of the campaign before they get caught having to claim he’s a changed man who deserves redemption. I’m not sure I believe what RFK Jr. told Whitney Webb, that he was never on the plane with Epstein/Maxwell without his wife and kids. Hopefully he wasn’t failing to mention that he was other places with them unchaperoned. Who knows what evidence the CIA has or could plant. We know what Allen Dulles did to Jack & Bobby with Marilyn Monroe. RFK could have been framed for her murder (Sam Giancana said the mob did it), but it was left a suicide. Who knows what they have planned for RFK Jr, but it’s going to be bad and it will taint everyone associated with him. The Kucinich’s should leave now while the getting’s good on principle because of RFK Jr’s right wing views on Israel, immigration and bitcoin. And they should make sure not to get caught up in the CIA’s coming alien psy-op. As long as there are defense contractors, “aliens” will be a Raytheon psyop.
You have a poor opinion of the US voters if you think Trump has any chance of winning in '24. He didn't win in '16, but for the EC. Clinton beat him handily by the popular vote while Trump got in just like Bush v Gore. Not exactly, but not the usual way. People may not "like" Biden, but enough despise Trump.
Mary, Mary... Are you done? Do you feel better now? Got that off your chest?
Anywho... I will try and not lower myself to your level in my reply.
I'm not American (thank... whatever put me here in Sweden instead) so English is not my mother tongue, but I think I can write somewhat legibly.
So of course I can't participate in the US' election process. However, since the US is a planetary hegemon with military bases all over the world, in more countries than any ordinary American can list or name, and since the US has a habit of starting wars of aggression all over the world with more or less transparent excuses/lies in order to maintain its grip over the world, I take an interest in US politics. It affects me. The Ukraine war is a good example.
I put the question here because I saw here, at the bottom of this post, that he is the campaign manager for RFK Jr. I don't remember registering before that Dennis was Bobby's campaign manager, but when I saw that I thought I might as well ask. I didn't think about looking up the campaign's web page and try and find someone to ask, it was a spur of the moment. And even if I had tried the campaign site route I doubt it would have resulted in anything. I don't really expect Dennis to answer my question, but I think it needs to be asked. Often, loudly and repeatedly. I REALLY care about the Palestinian people. And I didn't think the question would rile up people to the degree of your comment. Of course I understand that people on his Substack like him, but to react as if I had spat on baby Jesus... as if Dennis or JFK Jr can't be wrong on even one issue, that's creepy. Don't put people on pedestals.
Now, you can call me names and whatever (wow, you really love the word 'brat'), but you don't know me. Obviously.
I like Dennis, at least all that I've seen of him. It is most certainly less than you have seen, but it is more than the average Swede has seen; I doubt many Swedes have even heard of him or remember that they have. I think he has good positions in every issue I have heard him express an opinion on. That is why I follow him on Substack. I haven't heard him on the issue of Palestine, though.
The same goes for RFK Jr. but for the glaring, screaming exception of Palestine. On Palestine he has made extremely vile and incorrect statements. He was on an event with Shmuley Boteach this summer and said things like 'everybody [in Jenin] is involved in bomb making' and other stupidities, straight out of Zionists' worst Hasbara talking points. Characterizing what JFK Jr has said on Palestine as 'some sentence' not being 'perfectly crafted' is to diminish and obscure the incredibly noxious things he has said.
Now, the idea that JFK Jr is an anti-Semite is just ridiculous, and if anyone takes that seriously then that person has mental issues. I don't have to be an anti-Semite to say that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a corrupt-as-hell nutcase. I just need to have read the news the last decade and still remember it. ADL, well, they are propagators of Zionist Hasbara. AIPAC, DNC... jeez. In these people's/organizations' eyes you're an anti-Semite if you don't kiss Netanyahu's behind with enough passion.
Now, after having challenged the idiot Peter Hotez to a debate on Joe Rogan's show (after Hotez had said he'd like to come back, but of course never will) I find it quite hypocritical of JFK Jr to say to Jimmy Dore that he WOULD LOVE to talk to Max and then cancel it.
Your other subs on Substack imply that we may have more in common than you think. I didn't mean to p*ss on your hero, but you need to understand that even heroes have flaws and faults. I think Dennis was (or would have been) the best candidate in every presidential debate I have seen him in (or could imagine him in). Vote for RFK Jr all you want, but someone with his attitude towards Palestine and Palestinians shouldn't be made POTUS in my opinion. At least not while the US funds the apartheid regime to the tune of, what is it now, $4 Billion a year? And not while the US only asks "israel" to please not build so many settlements on the West Bank, where EVERY "israeli" settlement is a violation of international law.
Max has a very good understanding of what is going on in Palestine, and its history. Other good sources are Jeremy Hammond, Ilan Pappé, Gideon Levy. If any one of them could sit down with JFK Jr and make him take the right position on Palestine he might make a great president. But I'm not holding my breath. And if you don't want to read his articles anymore, or The Grayzone's, that is your loss. Either you are just straight up lying about your former 'admiration' of The Grayzone or you are not a very deep thinker. And you don't know sh*t about what the difference between you and I is. I don't know either, but at least I don't claim to know.
I started writing a reply to your (only one at the time) reply on my comment, but left it unfinished because I have a life outside of internet too. I picked up the following day, finished it and posted it. Then I saw your other rants.
That being said, I don't have time to argue with you on where you are correct (yes, on some points you are) and where you are wrong (and clearly lying (or you have some issue with remembering what you've seen accurately), which is obvious to anyone who actually goes and watches the videos concerned) and I don't even see a point in trying.
I saw that I can no longer see what subs you follow and you started following me, not manipulative at all. You are clearly unhinged. I hope you get better. Really, I do. I don't want to start blocking people.
The fear that Simulated Intelligence(I refuse to call it AI because it is just an illusion, a simulation.) will replace people is understandable and frightening, but actually based on nothing.
Let's start with the Teamsters. Self-driving cars collapse bigly every time that they are tried. They don't work and never will. Speaking as a programmer of industrial robots, SI will make some improvements in the way plants run and allow automation to do a few things that it won't do now. It is not a gamechanger, except in the sense of improving margins on some processes.
So, SI is not a threat to most of us. Anyone who has read machine written content knows that it is not a threat to good writers. And therein lies the problem. The obsession with ideology over consumer desired content is driving studios to lose billions a year and the writers and actors are just as much a part of it as the producers and directors. Make something that people want to watch and the scary robots will be no threat to you. Make soulless dreck and we will not come to your rescue.
Dennis, your “rights” end at the point they become “obligations” of others to provide them to you. For example, you have a right to a “secure retirement?” What does that mean? Do you have ANY responsibility to provide this?
I support workers rights and pray the writers/actors strike ends in a way satisfactory to both sides. Continuing to screw workers will result in the studio’s own “Bud Lite” moment, me thinks.
Thanks Dennis, an important message for Labor Day that all workers have to stand together. Is there any specific action you recommend that we can include when we share this piece? I know many people want to support but don’t know how.
About fair compensation. I paid $80 for the Dennis Kucinich Report expecting at the least two newsletters per month. Instead over 6 months I've received three. Can anyone sense how I would feel?
The first thing Bush did after the dust settled (quite literally) after 9/11 (another inside job) was to fly to L.A. for private discussions with Hollywood leaders. The reason was obvious: Hollywood has (always) led the propaganda machine in this country. Writers and actors have tried to operate in Hollywood, despite ridiculous amount of censorship and mechanization, since its inception. The American public has been swayed this way and that. The production heads and investors call the shots to a large degree. And now actors and writers are taking a stand because with AI in the works--and thus far stealing work to populate AI is legal--the issue at hand is not only the survival of individual writers and actors, but also the ability to inject human feeling and intelligence into the moving images that are used to convince us of this and that. The underlying issue is bigger than wages and retirement funds and royalties. If AI is allowed to control all intellectual property, none of us can truly believe anything that we do not experience with our own senses. If we are crowded into urban areas and 15-minute cities, we are complete chumps.
I don't think Hollywood has done a very good job injecting reality in its scripts. I actually have personal knowledge of how these scripts are hammered out and it is not pretty. There are some wonderful writers (and actors) out there, but there would be many more if the Hollywood system weren't so mechanized and controlled by regressive political views and big money. And it's been a long, long time that Hollywood has been used politically to the detriment of its most gifted writers and actors. You talk about valuing freedom of expression but if AI controls the whole game there will be no hope of freedom of expression in this country (and therefore most of the world since the US is attempting to control the whole game).
So whatever support and aid the general public can give writers and actors, they should. Your sense of reality is on the line. This extends into general media, which has already been destroyed. And now with the government controlling what can and cannot be said online, we're down to individual activist-citizens like Kucinich and others who maintain a substack. And, yes, I am very disappointed that Kucinich, who took such a brave stand in support of Palestinians so long ago, is supporting a candidate whom I was very supportive of...until the pro-Israeli lobby pushed him to come out on his stance re Israel and I watched him smear feces all over his own face. Bobby Kennedy knows NOTHING about the Middle East which is extremely troubling since that is a linchpin in the U.S. foreign policy and not only have they continued to actively tried to destroy various Middle Eastern countries but they are ramping up their efforts. Look at what they are doing in Syria right now. Read Vanessa Beeley's substack.
On the other hand, RFK Jr. has no hope of being on the ballot if he does not come out 100% behind Israe. And in my state NO candidate at any level has a chance of winning a primary election without the support of AIPAC and their PACs and billionaires from out-of-state.
There have been some little inroads. But only because an actually human being with a personal history with the subject matter had a tiny voice in the dark. With AI, you can forget that.
If the studios succeed in this effort, you may as well forget all this entertainment. It will ALL be AI-generated propaganda. Is that really what you want?
I was going to ask if they were on strike but I finally located the relevant paragraph in his essay: "Those 'someones' are members of the WGA and the SAG-AFTRA now on strike because they know that once they agree to scripts and images mostly produced by AI, they have agreed to the annihilation of their rights as workers, the total destruction of their union and the end of their careers."
Now on strike he said there. I wish there were a link to something we can donate to related to their strike or some info on what the writers want us to do.
You can refuse to use Hollywood's product. Streaming services, TV, etc. And write the studio heads that you are boycotting their products and why. The unions must have put out a statement how the public can support. The longer this goes on, the more public support the unions are getting. The studios had to get a new PR firm because their PR attempts have back-fired on them. If I find something, I'll post it here. They're going to start striking against gaming companies now. Put financial pressure on them. Stop using their products and let them know that you are boycotting and why.
Refusing to use their product without explaining clearly to them that this is what I am doing so that they understand it's not just a lack of demand is problematic.
If Hollywood thinks demand is simply less, and they don't connect it to resistance to their onerous treatment of their workers, they might more quickly move to AI to save money and lower costs.
I think petitioning them and doing something that they clearly understand is about them is important rather than have them just look at their own figures and see demand is dropping and then pushed for a move toward AI to save money even quicker.
I certainly am not going to be interested in any product written by AI. It's going to be dull and repetitious, not original. I won't pay for that anyway. I don't watch things that I don't think are very interesting. And it had to be high quality writing to interest me,
and you're not going to get high-quality from a plagiarizing, copycat robot that doesn't know anything except how to recombine past film story elements without the human spark of creativity and wisdom.
The outlook for AI achieving wisdom rather than scavenging abilities isn't looking bright anytime soon because it can't even yet process simple dictation properly.
Actually this is also related to the switch from employees with decent pay, benefits, etc. to gig workers. I'm in a gig industry now doing work which used to be done by employees. They are saving at least 50% in labor this way. It serves me well--I don't want to be a 9-5 on-site employee--but it pays crap in real terms. Adjusted for inflation my pay is a third of what it was in the 90's. ONE THIRD. And there's no job security. This is happening in many industries and it lowers everyone's wages. In fact, wages have been stagnant in real terms since 1977. In my case it's a mostly pink collar job and the savings are being applied to a mostly male work force--cops whose starting salaries are in the six figures.
Also happening in publishing. The actors are concerned about residuals and they used to be able to survive between jobs--it can be many months for lots of people--and writers of every ilk are really losing out financially. Royalties are not being paid. And contracts include paragraphs covering "technologies not yet invented". WTF? That was years ago when I was involved in one of the writers' unions. Writers are supposed to be paid a tiny royalty when their work is xeroxed for use in a university course but are they? Not me. Never. Not one penny. Amazon was selling my work without my knowledge. When I asked for royalties already earned, they said they couldn't calculate the number. I shut them down. These issues go across the board in the U.S. today. Talk to an adjunct prof in English lately? They make close to minimum wage and have no job security at all, despite the fact their courses are required for graduation from college no matter what your degree is in. No wonder the younger generations are functionally illiterate.
Here's one quote from Fran Drescher from an interivew in "The Intelligencer" with Kay Swisher:
Kara Swisher: What can fans do to support a strike? For example, should people not watch content? I went to the Barbie premiere last night in D.C. — it’s a fantastic movie, by the way. Greta Gerwig was there as a director, and people were asking me, “What do SAG and WGA want?” And I said, “I think they want you to still go to movies?” But how do you look at that? Should people start to boycott content?
Fran Drescher: I say think about where you’re spending your money and what companies you’re supporting. Become mindful. Because otherwise it’s very tough to win on behalf of the little guy. But eventually, that well is gonna run dry. They’re gonna run out of product.
Exactly. I'll try to get in touch with actors I knew in LA. I haven't lived there in several decades. I've found in the past couple years I pay very close attention to who writes movies because most of the movies coming out of Hollywood are such crap. Well-written screenplays really stand out. So I'll watch literally anything written by my favorite writers. I refuse to watch anything done by Hallmark. Not only is it pap, it's dangerously out of touch with reality. Forget stuff written for the 40 and under male crowd. I don't know if it's still true but the studios used to try to keep their stable of writers male ages 20-40. Morons. I'm really tired of the focus on crime and murder and mayhem. I follow mostly women writers. There's an amazing group of writers and actors who came out of the University of York back in the 80's or 90's. I'll watch ANYTHING by Sally Wainwright. I did discover a terrific young voice recently--Stephen Karam--a name to remember. He wrote "The Humans". Terrific writing. His father is of Lebanese extraction--not sure how much, his grandfather was born in Lebanon--and his mother is of Irish background. These writers stand out from the crowd either because they're so good or because their work is not re-written to death by a large roomful of people who don't know shit about story construction (or reality or human emotions of social complexity). I once transcribed the most godawful "creative development meeting" for Dreamworks for a film that took place in Myanmar (I think) with an anthropologist, the CIA, neanderthals, and aliens from outer space in four AND A HALF acts. It was disgusting. Actually, the military might have been involved, too. Can't have enough knee-jerk heroes, don't you know? And it ended up coming out right after another one with almost identical set-up so the two studios fought re copyright infringement. I would have been embarrassed to put my name to either project. I remember reading something months ago by Fran Drescher about what the public could do. An email campaign would be good. But the union would know who to write to in order to make it most effective. I don't think the studios would think lowered demand is NOT related to the strike. But point well-taken. I do think that X is probably a good place to effective change. I refuse to use anything connected to Musk but you might go there for more info on groups taking action, or stirring the slumbering proletariat (!) from its addiction-induced unconsciousness.
Appreciate your comments. It’s all connected. Kuchinich ought to be writing about AI and the crimes being committed to develop it. We agree that he isn’t speaking out enough.
I'm not going to criticize Kucinich. He's taken it on the chin over and over and over for speaking the truth. But the union busting isn't just about union benefits. Unless you are part of the Global elite who think they are going to benefit from killing as many of us as possible and pulling black hoods down over the heads of everyone who manages to survive their psychopathic actions, there is no reason NOT to support the strikes. I think Hollywood has contributed greatly to the misogyny, violence, and glorification of serious personality disorders but writers and actors need to be defended. If you can't do that, you're going to have to read books (and let's hope people are not throwing them away as well), and I know a lot of Americans don't like to read. Some apparently can't. They're so used to crouching over their idiot phones and their brains need complete re-training in order for them to be able to read for an hour or two. Otherwise, Hollywood with AI is just going to feed you junk food. And you'll have to sit in a silent room and think and feel for yourselves. OMG. Not sure this neurotically extraverted society can handle that.
I am — or was — a newspaper writer for a living. I have great appreciation for great writing on screen and on page. Appreciate your passion. I am a targeted individual subjected to tech that Rep. Kuchinich tried to prohibit from being used in way it is to harm. For TIs this is no small thing that he did this. There are no champions fighting to halt depraved experimentation with psychotronic weapons. We wish he would speak up to halt.
Psychotronic? You mean DEW? Microwave? Cell tower? I just spent hours reading up on the surveillance tech they've been using for awhile. Are you talking about this:
I stumbled on this website in trying to find info on MK-ULTRA because I grew up surrounded by CIA and know some actors--stumbled on that through Trans ideology and Tavistock. The more you learn the more disgusting it becomes. Tell me more about what Kucinich did on this subject, please. They're really pushing 5G all over and it makes no sense. Also trying to put cell towers everywhere. The cell towers do not reach me. Yet. Of course, a lot of these attacks are done via satellite. I don't see or hear too many drones around here but I know there are plenty. And planes which usually fly in overcast skies so you can't see them.
Lahaina has brought this to the fore for me. I have an EMF meter and pay close attention to news stories about special AI grants to local universities, Google database complexes, and of course in the cities the number of 5G antennas is shocking. My EMF meter goes everywhere with me. Lately I've been feeling little electric shocks on my skin. I am not vaccinated--but apparently graphene oxide is part of the tech. Of course, chemtrails are full of many metals so no one is immune unless they never go out. Or breathe! And the vaccinated are shedding spike proteins and probably heavy metals.
I grew up in a police state that was basically run by the CIA so nothing really surprises me, unfortunately. But as a kid I did not know how bad it really was. It wasn't just CIA. Lots of different countries' intelligence services were present. I don't know what the KGB was doing besides their fake American radio broadcasts but they didn't mess around like the CIA did. They were a block and a half from my house.
Anyone interested should check out What kind of attacks have you had? Is it still on-going? Can you create an income stream via substack? It's not a good time to be in journalism. You have to think outside the box. And tighten your belt.
Dennis, I have followed you for years, especially as a professor at Case School of Medicine, and learned much from what you have faced in the corrupted corporate Democratic Party to which you still remain a part. Please consider meeting with Jill Stein at this point to seriously pursue the possibility of a Green Party ticket with RFK jr. presidential and Cornel West VP and you and Jill as campaign managers. THIS is the winning ticket that could take back our country NOW!
Excellent article by a guy who would be president if I could decide.
When people tell me they can't cross the "red line" that is RFK's support for apartheid Israel, I tell them all our presidents have done that and remind them of all the other policies RFK stands for that none of the other people running support. That isn't enough to persuade them. I want him for president, but he MUST learn the truth about Israel. THEN he will become president. Thanks, DK, for all your goodness throughout the years. Rob
Dennis, I was a huge supporter of your presidential campaign and helped drive you from Ojai to Santa Barbara. I was a huge supporter of Kennedy until he went off the rails in his unconditional and enthusiastic support of Israel while insulting Palestinians. I tried communicating with you in other ways but I assume you read these posts so this is where we discuss Palestine/Israel.
I know you practice love yoga every day and I know that you've cared for Palestinian justice in the past so you need to hear me when I say that all your good work is diminished by supporting someone who blatantly lies about Palestine and Israel. How can you sleep with yourself knowing that Kennedy is supporting a war criminal state that is imprisoning one million children in Gaza without adequate food and clean water?
Maybe you can educate Kennedy or switch allegiance to Cornel West who will honor Palestinian justice. In case you or readers are not clear about the lies Kennedy told, here is a partial list of Kennedy's lies with Max Blumenthal providing the truth.
I get scolded a lot for my misspelling. My fingers don't walk over the key pad very accurately and I think we all suffer from proofreading deficit syndrome. We always be in a hurry to get our thoughts, frustrations angst out into the ether scanning our thoughts too quickly before tapping _SEND_
So many of these comments read much like the cognitively bewildered followers of MAGA -- simply far out. Dennis has almost always been on the right side of issues and stood up bravely. Frankly, defending Israel and supporting Unions seem to belong to different discussions and RFK, Jr. is very strange about preventitive medicine.
What a perfectly appropriate simile Invasion of the Bodysnatchers is for the obscene levels of union-bashing in the USA generally and most keenly in Hollywood. In the 20s and 39s, my late father worked for the majors and was elected head of COMPS, a putative attempt to organise a union of sales, marketing and distributors that led to censorship, blackballing and blacking out of all those involved. My father moved smoothly into new contracts with Korda and Eagle Lion and distributed British and foreign films. Were he alive today, he definitely would have been on the picket lines with WGA, SAG and AFTRA. Bravo for Dennis Kucinich for championing such a worthy cause in such rich and eloquent terms!
I supported Dennis when he ran for President and donated to his campaign, whenever that was. RFK is a hard-right Israel apologist who also believes that vaccines cause autism (they don't and never did).
The Ludlow Massacre: A Tragic Reminder of How All-American Greed Took Innocent Lives
When Workers Fought Back for this Labor Day
September 4
Here in the good ol’ USofA, any gains made by people outside of the original owners of “liberty:” what I have called WaMPOs (White, Male, Property Owners) have had to be secured with IMMENSE sacrifice: From the anti-slavery movement, to the women’s suffragette movement, to the labor movement, etc. The WaMPOS still won’t give up a penny of profit to honor basic human rights. One such glaring crime against humanity happened in 1913 in Ludlow, CO when miners had the “temerity” to demand better wages and working conditions. The Ludlow tent site was a small outpost of the Colorado Coalfield Wars. One robber baron, especially, the notorious John D. Rockerfeller was not having any of that.
It's been over a century since the deadly Ludlow Massacre took place, but its shocking events continue to haunt us to this day. The massacre was one of the most vicious and tragic incidents in American history, during which innocent men, women, and children were violently killed for the simple act of demanding better working conditions and rights.
Dennis Kucinich, are you the one in RFK Jr's campaign who stopped RFK Jr from facing Max Blumenthal? Because he would look like a fool if he tried to defend the murderous apartheid-regime with Max there to correct him and show the voters that he doesn't know ANYTHING about Israel/Palestine, at least not correctly?
Why not let Max Blumenthal lift the veil from Bobby Jr's eyes and make him a humane human being, an anti-Zionist? Lots of Jewish people around the world, including those who leave Israel because of the overwhelmingly one-sided aggression and apartheid, would embrace that. I believe he would gain more votes than he'd lose in doing so.
RFK Jr; great on many things, horrible on Palestine.
I don't take this comment seriously at all. I would take it seriously if the writer would apply it to every other candidate or potential candidate from all parties. For instance, Biden is running the US proxy war in Ukraine against Russia where Zelensky states as his war aim to make Ukraine a "big Israel." There are people who are blaming RFK Jr. for every crime Israel has committed since it was first recognized by Truman. Plus Blumenthal, et al, expects RFK Jr. to destroy his candidacy before it has even gotten off the ground by poking this particular hornet's nest so as to drown out all other issues. This is nothing on Blumenthal's part other than his own virtue-signaling. Let RFK Jr. as president make peace with Russia and China and stop the Covid genocide. Then let him deal with Israel.
I couldn't care less what you take seriously.
The other candidates haven't said that they WILL sit down with Max and then reneged on it. Through a campaign spokesperson, but all the same. Saying that 'sure, he'll do it, AFTER the primary' is firstly dishonest and secondly only shows that you KNOW he's an anti-Palestinian a-hole who doesn't want Max to show it to the voters.
There is nothing virtue signaling in what Max is doing regarding Palestine. Have you even heard him talk about it? Or read any of his many articles? Or books?
Max is so deeply engaged in the issue that his blood starts to boil when he talks about it, especially when responding to Zionist talking points.
YOU tell the hundreds of Palestinian parents whose children are under arrest, right now, that they will have to wait a little.
"I couldn't care less what you take seriously."
Good for you--I guess--but Richard wasn't addressing you.
Anti-Zionism has nothing to do with anti-semitism.
I know and I agree, and so do a huge number of Jewish people.
As many rabbis say, Zionism is diametrically opposed to Judaism.
Rabbis must have worse inthesystemitis than most.
When it’s clear that Biden won’t be running for reelection (because of evidence corroborating the laptop that the CIA told us back in 2020 was a Russian op/“he’s too old”), which will happen no later than Halloween, the CIA selected Democratic candidate (I’m guessing Liz Cheney, who they’ve positioned via J6 as the best person to beat Trump) is going to enter the primary and RFK Jr is going to be brutally disposed of. He’s already been painted a racist, anti-Semitic anti-vaxxer, but it’s going to get much worse with the stories of his sex-addicted Epstein-Maxwell years and his ex-wife’s suicide, which the media could make people suspect was a murder (her fingers between her neck and the noose). The way the media will portray all of this will make President Pussygrabber look innocent by comparison. They will create RFK Jr, the predatory sexist, racist, anti-vaxxer and, presented a narrow choice by the CIA, brainwashed Democratic voters will happily choose Liz Cheney (or whoever else the CIA selects). It would be wise for Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich to get out of the campaign before they get caught having to claim he’s a changed man who deserves redemption. I’m not sure I believe what RFK Jr. told Whitney Webb, that he was never on the plane with Epstein/Maxwell without his wife and kids. Hopefully he wasn’t failing to mention that he was other places with them unchaperoned. Who knows what evidence the CIA has or could plant. We know what Allen Dulles did to Jack & Bobby with Marilyn Monroe. RFK could have been framed for her murder (Sam Giancana said the mob did it), but it was left a suicide. Who knows what they have planned for RFK Jr, but it’s going to be bad and it will taint everyone associated with him. The Kucinich’s should leave now while the getting’s good on principle because of RFK Jr’s right wing views on Israel, immigration and bitcoin. And they should make sure not to get caught up in the CIA’s coming alien psy-op. As long as there are defense contractors, “aliens” will be a Raytheon psyop.
I think Gavin Newsom, but otherwise I think you may have a point. Or several.
You have a poor opinion of the US voters if you think Trump has any chance of winning in '24. He didn't win in '16, but for the EC. Clinton beat him handily by the popular vote while Trump got in just like Bush v Gore. Not exactly, but not the usual way. People may not "like" Biden, but enough despise Trump.
Mary, Mary... Are you done? Do you feel better now? Got that off your chest?
Anywho... I will try and not lower myself to your level in my reply.
I'm not American (thank... whatever put me here in Sweden instead) so English is not my mother tongue, but I think I can write somewhat legibly.
So of course I can't participate in the US' election process. However, since the US is a planetary hegemon with military bases all over the world, in more countries than any ordinary American can list or name, and since the US has a habit of starting wars of aggression all over the world with more or less transparent excuses/lies in order to maintain its grip over the world, I take an interest in US politics. It affects me. The Ukraine war is a good example.
I put the question here because I saw here, at the bottom of this post, that he is the campaign manager for RFK Jr. I don't remember registering before that Dennis was Bobby's campaign manager, but when I saw that I thought I might as well ask. I didn't think about looking up the campaign's web page and try and find someone to ask, it was a spur of the moment. And even if I had tried the campaign site route I doubt it would have resulted in anything. I don't really expect Dennis to answer my question, but I think it needs to be asked. Often, loudly and repeatedly. I REALLY care about the Palestinian people. And I didn't think the question would rile up people to the degree of your comment. Of course I understand that people on his Substack like him, but to react as if I had spat on baby Jesus... as if Dennis or JFK Jr can't be wrong on even one issue, that's creepy. Don't put people on pedestals.
Now, you can call me names and whatever (wow, you really love the word 'brat'), but you don't know me. Obviously.
I like Dennis, at least all that I've seen of him. It is most certainly less than you have seen, but it is more than the average Swede has seen; I doubt many Swedes have even heard of him or remember that they have. I think he has good positions in every issue I have heard him express an opinion on. That is why I follow him on Substack. I haven't heard him on the issue of Palestine, though.
The same goes for RFK Jr. but for the glaring, screaming exception of Palestine. On Palestine he has made extremely vile and incorrect statements. He was on an event with Shmuley Boteach this summer and said things like 'everybody [in Jenin] is involved in bomb making' and other stupidities, straight out of Zionists' worst Hasbara talking points. Characterizing what JFK Jr has said on Palestine as 'some sentence' not being 'perfectly crafted' is to diminish and obscure the incredibly noxious things he has said.
Now, the idea that JFK Jr is an anti-Semite is just ridiculous, and if anyone takes that seriously then that person has mental issues. I don't have to be an anti-Semite to say that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a corrupt-as-hell nutcase. I just need to have read the news the last decade and still remember it. ADL, well, they are propagators of Zionist Hasbara. AIPAC, DNC... jeez. In these people's/organizations' eyes you're an anti-Semite if you don't kiss Netanyahu's behind with enough passion.
Now, after having challenged the idiot Peter Hotez to a debate on Joe Rogan's show (after Hotez had said he'd like to come back, but of course never will) I find it quite hypocritical of JFK Jr to say to Jimmy Dore that he WOULD LOVE to talk to Max and then cancel it.
Your other subs on Substack imply that we may have more in common than you think. I didn't mean to p*ss on your hero, but you need to understand that even heroes have flaws and faults. I think Dennis was (or would have been) the best candidate in every presidential debate I have seen him in (or could imagine him in). Vote for RFK Jr all you want, but someone with his attitude towards Palestine and Palestinians shouldn't be made POTUS in my opinion. At least not while the US funds the apartheid regime to the tune of, what is it now, $4 Billion a year? And not while the US only asks "israel" to please not build so many settlements on the West Bank, where EVERY "israeli" settlement is a violation of international law.
Max has a very good understanding of what is going on in Palestine, and its history. Other good sources are Jeremy Hammond, Ilan Pappé, Gideon Levy. If any one of them could sit down with JFK Jr and make him take the right position on Palestine he might make a great president. But I'm not holding my breath. And if you don't want to read his articles anymore, or The Grayzone's, that is your loss. Either you are just straight up lying about your former 'admiration' of The Grayzone or you are not a very deep thinker. And you don't know sh*t about what the difference between you and I is. I don't know either, but at least I don't claim to know.
I started writing a reply to your (only one at the time) reply on my comment, but left it unfinished because I have a life outside of internet too. I picked up the following day, finished it and posted it. Then I saw your other rants.
That being said, I don't have time to argue with you on where you are correct (yes, on some points you are) and where you are wrong (and clearly lying (or you have some issue with remembering what you've seen accurately), which is obvious to anyone who actually goes and watches the videos concerned) and I don't even see a point in trying.
I saw that I can no longer see what subs you follow and you started following me, not manipulative at all. You are clearly unhinged. I hope you get better. Really, I do. I don't want to start blocking people.
Bye now.
Dennis Kucinich
All the good you have done is undone with your attachment to RFK jr and his deadly stance on the Palestinian State.
The fear that Simulated Intelligence(I refuse to call it AI because it is just an illusion, a simulation.) will replace people is understandable and frightening, but actually based on nothing.
Let's start with the Teamsters. Self-driving cars collapse bigly every time that they are tried. They don't work and never will. Speaking as a programmer of industrial robots, SI will make some improvements in the way plants run and allow automation to do a few things that it won't do now. It is not a gamechanger, except in the sense of improving margins on some processes.
So, SI is not a threat to most of us. Anyone who has read machine written content knows that it is not a threat to good writers. And therein lies the problem. The obsession with ideology over consumer desired content is driving studios to lose billions a year and the writers and actors are just as much a part of it as the producers and directors. Make something that people want to watch and the scary robots will be no threat to you. Make soulless dreck and we will not come to your rescue.
How dare you address the subject at hand. I'm shocked to read somebody actually reply to Kucinich about what he was talking about
I apologize. Sometimes I forget myself and write something on topic. UFO something something. Is that better? lol
Dennis, your “rights” end at the point they become “obligations” of others to provide them to you. For example, you have a right to a “secure retirement?” What does that mean? Do you have ANY responsibility to provide this?
I support workers rights and pray the writers/actors strike ends in a way satisfactory to both sides. Continuing to screw workers will result in the studio’s own “Bud Lite” moment, me thinks.
Secure retirements aren't addressed in the Constitution.
Bud Lite made its own bed and it isn't tied into it.
Thanks Dennis, an important message for Labor Day that all workers have to stand together. Is there any specific action you recommend that we can include when we share this piece? I know many people want to support but don’t know how.
maybe we can go find a link to their strike? Wish he had posted a relevant link for us to go to
About fair compensation. I paid $80 for the Dennis Kucinich Report expecting at the least two newsletters per month. Instead over 6 months I've received three. Can anyone sense how I would feel?
Of all the things he could speak out about — Ukraine, FBI, FISA abuses, transhumanism, Covid abuses — it’s extremely disconcerting he chooses this.
The first thing Bush did after the dust settled (quite literally) after 9/11 (another inside job) was to fly to L.A. for private discussions with Hollywood leaders. The reason was obvious: Hollywood has (always) led the propaganda machine in this country. Writers and actors have tried to operate in Hollywood, despite ridiculous amount of censorship and mechanization, since its inception. The American public has been swayed this way and that. The production heads and investors call the shots to a large degree. And now actors and writers are taking a stand because with AI in the works--and thus far stealing work to populate AI is legal--the issue at hand is not only the survival of individual writers and actors, but also the ability to inject human feeling and intelligence into the moving images that are used to convince us of this and that. The underlying issue is bigger than wages and retirement funds and royalties. If AI is allowed to control all intellectual property, none of us can truly believe anything that we do not experience with our own senses. If we are crowded into urban areas and 15-minute cities, we are complete chumps.
I don't think Hollywood has done a very good job injecting reality in its scripts. I actually have personal knowledge of how these scripts are hammered out and it is not pretty. There are some wonderful writers (and actors) out there, but there would be many more if the Hollywood system weren't so mechanized and controlled by regressive political views and big money. And it's been a long, long time that Hollywood has been used politically to the detriment of its most gifted writers and actors. You talk about valuing freedom of expression but if AI controls the whole game there will be no hope of freedom of expression in this country (and therefore most of the world since the US is attempting to control the whole game).
So whatever support and aid the general public can give writers and actors, they should. Your sense of reality is on the line. This extends into general media, which has already been destroyed. And now with the government controlling what can and cannot be said online, we're down to individual activist-citizens like Kucinich and others who maintain a substack. And, yes, I am very disappointed that Kucinich, who took such a brave stand in support of Palestinians so long ago, is supporting a candidate whom I was very supportive of...until the pro-Israeli lobby pushed him to come out on his stance re Israel and I watched him smear feces all over his own face. Bobby Kennedy knows NOTHING about the Middle East which is extremely troubling since that is a linchpin in the U.S. foreign policy and not only have they continued to actively tried to destroy various Middle Eastern countries but they are ramping up their efforts. Look at what they are doing in Syria right now. Read Vanessa Beeley's substack.
On the other hand, RFK Jr. has no hope of being on the ballot if he does not come out 100% behind Israe. And in my state NO candidate at any level has a chance of winning a primary election without the support of AIPAC and their PACs and billionaires from out-of-state.
There have been some little inroads. But only because an actually human being with a personal history with the subject matter had a tiny voice in the dark. With AI, you can forget that.
If the studios succeed in this effort, you may as well forget all this entertainment. It will ALL be AI-generated propaganda. Is that really what you want?
I was going to ask if they were on strike but I finally located the relevant paragraph in his essay: "Those 'someones' are members of the WGA and the SAG-AFTRA now on strike because they know that once they agree to scripts and images mostly produced by AI, they have agreed to the annihilation of their rights as workers, the total destruction of their union and the end of their careers."
Now on strike he said there. I wish there were a link to something we can donate to related to their strike or some info on what the writers want us to do.
You can refuse to use Hollywood's product. Streaming services, TV, etc. And write the studio heads that you are boycotting their products and why. The unions must have put out a statement how the public can support. The longer this goes on, the more public support the unions are getting. The studios had to get a new PR firm because their PR attempts have back-fired on them. If I find something, I'll post it here. They're going to start striking against gaming companies now. Put financial pressure on them. Stop using their products and let them know that you are boycotting and why.
Refusing to use their product without explaining clearly to them that this is what I am doing so that they understand it's not just a lack of demand is problematic.
If Hollywood thinks demand is simply less, and they don't connect it to resistance to their onerous treatment of their workers, they might more quickly move to AI to save money and lower costs.
I think petitioning them and doing something that they clearly understand is about them is important rather than have them just look at their own figures and see demand is dropping and then pushed for a move toward AI to save money even quicker.
I certainly am not going to be interested in any product written by AI. It's going to be dull and repetitious, not original. I won't pay for that anyway. I don't watch things that I don't think are very interesting. And it had to be high quality writing to interest me,
and you're not going to get high-quality from a plagiarizing, copycat robot that doesn't know anything except how to recombine past film story elements without the human spark of creativity and wisdom.
The outlook for AI achieving wisdom rather than scavenging abilities isn't looking bright anytime soon because it can't even yet process simple dictation properly.
Actually this is also related to the switch from employees with decent pay, benefits, etc. to gig workers. I'm in a gig industry now doing work which used to be done by employees. They are saving at least 50% in labor this way. It serves me well--I don't want to be a 9-5 on-site employee--but it pays crap in real terms. Adjusted for inflation my pay is a third of what it was in the 90's. ONE THIRD. And there's no job security. This is happening in many industries and it lowers everyone's wages. In fact, wages have been stagnant in real terms since 1977. In my case it's a mostly pink collar job and the savings are being applied to a mostly male work force--cops whose starting salaries are in the six figures.
Also happening in publishing. The actors are concerned about residuals and they used to be able to survive between jobs--it can be many months for lots of people--and writers of every ilk are really losing out financially. Royalties are not being paid. And contracts include paragraphs covering "technologies not yet invented". WTF? That was years ago when I was involved in one of the writers' unions. Writers are supposed to be paid a tiny royalty when their work is xeroxed for use in a university course but are they? Not me. Never. Not one penny. Amazon was selling my work without my knowledge. When I asked for royalties already earned, they said they couldn't calculate the number. I shut them down. These issues go across the board in the U.S. today. Talk to an adjunct prof in English lately? They make close to minimum wage and have no job security at all, despite the fact their courses are required for graduation from college no matter what your degree is in. No wonder the younger generations are functionally illiterate.
Here's one quote from Fran Drescher from an interivew in "The Intelligencer" with Kay Swisher:
Kara Swisher: What can fans do to support a strike? For example, should people not watch content? I went to the Barbie premiere last night in D.C. — it’s a fantastic movie, by the way. Greta Gerwig was there as a director, and people were asking me, “What do SAG and WGA want?” And I said, “I think they want you to still go to movies?” But how do you look at that? Should people start to boycott content?
Fran Drescher: I say think about where you’re spending your money and what companies you’re supporting. Become mindful. Because otherwise it’s very tough to win on behalf of the little guy. But eventually, that well is gonna run dry. They’re gonna run out of product.
Exactly. I'll try to get in touch with actors I knew in LA. I haven't lived there in several decades. I've found in the past couple years I pay very close attention to who writes movies because most of the movies coming out of Hollywood are such crap. Well-written screenplays really stand out. So I'll watch literally anything written by my favorite writers. I refuse to watch anything done by Hallmark. Not only is it pap, it's dangerously out of touch with reality. Forget stuff written for the 40 and under male crowd. I don't know if it's still true but the studios used to try to keep their stable of writers male ages 20-40. Morons. I'm really tired of the focus on crime and murder and mayhem. I follow mostly women writers. There's an amazing group of writers and actors who came out of the University of York back in the 80's or 90's. I'll watch ANYTHING by Sally Wainwright. I did discover a terrific young voice recently--Stephen Karam--a name to remember. He wrote "The Humans". Terrific writing. His father is of Lebanese extraction--not sure how much, his grandfather was born in Lebanon--and his mother is of Irish background. These writers stand out from the crowd either because they're so good or because their work is not re-written to death by a large roomful of people who don't know shit about story construction (or reality or human emotions of social complexity). I once transcribed the most godawful "creative development meeting" for Dreamworks for a film that took place in Myanmar (I think) with an anthropologist, the CIA, neanderthals, and aliens from outer space in four AND A HALF acts. It was disgusting. Actually, the military might have been involved, too. Can't have enough knee-jerk heroes, don't you know? And it ended up coming out right after another one with almost identical set-up so the two studios fought re copyright infringement. I would have been embarrassed to put my name to either project. I remember reading something months ago by Fran Drescher about what the public could do. An email campaign would be good. But the union would know who to write to in order to make it most effective. I don't think the studios would think lowered demand is NOT related to the strike. But point well-taken. I do think that X is probably a good place to effective change. I refuse to use anything connected to Musk but you might go there for more info on groups taking action, or stirring the slumbering proletariat (!) from its addiction-induced unconsciousness.
Appreciate your comments. It’s all connected. Kuchinich ought to be writing about AI and the crimes being committed to develop it. We agree that he isn’t speaking out enough.
I'm not going to criticize Kucinich. He's taken it on the chin over and over and over for speaking the truth. But the union busting isn't just about union benefits. Unless you are part of the Global elite who think they are going to benefit from killing as many of us as possible and pulling black hoods down over the heads of everyone who manages to survive their psychopathic actions, there is no reason NOT to support the strikes. I think Hollywood has contributed greatly to the misogyny, violence, and glorification of serious personality disorders but writers and actors need to be defended. If you can't do that, you're going to have to read books (and let's hope people are not throwing them away as well), and I know a lot of Americans don't like to read. Some apparently can't. They're so used to crouching over their idiot phones and their brains need complete re-training in order for them to be able to read for an hour or two. Otherwise, Hollywood with AI is just going to feed you junk food. And you'll have to sit in a silent room and think and feel for yourselves. OMG. Not sure this neurotically extraverted society can handle that.
I am — or was — a newspaper writer for a living. I have great appreciation for great writing on screen and on page. Appreciate your passion. I am a targeted individual subjected to tech that Rep. Kuchinich tried to prohibit from being used in way it is to harm. For TIs this is no small thing that he did this. There are no champions fighting to halt depraved experimentation with psychotronic weapons. We wish he would speak up to halt.
Psychotronic? You mean DEW? Microwave? Cell tower? I just spent hours reading up on the surveillance tech they've been using for awhile. Are you talking about this:
I stumbled on this website in trying to find info on MK-ULTRA because I grew up surrounded by CIA and know some actors--stumbled on that through Trans ideology and Tavistock. The more you learn the more disgusting it becomes. Tell me more about what Kucinich did on this subject, please. They're really pushing 5G all over and it makes no sense. Also trying to put cell towers everywhere. The cell towers do not reach me. Yet. Of course, a lot of these attacks are done via satellite. I don't see or hear too many drones around here but I know there are plenty. And planes which usually fly in overcast skies so you can't see them.
Lahaina has brought this to the fore for me. I have an EMF meter and pay close attention to news stories about special AI grants to local universities, Google database complexes, and of course in the cities the number of 5G antennas is shocking. My EMF meter goes everywhere with me. Lately I've been feeling little electric shocks on my skin. I am not vaccinated--but apparently graphene oxide is part of the tech. Of course, chemtrails are full of many metals so no one is immune unless they never go out. Or breathe! And the vaccinated are shedding spike proteins and probably heavy metals.
I grew up in a police state that was basically run by the CIA so nothing really surprises me, unfortunately. But as a kid I did not know how bad it really was. It wasn't just CIA. Lots of different countries' intelligence services were present. I don't know what the KGB was doing besides their fake American radio broadcasts but they didn't mess around like the CIA did. They were a block and a half from my house.
Anyone interested should check out What kind of attacks have you had? Is it still on-going? Can you create an income stream via substack? It's not a good time to be in journalism. You have to think outside the box. And tighten your belt.
I too am aTI of 27+ years. Yes, DEWs and other weapons need to be seriously addressed. Perhaps DK knows what will happen to him if he does.
Dennis, I have followed you for years, especially as a professor at Case School of Medicine, and learned much from what you have faced in the corrupted corporate Democratic Party to which you still remain a part. Please consider meeting with Jill Stein at this point to seriously pursue the possibility of a Green Party ticket with RFK jr. presidential and Cornel West VP and you and Jill as campaign managers. THIS is the winning ticket that could take back our country NOW!
Excellent article by a guy who would be president if I could decide.
When people tell me they can't cross the "red line" that is RFK's support for apartheid Israel, I tell them all our presidents have done that and remind them of all the other policies RFK stands for that none of the other people running support. That isn't enough to persuade them. I want him for president, but he MUST learn the truth about Israel. THEN he will become president. Thanks, DK, for all your goodness throughout the years. Rob
Dennis, I was a huge supporter of your presidential campaign and helped drive you from Ojai to Santa Barbara. I was a huge supporter of Kennedy until he went off the rails in his unconditional and enthusiastic support of Israel while insulting Palestinians. I tried communicating with you in other ways but I assume you read these posts so this is where we discuss Palestine/Israel.
I know you practice love yoga every day and I know that you've cared for Palestinian justice in the past so you need to hear me when I say that all your good work is diminished by supporting someone who blatantly lies about Palestine and Israel. How can you sleep with yourself knowing that Kennedy is supporting a war criminal state that is imprisoning one million children in Gaza without adequate food and clean water?
Maybe you can educate Kennedy or switch allegiance to Cornel West who will honor Palestinian justice. In case you or readers are not clear about the lies Kennedy told, here is a partial list of Kennedy's lies with Max Blumenthal providing the truth.
Here's a slightly longer version.
You can also hear more truth on Jimmy Dore's program where he has Max challenging Kennedy's lies.
I get scolded a lot for my misspelling. My fingers don't walk over the key pad very accurately and I think we all suffer from proofreading deficit syndrome. We always be in a hurry to get our thoughts, frustrations angst out into the ether scanning our thoughts too quickly before tapping _SEND_
*We need a reliable 'spell check*
So many of these comments read much like the cognitively bewildered followers of MAGA -- simply far out. Dennis has almost always been on the right side of issues and stood up bravely. Frankly, defending Israel and supporting Unions seem to belong to different discussions and RFK, Jr. is very strange about preventitive medicine.
What a perfectly appropriate simile Invasion of the Bodysnatchers is for the obscene levels of union-bashing in the USA generally and most keenly in Hollywood. In the 20s and 39s, my late father worked for the majors and was elected head of COMPS, a putative attempt to organise a union of sales, marketing and distributors that led to censorship, blackballing and blacking out of all those involved. My father moved smoothly into new contracts with Korda and Eagle Lion and distributed British and foreign films. Were he alive today, he definitely would have been on the picket lines with WGA, SAG and AFTRA. Bravo for Dennis Kucinich for championing such a worthy cause in such rich and eloquent terms!
The Russians have, thanks to Washington Biden Belligerence, now provided missiles to North Korea that the USA cannot defend against... Yikes
What's best way for us to support WGA and SAG-AFTRA?
Outstanding column, Dennis. Now ditch that loser RFK Jr!
I supported Dennis when he ran for President and donated to his campaign, whenever that was. RFK is a hard-right Israel apologist who also believes that vaccines cause autism (they don't and never did).
The Ludlow Massacre: A Tragic Reminder of How All-American Greed Took Innocent Lives
When Workers Fought Back for this Labor Day
September 4
Here in the good ol’ USofA, any gains made by people outside of the original owners of “liberty:” what I have called WaMPOs (White, Male, Property Owners) have had to be secured with IMMENSE sacrifice: From the anti-slavery movement, to the women’s suffragette movement, to the labor movement, etc. The WaMPOS still won’t give up a penny of profit to honor basic human rights. One such glaring crime against humanity happened in 1913 in Ludlow, CO when miners had the “temerity” to demand better wages and working conditions. The Ludlow tent site was a small outpost of the Colorado Coalfield Wars. One robber baron, especially, the notorious John D. Rockerfeller was not having any of that.
It's been over a century since the deadly Ludlow Massacre took place, but its shocking events continue to haunt us to this day. The massacre was one of the most vicious and tragic incidents in American history, during which innocent men, women, and children were violently killed for the simple act of demanding better working conditions and rights.