Correction, and I'm getting pretty damned tired of having to say this to establishment people. HAMAS DID NOT KILL 1200 ISREALIS ON OCTOBER 7TH, 2023. Israel killed most of those people. And a full 300+ were members of the IDF. And Israel does NOT have the right to "defend" itself vis a vis anyone resisting from the Occupied Territories. Israel's occupying the West Bank and Gaza is ILLEGAL. They have no legal right to self-defense. They are the aggressors. And have been for 57 years. As you well know. Stop pushing that lie. Hamas killed some people, but they did not kill 1200 Israelis.

And even if they had, that is no excuse to kill and maim over 100,000 Gazan civilians, and starve to death another million people.

9/11 was an inside job. And it sounds like 10/7 was too.

You have no need to tell half-truths, Dennis. Don't participate in this disgusting propaganda that only supports Israel.

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I agree that 9/11 was a PNAC fostered War Crime directed by Cheney, Rumsfield et al. but I am certain the military operation by Hamas on October 7, 2023 was a valid military response under International Law by Hamas to the cruel Zionist Israeli Occupation.

Somebody needs to sue ALL the mainstream media AND the Israeli Government for the serial repeated abominable slander against the successful military operation by Hamas on October 7, 2023. On that day NO men, women or children were sexually abused by Hamas, PERIOD.

Furthermore, MOST of the Israelis killed that day were killed by IDF helicopter and tank fire! 70 cars that were INCINERATED is IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of this MASS Hannibal ATROCITY of Israel against its own citizens!

All the bold faced mendacity filled stories about "sexual violence against and/or mass incineration of Israeli captives by Hamas" must be RETRACTED by the Biden Administration, the UK, the BBC AND anyone else, including the New York Times and Washington Post et al, that have contributed to spreading these Israeli DESPICABLE LIES.

The TRUTH that on October 7, 2023 MOST of the Israeli deaths were CAUSED by IDF helicopter and tank fire, AND NO Israelies were victims of sexual violence, needs to be REPEATED EVERY DAY UNTIL Israeli LIES about Hamas that day are totally exposed AND the DELIBERATE MURDER of MOST of the Israeli captives, along with their Hamas captors driving the 70 cars that were INCINERATED BY IDF Helicopters and tanks that day, can no longer be denied by Israel, the USA AND Europe!

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Hamas may have participated, but couldn't have pulled it off unless Israel deliberately orchstrated it. The whole thing was a set-up.

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The Israeli IDF is a corrupt, incompetent, morally bankrupt terrorist organization, skilled ONLY in Police Keeping, not war. That is why Hamas and Hezbollah, military organizations that actually are disciplined and knowledgeable about tactical warfare, defeat the IDF in skirmishes, despite the overwhelming majority of numbers of IDF troops AND their Air Force indiscriminate genocidal bombing.

The IDF would not last a week without air cover. Iran just proved that. Stop believing the hype about IDF "supremacy". It is ONLY US BOMBS that have kept their genocidal campaign from collapsing in ignominious defeat.

Scott Ritter knows of what he speaks.

Netanyahu's Destructive Attitude | 🗽🦅 Scott Ritter


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yes that border was one of the most watched and defended in the world.

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Agree. On all the above.

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European plunderers have been the aggressors in the western hemisphere at least since 1492. The Catholic Church even gave them a rationale for their brutality witht eh Doctrine of Discovery - dated 1493. Does that make you as angry or is it just Israel that arouses your sense of justice. Not saying I agree with Israel but I do see way too many people who speak as though there's just one bad actor on this stage. and needless to say they're Jewish.

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1. International law did not exist in 1492

2. I was not alive in 1492.

3. I am alive in 2024.

4. There is a genocide occurring right now and we all have an obligation to stand up and fight against this.

5. I do not like the genocides which created this country.

6. I don't think the people who refuse to vote for Biden are saying it's only Jews who are acting badly. And most of us know the difference between Jews and Zionists. Do you?

7. Are you saying our resistance to this genocide is only because the aggressors are Jewish? Think again. I did not support either Iraq War. I did not support the Sixth Fleet living in the Beirut Harbor for god knows how long. I did not support the CIA overthrowing Mossadegh. I did not support the lynching of Moammar Qaddafi (but I can tell you the name of one woman who thought it was funny as hell). I did not support the US and Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen (or, as Obama did, using drones to assassinate people). I did not support the attempted destruction of Syria. So I guess you know the answer to your last comment. It isn't Jews who are committing genocide; it's Zionists. Given how much Israel plays the Holocaust card, it's even more outrageous that they are committing genocide. What a bunch of psychopathic narcissists.

8. Israel signed onto the laws which they are currently (and have been since 1948) breaking even though they were designed to prevent another Holocaust.

9. There have been, and are still, Jews all over the Middle East. But they're not all engaging in mass slaughter and never-ending theft.

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Unfortunately, Netanyahu Brought the holocaust with him... He is obviously mentally ILL. He needs prison, and mandatory mental rehabilitation... (and probably a lifetime review of Judaism and it's basic principles.... (because HE is SURE NOT following that... and in the process, is wrongfully committing genocide against the Palestinian People. The world WILL NOT tolerate any more of that!

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I am Jewish, but I am really confused about how people use the word zionist. It simply means a nationalist who believes that the Jewish people should have their own state. be. I have no problem with people condemning Israeli actions. They should be condemned. I don't even believe that the survivors of the holocaust should have been sent there. It was occupied, but I guess the U.K. and U.S. felt as long as they didn't have to take them into their own countries, it was okay for them to hand over someone else's occupied land to the D.P.'s. The entire mess amazingly started with the actions of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. My problem isi with the sudden outcry from people using the crimes of Netanyahu as an excuse to engage in the usual scapegoat game so many like to engage in. "Zionist", bu the way is a word commonly used by antisemites to mask their prejudice. And actually, international law did exist in 1493. Research the Pope's Doctrine of Discovery giving good "Christians" the right to seize any land not occupied by Christians. There's also a genocide going on in the U.S., if you live here. The Natives live much shorter lives, are seriously unhealthy, oppressed, robbed, exploited and more Native women disappear than any other group of women. I haven't noticed too much concern about it from those outraged about Israel's actions or anyone volunteering to return their land to those from whom it was stolen. You say you have been actively involved in many protests and I commend you for it. I would not count you among the hypocrites. But I haven't seen any major protests against Saudi Arabia, the totalitarian bff of the U.S. Not too many in this country joining with the Natives against what they are still dealing with after 500, not 75 years of oppression. You say you weren't here in 1492. I do believe that most Israelis were also not there in 1948. Does that excuse them? When does stolen land revert to those who stole it. After 100 years perhaps? Tragically, there are too many "narcissistic psychopaths" in existence no doubt in every country on the planet. I haven't been to Israel so I can only guess at what the average Israeli thinks, are they for this war and if so why. WW2 is one of my earliest memories and I believe it's had a profound and lasting impression on my life. I know how many industrialists supported Hitler, how American men were many times shot with American-made bullets. I've done a lot of reading about it and in my opinion it's a war that has yet to end. The U.S. allowed more nazis to emigrate here - from both Germany and the Ukraine - than Jewish survivors. I believe the same families and the same thinking are in play today. And I see on this site many scapegoating the Jews -or zionists - for everything including the brutality of the U.S. Too many are behaving as though if it weren't for the evil influence of Israel, the U.S. would be a paradise. The U.S. was here for 172 years before there was an Israel which I think speaks for itself. Or was it Canada's fault for U.S. criminality prior to Israel's existence. Evil is one area in which inclusivity is valid.


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You raise way too much for me to respond to and my posts to substack are beginning to bounce. Google doesn't want me to access YouTubes either. It's all most interesting.

When I speak of International Law I am not talking about the Catholic Church which does not make international law. Not now. Maybe during the Roman Empire. I don't know much Catholic history, actually, and am not interested in it. Certainly, the evidence of Catholics in the American southwest is all over the place. International law to me refers to the law the UN put in place after WWII.

Here's a new interview which I haven't finished watching that is terrific. Just terrific. Maybe if you watch it, we can stop focusing so much on an issue about which you are understandably sensitive. I have been following this professor for quite some time. He's Canadian, in Quebec, I think.


I don't think anyone here thinks Israel is the baddie and the U.S. is some innocent virgin. But Israel has captured our government with the help of some (mostly American) and European Jewish billionaires. There is no doubt about that. There have been many demos about Saudi Arabia, especially vis a vis 9/11, but I think the activist left did not want to have the conversation changed. Blaming SA for 9/11 is a bit much and reeks of anti-Arab anti-Semitism. (By the way, not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.) It was obviously an inside job and there was Israeli involvement in it. It's on film. All of the Middle East was chopped up by the US and European colonialists after WWII. So the House of Saud were given what we call Saudi Arabia. It's too complicated to explain here. Palestine/Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon especially, Iraq--all these countries were "created" by Westerners. Their borders don't really make all that much sense. All these countries--the people and the land--have histories that go much further back than either North American or European peoples and lands.

I'm well-aware of the situation for Native Americans. Many in my family live around the Four Corners because it's most like the Middle East physically. My farm is on traditional Cherokee hunting ground. And I have no problem giving them permission to hunt here but no Cherokee has ever asked. Only Anglos who don't seem to know how to hunt respectfully. I'm not in the desert southwest. But i am pretty familiar with the issues they face and am often mistakenly identified as being Native myself when I'm there.

Prof. Chossudovsky seems to think we have now "normalized" genocide. There have been several genocides in the last ten years. I, for one, have an emotional attachment to the Middle East so I care about those genocides more than elsewhere. I think most Americans have known, until recently, the Middle East almost exclusively through the eyes of the Israelis (and other Zionists). You should really watch Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro's YouTubes. He addresses Israeli propaganda and explains what Zionism actually stands for. It's not just having a Jewish homeland. Truth is, most Israelis aren't practicing Jews. And if they were, they would pretty "bad" Jews. According to the Rabbi, a Jew who lives in the holy land (which he says was NOT promised to the Jews) has greater spiritual responsibility than those who do not. Also, Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappe are both really good sources. I'm reading a terrific book called "Palestine" by Nur Masalha which is pretty shocking. Americans probably first realized there were more countries than just Israel as a result of the "Iran Hostage Crisis" which was a result of the Iranian Revolution (and very, very badly handled by the US) and which itself resulted from the CIA-controlled Shahanshah's regime which resulted from the overthrow and murder of Mossadegh--and on and on. It's too big a subject.

Most Israelis are American or European so that genocide is really upsetting. Other genocides are of people who have been neighbors for centuries. Israelis are expats who stole the land from Palestinians under false pretenses very recently. 50, 75, 100 years is not that long ago. If my father were still alive he would be 106 today. It's within our lifetimes and our family memories.

And then there are cell phones. It's easy to broadcast real life as it's happening now. And that's a major reason the Israeli genocide of Palestinians is front and center. Plus the way they're doing it is unusually intentional and extreme. It's really extreme. I know it's hard for Jews who are not Zionists to stomach and I'm sure you feel unfairly picked on. But if what you give as the definition of Zionism is your actual understanding of the ideology, I can tell you right now that you ARE NOT a Zionist.

I have never thought America was or could be a paradise.

But you are right that the period we are in is a continuation of an expansionist movement of empire building by the US. which pre-dates WWII.

I want our primaries to be fair and they're not fair with the pro-Israeli lobby buying candidates the way they are. I want to be able to vote in an honest election. I don't think I ever have. And the first election I voted in was in 1972. And I want Palestinians to live. To continue as a community, an ethnic group, on their own land which Israelis do not understand and never will because they aren't not from that land. It irks me that I have no voice in my own government. But then, neither do most people in the world. I don't like Israel and I don't want them telling me how to live. And our Congress has now said that being anti-Zionist is being anti-Semitic. But it's not. A Semite is a person whose mother tongue--first language--is a Semitic language. Yiddish and German do not qualify, nor does English. And Rabbi Shapiro, who is fluent in biblical Hebrew, cannot understand the "Hebrew" that is spoken in Israel. It's something of a made-up language, apparently. I don't know. I never went to Hebrew school.

FYI, Zionist Europeans began buying land in Palestine in the 1880's so the US existed only 104 years before the start of the Zionist project in Palestine. And it was half a century before the Holocaust.

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Correct, correct. Son tribally enrolled Alaskan Native raised in bush there. Doctrine of Discovery is purposefully kept off the historic memory bank of most Americans but basic of land grabs and bias legal rulings of Supreme Court. So much conniving, so much information, head spins. Follow the benjamins is accurate phrase as all about money and access to land/resources, racism, power grab in all conflicts. A giant highway is being built as we type by Israel over recently bombed, plowed Gaza land owned by Palestinians so Israel has easy access for control and development!! This is all long planned wet dream and American sold off government and expat dual citizens are right at the controls. Zionists can be nonJewish, non-Israel focused. These fascists and nazees I want banned.

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Yes. And making a big deal about the border. They want to get people riled up against Latinos and Asians and Arabs and god knows who else so that they clamor for digital surveillance which will then be spread to the whole country because, of course, "illegal aliens" don't stay in the southwest. Ironically, the southwest was stolen from Mexico. As well as SoCal.

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I found a new YouTube of Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro. I highly recommend it if you want to understand the difference between being Jewish and being Zionist. And how Israel came to be through Zionist ideology and what Zionism actually represents.


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Well, Dubby, the Zionists are primarily European plunderers. And, there's a big difference between 'Jews' and 'Zionists'. Which are you? Stop playing the victim card.

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You absolutely know nothing about Judaism, Jews or our history. I could be wrong, but you sound like a person who believes he knows all he needs to know and has no interest in learning anything new that might interfere with his preconceived belief system. Having been Jewish from birth, I am well aware of the difference between censuring Israeli policies and antisemitism. You cross that line.

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yes you are accurate. you can frame this as "the land problem" - we must learn to share and not fight over the planet's land and natural resources. I think someone somewhere once said Thou Shalt Not Kill.

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Israel KNEW about the impending attack, ONE YEAR ahead of the attack! They LET it happen! ( and the Israeli Offense Farces themselves, killed Many of the Israelis, which Israel claims Hamas killed, (in order to give the total Mis-impression, that every Israeli citizen who lost their lives, on October 7th, were killed by Hamas), were actually killed by Israel!

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Just started "Palestine" by Nur Masalha, which came out in 1999. Highly recommend it. Really fascinating. And every person who supports the establishment of the state of Israel should read it.

We need to get rid of Citizens United yesterday.

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Zionism did 9 11. I was a FAA Commercial pilot on that day, living in Mountain View, California. I knew on that day, as a pilot, that the official narrative was false. I went on to work for Dennis on his presidential campaign in 03/04 his staff were part of the charade. Come on Dennis, be honest, for the sake of all nations of the world. All wars are bankers wars and the esoteric aspect that they serve. Dennis liked my bio diesel Mercedes. He has a good heart, seemingly, but like most politicians, he is in a cage..........pray that he breaks out soon.

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Well said. I was already retired from the FAA as an Air Traffic Controller on 9/11. I taught flying and flew for an air taxi before that. It was clear to anyone with a pilot's license and two functioning brain cells that there is NO WAY that airliners could bring down the two tallest WTC center towers, never mind the EVEN MORE OBVIOUS explosive demolition of WTC 7, annouced by the BBC (due to office fires... LOL!) several minutes BEFORE it came down!

All that said, the ATC part was even more blatantly contrived. All radar tracking data is saved for 15 days. At Dulles tower and TRACON their radar would show the track, AND SPEED, of that MISSLE that struck the Pentagon, as well as the MILITARY aircraft that released it, since the Pentagon building is so close to the ATC facilities (there are several) in the DC area. Rumsfield and Cheney made SURE the CDR (continuous data recording of primary and secondary radar targets on ATC screens) data from the ATC facilities never saw the light of day. The alleged "circling" approach of an airliner before it "hit the Pentagon" was another joke. An airliner would have lost it's wings due to G forces doing a 360 at the speed the government claimed "the airliner" was flying at. The bold faced mendacity by these murderous traitors in our government was off the charts. A lot of them are still in our government relentlessly pushing their despicable fascist agenda..



Giuliani is a TRAITOR. He was part of the carefully orchestrated attack on 9/11 and the subsequent coverup.


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I knew it the minute I heard about it too. There was going to be a press conference that morning with Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr, and some other members of Congress and former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi and Democrats.com to discuss the removal of Dubya from office as the newspapers had continued the recount (even after decision) and had determined that Dubya has lost Florida by a significant percentage. I was looking forward to the 9/11/01 press conference that wound up being called off. I do have a question for you. After 9/11, a pilot wrote an article about a remote control flight program called Homerun. Do you have any information about that. I am also curious about the planes that landed in Cleveland on the morning of 9/11/01. I spoke with Jim Marrs before he died about the people who were taken off the planes in Cleveland, and he believed those behind the event would have killed them so they wouldn't show up to debunk the narrrative. BTW, any politician who tells the truth about 9/11 would get crucified. I think Dennis knows. I also volunteered on his 04 and 08 Presidential campaigns. This would be a different country and world if he had been elected.

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"After 9/11, a pilot wrote an article about a remote control flight program called Homerun." Wouldn't that be the program outed in the now famous X Files episode of 'planes being remotely flown into the World Trade Towers', that was shown in MARCH of 2001?

On the other hand, that whole episode must have been a 'throw em' off course' thing, seeing as it wasn't commercial planes that hit the Towers (or fell in PA). What the remote control thing MAY have done, is re-routed the real planes from the airports to some remote post..

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I didn't actually ever watch the X files. However, after 9/11, I watched "The Lone Gunman." Nothing about the narrrative they sold the people added up to scientific possibility or the facts observed by people and firefighters at the sites of the supposed crashes. And at the time, you couldn't use cell phones on planes while they were in the air. Clearly it wasn't 757s that flew into the TWC or into the Pentagon and there was no evidence of an actual plane crash in PA. But it proved that they could get away with an impossible lie and the public would buy it. BTW, Cynthia McKinney saw through the whole thing and even her questiong it caused Pelosi to do everything possible to remove Cynthia from Congress.. I remember the 4th District runoff in 2006 in Georgia. Cynthia's name was left off the electonic ballots in a number of precincts and the police were beating up her supporters on their way to the polls Where her name was on the ballot, people saw their votes being changed by the machines. Their complaints got them nowhere. Georgia didn't have a paper trail. I called Howard Dean's office (as he was the DNC chairman) and several members of Congress (not Dennis) on election day and their reaction was they'd look into it AFTER the election. Conyers did seem concerned but referred me to a jerkish congresswoman who was OK with it. For this reason, I can understand why Dennis isn't delving further in 9/11 in public. But I am wondering if he has the ability to find out what happened at the Cleveland airport that day as that could be the key to the whole thing. BTW, imagine a Presidential ticket of Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney.

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I have only the greatest respect for Kucinich and McKinney. Unfortunately, you already described in detail what would come of it. Campaigning for Ron Paul in 2012 gave me a ringside seat to watch his own party disenfranchise him.

We know that 2 parties are there only to provide the illusion of choice.

Trump will most likely win the election this year (I don't like him at all). They want him to win. This is obvious by the Dems putting up joke biden to run against him.

Why would they want Trump? When the US goes south, gets invaded, has a civil war, an earthquake, whatever they have planned, it will be on his watch. Something's coming soon.

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Every one is captured to some extent, especially people running for office.

Like RFKJ can't tell the truth about Palestine, but he comes pretty close on COVID, Ukraine, the First Amendment, and the (captured) Regulatory State. That's why I am voting for RFKJ, even with his Zionist stance.

All I am saying, is try running for dog-catcher, and see if you can get 5%. I ran for state rep in 2020 and got 3%.

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Well, he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning. But since I'm not voting for either Biden or Trump, I guess neither of our votes will matter. This year I'm voting my conscience. All the way. And RFK Jr. is a DEFINITE non-starter. He's a fool or he lacks backbone. Whichever it is, forget it. Not that it really matters who we vote for. They're doing the bidding of what used to be called "the invisible government". Haven't seen that book anywhere. It's one my father insisted I read when I was 14. There is a book by that title but it's not the one I read. Interesting sleight of hand! This is why I collect books. Interesting all this info from pilots. I didn't believe it when it was happening because I know full well the US government would have stopped them long before they got on the planes if the US government weren't orchestrating the whole show.

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I 100% completely understand your sentiment.

What I have experienced that you may have note, is this.

You get 10-12 times to vote for President of the United States I'm your entire life.

I am not voting for president of Israel or Palestine; therefore, I am voting for the person that would best voice my concerns, outside of Israel-Palestine; and RFKJ has said more about corporate America than Trump or Biden, combined.


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You must plan on dying young. I figure in my lifetime I'll vote a minimum of 16-17 times. I understand what you are saying but his attitude towards Israel is not acceptable. Completely unacceptable no matter what. AND the fact is that once you are in the Oval Officer there are a lot of people calling the shots and the president doesn't really have all that much power. And if the individual has a personality that is not all that controlling, the Congress (and lobbyists) will walk all over him. So if RFK Jr. doesn't have a backbone before he's facing all that pressure, they would most likely eat him for lunch. Anyway, with the way the government has said he's spreading lies and disinformation, most Americans won't consider voting for him. His approach to Israel is so over the top I wouldn't trust him near any foreign policy. His father and uncle are probably rolling over in their graves.

I'm so disgusted with this genocide (and all that has gone before it, which I've known about since I was still in diapers since I was born and raised in the M.E. and my parents worked with Palestinian refugees in both Syria and Lebanon and went to the M.E. BEFORE the Nakba. I don't remember a time I didn't know about this atrocity. Anyway, I won't vote for any candidate who identifies as pro-Israeli (or who votes as one without stating they are, for that matter). Not any more. I have already voted 13 times for the less harmful candidate. I didn't want to vote for either Clinton or Biden but the alternative was indigestible. Now I realize both Clinton and Biden are just as bad as the alternative. And I'm not willing to settle for the less evil moron. No more. I'm done. Biden is in for a real shock this fall. The DNC are minimizing what's really coming at them. Too often since 2020 the Republicans have made more sense than the Democrats. I won't vote Republican under any circumstances--don't worry about that--but I agree with the Republicans on trans shit; I agree we should stop sending money to Ukraine; I agree about inflation (not that Trump was better--he was not) which is just a war tax. I don't agree on social issues so much and I don't like the privileged role corporations play here, and I absolutely hate capitalism and I will not give the military a dime.

I want ALL funding and support of every kind cut off from Israel. Actually, I won't really be happy until we have leaders who realize the wisdom of dismantling Israel entirely and returning Palestine to Palestinians. The longer they dilly-dally, the more extreme I'm getting. They should take action quickly so that everyone else in the country doesn't fall in line with my thinking. The longer they drag their feet, the more extreme we're going to get. I used to want Palestine to have their share of the mandate (1947) which gave the Jews 56% of the land even though they were only a third of the population. WTF? I used to think 1948 was good enough. But I don't anymore. And actually, now I think none of Palestine should go to a "Jewish homeland". That's a bunch of bunk. They were offered desert in Australia. Why don't they go to Australia? Plenty of oceanfront property there. Oh. But they'd probably kill the indigenous there. The Australians were bad enough. They sound pretty reactionary. (Although they are providing satellite intel to the Israels.)

You know when the Indians kicked the Brits out of India, they confiscated all their property. It's pretty hard to get Indian citizenship unless you're native born (or related by blood to someone who is) or married to an Indian. Any time expats--which is what the Israelis actually are, except for the Palestinian Israelis,--buy land, they always risk the possibility of having the land confiscated from them. That's what happened to my family in Canada--they were Japanese immigrants. The government dispossessed them after my grandparents spent their entire adult lives developing their farm. I won't even tell you how much that land is worth today. It's astonishing. My grandparents had to clearcut that land just to plant on it. I'm not sure but I think most of that land had not been cleared by anyone. That's a **itload of work.

It is always a risk when you move to another country. So the Western Israelis should think long and hard about staying. Starting over is a pain in the butt, as the Mizrahi Jews can tell them after the Zionist bombings forced them to leave their home countries and settle in Palestine, there is always a lot of risk involved in immigrating to another country. Or any immigrant in the U.S. can explain how difficult it is. I had an Iranian classmate who literally died of a broken heart in Central Park while he was jogging; he never adjusted to living here. I know of others who immigrating to France then Australia who then died. All the males in the family died of one thing or another in a very short period of time. (They refused to go to Palestine.)

Another, final point: a person's attitude to this issue reflects their underlying values which reveal themselves in every other issue. Do you really think someone who thinks genocide of Palestinians is okay is going to lead in a direction that will be in line with your values on other things? RFK says nice things about foreign policy until you get him on the subject of Israel. When he talks about Israel he sounds like Hitler. I wouldn't trust anyone like that with my health, my kid's future, the nuclear button, our economy, education of the next generation, the military, none of it. Your attitude towards Israel reveals a lot about your character and integrity. It sounds like your vote is a protest vote, just like mine, even if we vote for different people.

This country is a real mess. It never was an actual democracy. That was a bunch of bunk too. I could go on about this. I'm a direct descendant of some of the privileged Brits that were first given HUMONGOUS tracts of land here. I'm also descended from indentured servants and four presidents. There is a little social mobility here but not as much as people like to think. Then when they don't rise to the top they think it's their fault. It's not. And the people who rise to the top do not get their on their own. Ever.

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18 + 68 = 86. Well, assuming you voted when you were 18, you will certainly have attained a great achievement, voting in 17 General elections.

I am probably happiest with my choices that didn't win, like Jesse Jackson in 84 & 88.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of RFKJ, I think he knows alot about government and I know his record as an attorney, he has been on the right side of all those cases.

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Agreed. Except for theft of land, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.

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Thanks for speaking out! We really need truth tellers now--the hour is late, and the banking cartel is trying to kick off WW3.

9/11 The Deception That Changed the World- Christopher Bollyn


9/11 Enemies Foreign and Domestic By Ed Hendrie




US govt is completely captured and owned by the Rothschild banking cartel and Israel (via AIPAC and Jewish billionaires).

Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars


Bill Still's The Money Masters


https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-by-stephen-mitford-goodson-30 (audiobook)


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Thanks Sandra. I was a FAA Commercial pilot on the day of 9 11, living in Mountain View, California. I knew on that day, as a pilot, that the official narrative was false. There were no planes. Where is the forensic evidence to prove otherwise? I got involved with the peace movement, trying to stop the war, it's run by the war movement. I am a combat veteran myself, so I joined in with Veterans for Peace, they are just another socialist front, deep state players. Bless their hearts. It was because of my work in the peace movement that I ended up working on the Kucinich campaign, as a member of his close protection team. I like Dennis but he is just a weak left wing Zionist. He is a Fabian socialist tool in service to the international money power, the central banking cabal. He is a product of Biological Leninism, study these things. I'm running for political office here in Ireland this year, back in my ancestral homeland where I was deported by the office of homeland security. The US was good to me but it is a propositional nation that was a creation of the cabal from the beginning. It will only survive and thrive as a federation of racial states with a joint military and intelligence services. I am just getting started at www.mccarthyplan.com As a single parent, homeschooling my young children, things are busy around here. Be the light and with God's grace, win the fight🕊️❤️🙏☘️ unz.com veteranstoday.com henrymakow.com are handy

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Good luck in running for office in Ireland! Wow, shocking to hear you were deported by DHS (actually, I take that back--nothing shocks me anymore!!). Best of luck homeschooling your kids--that's really a must these days! Yes, those are all good sites--I know them very well.

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YOU, and your allegations, regarding Dennis, are Pure bullshit! The FAA should strip you of your pilot’s license, for lying!

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An insult is not an argument. Prove me wrong. Put your money where your mouth is. I would be happy to debate dear Dennis Kucinich any day of the week. The official narrative of 9 11 is the hoax of the 21st century. Stay at home and play with your toys 🕊️❤️☘️🙏

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I'm so sorry that you are banned from the U.S. ! Perhaps you might do better to pay attention to Ireland?

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Yes! 9-11 WAS definitely an inside job.. mostly of the BUSH administration (though George Bush Jr. was (and still is) to stupid to pull off such an event. It was Cheney and Rumsfeld.... along with many others. I am not disputing THAT at all. I dispute what you said personally, about Dennis Kucinich. I believe HE IS on the correct side of things, and HE is the only one of ALL Congressional officials, who actually created a complete Single-Payer,Not for Profit, Health Care plan, which would totally remove insurance companies (health care insururs), and just hire government staff to run the entire program AT COST, instead of cost + OBSCENE Markups by insurance providers (sheisters).

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Where is he on AIPAC and Build a wall?

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I myself, believe that AIPAC MUST have some huge limits placed upon it. We WILL also be revising the form and functions of the so-called "supreme court" too. Term limits of (suggested by them)... 15 years. I believe it should be TEN years (with ONE term per lifetime! Citizens United faulty decision (amongst many other erroneous decisions, by that crew) WILL be overturned in the Senate... and they will be made to adhere to a very strict set of ethics and morals RULES.... with actual TEETH in them ! Finally, the Supreme court, which makes legal policy for U.S. citizens, MUST be ELECTED by those same citizens... This could be accomplished with the help of legal scholars who could vote on a number of possible "replacement Justices", as openings arose in the court.. (from the conserviatives and the liberals... we would ask the legal scholars for a conservative candidate , and a liberal candidate, to be placed on the ballot.

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Actually, (in case you hadn't noticed), the American birth rate is just like all the rest of the so-called "developed" countries. It is BELOW replacement value.! A wall can keep anyone IN as well as possibly keeping people OUT! (so just keep that in mind, if you ever need to LEAVE the country, because of a fascist government). I believe we CAN condition entry into the United States... by asking people to volunteer to work (in supervised encampments... where they'd be supplied a 4 season tent , good cooks would be hired to cook for these camps of 50 or so people... and the camp would be placed, near the work was to take place... Restoration of damaged parts of the environment, where permaculture techniques could be taught and used in the fields, to direct water, create berms and swayles (to conduct water, in a beneficial way, across the land.... in order to prevent erosion. Native Plants could be supplied as plants... AND as seeds... and could be planted in places and ways, which would support the existing plant population, and even find places where Native medicinal plants could be placed... (in spots which suit their specific light and moisture requirements. After all these fires, we DEFINITELY DO need people to help restore the forests, and the eroded areas, where the burn scars continue to allow flooding, and soil erosion... These things CAN be stopped, IF ONLY we could sit and TALK this entire problem through.... and figure out HOW WE CAN ACTUALLY BENEFIT from allowing Immigrants, who are fleeing violence (war, gangs, or other life-threatening challenges), such as flooding. After 2 years of this work... and regularly checking in , and working beside a Forest Service Supervisor...(or a few of these folks)... a sheriff, or other law-enforcement official, and a border patrol presence., to make sure everything was going okay. This sort of setup, would put very little pressure on the already overloaded shelters, for the "unhoused" .

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Some good ideas there. All this could be done in the home countries that people are leaving, encouraged by the socialist agent's within the countries they arrive in. Race is real and that is a beautiful thing. Symbiosis is possible. Strong borders are good, open borders create the intended chaos.. Liberalism ruins everything.Try www.mccarthyplan.com I've just put it up, or me on sub stack, Michael McCarthy Ireland 🕊️❤️🙏☘️

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Grateful for your indefatigable efforts to speak peace to the planet, Dennis. I hope one day the world will hear you.

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Excellent comparison of USA and Israel, but you need to extend the and;ysis to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which is also misrepresented by lies, censorship and misinformation. It, too, is a bloody experiment in using NATO to achieve the "American Century," since the brutal Russian invasion was provoked by years of preparation, including a CIA coup to bring a compliant administration to power in Ukraine (with the aid of Ukrainian nazi-lovers).

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Well said. Check out Scott Ritter and also The Graysone for the details about the Neocon despicable proxy war waged against Russia, for DECADES now.

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Max and Aaron are awesome---though Aaron was asleep on COVID. Scott has been an important voice against our govenment's insane wars.

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I was so impressed the Max Blumenthal till I saw him go after Alison Weir. She is probably the most visible and vocal voice for the Palestinians to be found. Her excellent 2014 book 'Against our Better Judgment' detailing how the USA was conned into creating "Israel', though everyone knew it would mean endless wars' - yet Max panned the book. I don't understand why he doesn't see that we need to be together in this. Infighting serves only zionist purposes.

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Wow, that's interesting. Never heard about Blumenthal panning her book. Wonder what that was about.

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I agree that infighting is counterproductive. That said, I do not believe the US has ever been conned into anything. The US does what it does for purely selfish Chrony Capitalist, Oligarchic Elite, self serving interests. Said Oligarchs are a subset of the Military Industrial Complex.

Our U.S. Government has not ever been an honest broker in regard to defending the Palestinian sovereign right of the freedom to live in peace and tranquility on their own land, which has been methodically trampled via Mens rea by the Zionists since at least 1938, long before the Zionists lied through their teeth promising the UN that they would "respect Palestinian rights and land sovereignty" in exchange for being admitted into the UN after the 1948 Nakba.

Don't tell me our Government does not know this, and has not supported the slow genocide against the Palestinians from the very beginning. Endless wars is EXACTLY what our MIC wanted (and still does) when Truman signed off on Israel becoming a Sovereign Country, even if he was too stupid, or duped by the CIA, to understand the consequences of his approval.

If Alison Weir thinks our government did not want endless wars, which would require CONSTANT FUNDING SWAG by our Congress on behalf of MIC, then she does not understand the fundamental post-WWII MIC SUPPORT for Zionists. We-the-people of good will in the USA certainly were conned, but the MIC was elated by the Truman travesty.

I do not know Alison Weir, but if I did, I would tell her straight out that pretending the US was conned into creating Israel is an inaccurate revisionist history narrative which serves only to obscure the FACT that Zionist Israel is a US taxpayer funded belligerent genocidal parasite .

By thus obscuring that FACT, Alison Weir's lament only serves only to take people's eyes of the FACT that our Governemnt could, in LESS THAN 30 days from start to finish (though we would need two aircraft carriers off the coast of Israel near Tel Aviv to provide a functioning NO FLY ZONE over ALL of Israel), guarantee the FREEDOM to live in peace and tranquility for Palestinians without ANY occupation interference by the morally bankrupt Zionists = Social Darwinists within the 1967 borders of Palestine AND Israel.

After that, a UN Peacekeeping force would be stationed throughout the borders for a minimum of 50 years. Reparations for the Palestinains would be used to build homes, schools, hospitals, universities, houses of worship, factories airports, seaports, fund their own government, military and all infrastructure from water to sewer and power lines. The beaches in Gaza would be FABULOUS!

Israelis would stop being racist tyrants, or go to prison, and finally be able to live without fear of attacks from neighbors BECAUSE the Zionists would be PERMANENTLY kept from bombing and killing their neighbors and the Palestinians in order to steal more land.

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Apparently you didn't read her book. There was no statement about the US being 'conned'. Maybe read it before you comment about it.

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No I didn't read her book, What is quite strange in your reply is the fact that you are ignoring that you made this quote about her book, and I responded to it:

"Her excellent 2014 book 'Against our Better Judgment' detailing how the USA was conned into creating "Israel', ..."

Your suggestion that I should not comment about "conned" seems irrational, considering I was commenting on what you wrote.

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Right. I used the word. She doesn't. I said it because the sum total of all parts makes the term applicable.

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Max I adore but with high intelligence he carries ego and arrogance. That fuels his passion. Aaron is polite and humble with quiet wit. I take them all as unique individuals whether Lee Camp or Scott’s cointropol entrapments or Katie Harpers pop culture wasted time snarkiness. Carlson’s giggles, Jimmys gimme. Ho hum Code Pink when needs to be On Fire Red Alert actions. All needed. No clones. Just keep ears open and do some research and lifevexperiences when in doubt.

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My personal favorite in this category is Norman Finkelstein. He is highly intelligent, articulate, with dead straight honesty honed from his years of hearing his parents talk about their experience in the holocaust of Jews in Europe. Which in turn gave him deep compassion for people, and commitment to truth. There is no one quiet like him.

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Russia went in there on a humanitarian mission to stop a genocide that Ukraine was committing in the Donbas.

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Dombas?? Uh, you mean Donbas, right? Dombas is a town in Norway.

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Sorry, Dennis. Israel has NO right to survive. Zionism is a German nationalistic ideology based on notions of racial purity and exceptionalism, exactly like Nazism. The early Zionist leaders were not even practicing Jews, and in their correspondence show scorn for Yiddish speakers and Sephardic Jews. They knew full well Palestine was inhabited by people who had lived there from time immemorial (recently confirmed by DNA testing) yet they still openly plotted to do away with them, butchering, burning, raping and displacing thousands via terrorism. They collaborated with the Nazis during the Holocaust in order to further their agenda by agitating for countries NOT to take Jews in. These nefarious immoral actions have continued uninterrupted for 100 years. Zionism is an evil ideology, and the state of Israel is completely illegitimate and always has been.

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I've always supported the Palestinians' right to defend themselves---even though I grew up in a church that was pro-Zionist. I remember getting into arrguments with my church leadership about the subect when I was a kid Until now, I thought there was some hope that good Israelis could take over their leadership and stop the slaughter of Palestinians and return their property. But the brainwashing within Israel is so strong that the good Israelis (who are now being tortured, arrested and killed by their own government) will never be able to gain control under the current terrrorist regime running that country. Children in Israel have been video-recorded proudly signing songs of genocide and that's what they are teaching in the Israeli schools. A one-state solution with full rights (including the right of returrn) for all Palestinians is the only solution that will end the insanity going on. And it is so clear now that we were lied to about the origins of the installation of Israel, which itself was an act of genocide and theft of the homes and lives of so many innocent Palestinians. More concerning is that our govenrment doesn't care that the vast majority of Americans oppose what Israel is doing. It's heartbreaking to even think about the cold blooded murder of all those innocent children that our government is funding and supplying with our money and bombs. Anyone with any empathy at all should be thinking: what if it were my children? And none of the Jews I know support this genocide. Zionism is antisemitic. JFK was very worried about what the Zionists might do and now I see why.

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I used to think this, but I have since decided the whole state needs to be dissolved, for exactly the reasons you mention: Israelis are now so propagandized and their sense of morality so perverted that there is no way they could share a country with Palestinians--they simply could not be trusted. They truly believe they are superior to all other humans (not just Palestinians) and have no obligations to anyone but themselves in matters of ethics. Part of this is Talmudic, in which even the Ten Commandments are said to be only a matter between Jews, not Gentiles, so that it is perfectly okay to murder or rape Gentiles, or take their property. In order for there to be a one-state solution in Palestine, there would have to be a large UN peacekeping force installed in perpetuity, and even that would likely result in exactly what happened under the British Mandate, when Zionist terrorists assassinated and bombed the British (and UN officials) right along with the Palestinians. Zionism is poison, and it has been from the outset.

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So-called "Evangelical" Christians or Torah "believing" Jews that support the Zionist ANTI-Christian and ANTI-Judaism Genocide in Gaza are HERETICS. God is not mocked. They will REAP what they have SOWN with their Doctrine of Demons.

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I will never watch the movie, “Exodus” again now that I know it was all LIES. Shame on Leon Uris(book) and Otto Preminger(1961 movie of the same title). All propaganda. Disgusting.🤮😢

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What if the media told the American people the truth about the war in Iraq? What if Wolf Blitzer and Joe Scarborough and every other propagandist that reaches millions each day told their viewers that we didn’t fail in Iraq? That we succeeded in making billions for weapons manufacturers? That for two decades we were able to position our military in a region of the world that was geopolitically favorable to our interests?

That disasters stemming from American foreign policy are not a series of strategic errors, but rather a continuous stream of deliberate action executed by policymakers who are fully aware of the potential consequences of their decisions and sleep like babies after they make them?

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This is why I have a problem with people saying our leaders are stupid, their policies failures. These people are not stupid, they are evil. Their true agendas (and masters) are always hidden or obscured, and often successful. That is why their 'losses' come and go again and again with no explanation, no examination. Nothing is as they (or their media) say. And before you know it, we're on to the next event, which we also learn nothing about or from.

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"... a continuous stream of deliberate action..."

Exactly right.

It's the Social Darwinism!


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The truth is still not solid about who killed Israelis on October 7th. Some evidence is suggesting there was much friendly fire. And some of those killed were peace activists. Being on the side of morality and humanity is the only way forward.

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au contraire. There is plenty of solid evidence. Hamas did not have helicopter missiles and tank missiles.. the cremated houses and cars were decimated by missiles and tanks.

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And Israeli eye witnesses who survived the IDF after attack slaughter.

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Yes. In fact there are many shocked Israeli witnesses to the IDF crimes. The template hasn't changed. The zionists sacrifice anyone to further their goals or hide their tracks. Jew and gentile alike.

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Most of the Israelis killed that on October 7, 2023 were killed by IDF helicopter and tank fire! 70 cars that were INCINERATED is IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of this MASS Hannibal ATROCITY of Israel against its own citizens!

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9/11 was orchestrated by the CIA to start a war in the Middle East, just as Israel orchestrated the Gaza massacre after killing their own, just like the USA sacrificed its own citizens

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You are on the right track but it is worst. CIA has been used by Mossad for decades. JFK tried to dismantle it and was terminated, I don't believe it is a coincidence. Also Mossad operatives were in New Jersey documenting the 9/11 events across the river, they knew it was coming, see the story about the dancing Israelis who were giving each other high fives after the first plane hit the tower and they got arrested but released. The whole thing is highly classified. Iraq war benefited the zionists in Israel more than the USA. Iraq was an enemy of Israel.

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Israel does not have a right to exist, legally. Everyone should watch this:


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I just watched it and posted it on my forum, with long comment with graphics about the devoted water carrier for TPTB Giuliani that the younger folks here may not be aware of. He was part of the carefully orchestrated attack on 9/11 and the subsequent coverup.


Thank you for recommending that EXCELLENT (ALL OF IT!) video.


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On that basis, the U.S., in fact the entire western world, has even less of a right to exist.

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a sane unbiased voice on this subject--finally! I hope that one day the world will see Israel as the cruel racist/fascist country that it is. It is no friend to anyone but itself, certainly not its lackey, the US, which actually suffered an attack from them in 1967: the attack on the USS Liberty killed and/or maiming over 200 of our sailors. LBJ did not object, saying he "didn't want to embarrass an ally."!!!

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Of the 1200 Israelis killed, many were killed by Israel from helicopters and tanks. Some of the "civilians" killed were armed settlers who were fighting alongside the IDF.

Thank you for getting the word out.

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Hey Dennis. We really did and still do need a Department of Peace.

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the billionaire ruling class (and the zionist billionaire ruling class is no exception) always creates a boogeyman enemy with which to scare and keep in line the non ruling class (the 99%) in each society, under the demand that we stop fighting our oppressors but instead rally around the great leader/flag and focus on the "patriotic duty" to fight the scary monstrous EXTERNAL enemy (the boogeyman enemy that the ruling class always have in store ready to scare us with, to direct our anger and hatred towards.. Literally the 'two minutes of hate' that Orwell described in 1984, which is clearly what the billionaire's propaganda media is constantly pushing..) . This is all elaborated in detail (and with full references) in this very very important esaay that I think should be read by every living human to understand what is happening in our world and so not fall into their trap


I also highly recommend this enlightening research piece, On the regular and vast use of false flag operations (under the guise of "islamic terrorism") by the zionist "intelligence" agency, Mossad. And also, towards the end of the article, on how other western intelligence agencies are involved (together with the Mossad) in the creation and execution of almost all 'terror" incidents since 1948 https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ I recommend also looking up another Mossad whistleblower - Victor Ostrovsky - who spills all the beans on the numerous false flag operations that the Mossad (the implementation arm of the billionaire ruling class) conducts, on why they do them, and also how they (falsly) use the "you're an antisemite" attack to take down and silence truth tellers.

For example, see here on why the incidents on the 7th of Ocyober were a false flag operation and deeply desired by the ultra-wealthy zionist ruling class (regardless of whether the exact details were known or not)


And here on why the ultra-wealthy zionist ruling class created Hamas to begin with https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/

* And more on the zionist ruling class' creation of Hamas, the reasoning, and how they use it https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power

I also highly recommend this short & insightful interview with a wise Israeli historian to learn the facts (since there seems to be a profound level of historical ignorance and indoctrination among large parts of the public and politicians) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MuzWDWBn55g

As well as this profound testimony from an Israeli soldier on what the zionist forces ACTUALLY do to the local people. I can confirm everything he says becasue his testimony highly correlates to my own personal experience in the israeli military (I was born and spent the first 22 years of my life in Israel)


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Considerable evidence to demonstrate 9/11 was a manufactured war trigger, a structural deep event. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBnJBocjxVM&t=2505s. sincerely, Piers Robinson https://ic911.org

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Creating the state of Israel can be likened to transplanting a cancerous tumour within the body of a perfectly healthy patient. From the outset it was a fraudulent proposition which would better be described as the Balfour Deception, promising the Arabs equal rights and self determination with the wilful intent towards the exact opposite. Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, it is nothing more than a political ideology which is grounded the racism of the notion of Jewish Supremacy which lies at the heart of Netanyahu’s dream of a Greater Israel extending not only from the river to the sea but within the neighbouring territories of Sinai, Jordan and Lebanon. Gaza is a latter day Warsaw Ghetto from which the resistance movement broke free on 7th October with the intention of neutralising the Israeli military installations and securing as many Israeli hostages in order that they could be used as bargaining chips for the release of thousands Palestinians who had been arrested on specious charges and incarcerated under the pretext of administrative detention over the period of many years. And in order to prevent the potentiality for such a prisoner swap, the Israeli military exercised the “Hannibal Imperative” by means of which Apache gunship helicopters were sent on site to strafe the caravan of vehicles containing these potential Israeli hostages only to incinerate them all. The Israeli State even issued an order to bury all this evidence. Likewise, the ‘atrocity propaganda’ of babies being beheaded and women being raped and disembowelled was concocted to manipulate public opinion into a mass consensus for the justification of a genocide and ethnic cleansing unparalelled in recent history. Even when in captivity by Hamas, the Israelis were treated with hospitality being fed and provided with medical care when required. Israeli captives on release bore witness to this, which provided a stark contrast to the testimony of Palestinian captives who were tortured beaten and starved. Even when Palestinian captives were released and reunited with their families, they were threatened with a return to prison if they participated in any celebration organised for them. All of this has been meticulously documented in video reports by independent journalists, hundreds of whom have been assassinated by Israeli snipers in an effort to prevent any of this evidence ever seeing the light of day. Universities, schools, hospitals churches, mosques and residential areas have been systematically droned and bombed and all vital utilities have been destroyed to make the place uninhabitable. The displacement of the population of Gaza to ‘safe zones’ has also seen refugee camps subjected to attacks by the Israelis as have any attempts to provide humanitarian aid. On the false premise that the United Nations Workers Relief Agency was hosting Hamas “terrorists”, the Western Powers, who have been largely complicit in this farrago of war crimes, decided to cut off funding to UNWRA thus condemning those who had survived the bombing campaign to a slow death either by starvation or highly infectious diseases. Thanks to the body of reportage by Al Jazeera and other news agencies, much of which has been livestreamed for the entire world to observe with abject horror, there is now ample documentary and witness evidence to prove, beyond question, that this racist Zionist State has openly stated its intention to totally eradicate all traces of Palestinian life, history, culture and tradition. South Africa, which defeated the evil of apartheid, has risen to the challenge of exposing all this evil, by means of its presentations to the International Court of Justice and makes it clear that the leaders of United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union have acted in complicity by providing a lifeline for this Frankensteinian monster which is the Netanyahu Regime, which is infested with racists, anti-semites and islamophobes, and when the time comes, they must all be held to account, just as the Nazis were at Nuremberg. In the meantime the media which serve this Western Fascist Blob, will work overtime in disseminating more of their propaganda and lies for the purpose of whitewashing this entire debacle, and can be relied upon, with regard to anyone who speaks any semblance of truth to this cartel of corruption and depravity, to continue their perpetuation of the twisting and perversion of the narrative by branding their accusers as fascists, racists and anti-semites. But they will fail because there are plenty of people throughout the world who can now see all of this for what it really is.

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100 percent correct. Not only Israel oppress and kill/torture, Palestinian aren't even allowed to smile or celebrate. The zionists are psychopaths that enjoy inflicting pains on humans especially their neighbours. Just sick entities.

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Please, Dennis Kucinich, it's long overdue for you to wake up. Israel engineered our "mistakes". Ever since the 9/11 false flag, which there is very clear evidence that they were involved in, they have been bringing in totalitarian socialism, particularly through the "'Democratic' Party". You and everyone look who or what most of the people are who run things, from the globalists on down. It is the Ashkenazim "Jews". They are taking over everything through the globalists who have run the deep state shadow government since at least the inception of, what I call, "al CIAduh(!)", and the "United Nations" fraud.

The Ashkenazim "Jews" ran the OSS that became the CIA after W.W.2, and now they continue to run globalism (aka, global government enslavement and mass-extermination of most of humanity), now run most of the Western governments, including the U.S., run Big Pharma and it's joined-at-the-hip connection(s) with Big Government, and they now also run the entire Biden administration, along with who I call, "Odrona", as well as Congress and the courts. These are NOT "conspiracy theories", they are conspiracy FACTS, and you should know that by now. They taught us to feel so sorry for them that we wouldn't face that their totalitarian takeover of the entire planet is taking place. In fact, they are now in their endgame, pulling out all the stops, and putting the finishing touches on absolute despotism.

Dennis and everyone else who hasn't already done so, wake up and face the Ashkenazim corporate-fascist takeover, and come out of all the indoctrination, conditioning and programming of a lifetime.

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"They taught us to feel so sorry for them that we wouldn't face that their totalitarian takeover of the entire planet is taking place."

Yes, that's how I see it too-- brainwashing everyone into believing they are the victims, so that people wouldn't see that they are the perps behind the NWO (really the JWO). We're in grave danger now.

I recommend everyone watch Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel. Freedman was an ex-insider (assistant to Bernard Baruch, yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man) and he talks about the behind-the-scenes Zionist intrigues that got America into WW1--they basically promised to get America into WW1 on the side of England in exchange for Palestine/Balfour (that's how much control they had back then!). And Freedman said that the Zionists rule over America like "absolute monarchs."

I assumed that they got their power over America by getting the power to issue our national currency via the Rothschild banking cartel and the Federal Reserve, but I just listened to an audiobook, The Great Red Dragon-London Money Power (on bitchute) and it sounded like the banking cartel got their claws into America even before they set up their central bank scam)

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