Well said! Now how do we get out of this? If we had a fully empowered Department of Peace what would be be doing to change the story? How can we implement this now?

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For one thing, a Cabinet-level Dept. of Peace would help shift the national psyche away from war and toward practices of peace, really prioritizing actual diplomacy. It would also help to get peace education and social-emotional skills learning into the schools. My hope is that as we finally start to implement "Just Transition" programs across the country to end our dependence on fossil fuels, those programs will also help to shift our economy away from its dependence on war. One powerful argument is that these wars are significantly exacerbating the climate crisis. Check out the Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project and Brown University's Costs of War Project.

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That sounds good. I remember my heart leaping 20 some years ago when I first heard Dennis describing the Department of Peace. I wonder how it can be implemented? Seems like it will need cooperation and support from the entire military industry. What will ever change the thinking processes and basic emotional drives of lifelong military strategists and operatives to desire and commit to waging peace more than anything else? This is what we need. Incentives.

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We full stop refuse to participate in the fossil fuel economy anymore. Military can't do this without the criminal profits of fossil fuels, or the criminal burning of fossil fuels into the atmosphere. Don't wait for the phase out, kill any demand you can. Like, no plastic, reduce consumption, buy local food, walk or bus/bike. Probably more stuff is needed, but that is my start point

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I believe the depths of criminality of our government are exposed by the existence of Dennis Kucinich. You, Sir, should have been Secretary of the Department of Peace. You should have been the Secretary of State. You should be our president.

Your reminders of what actually happened during WW II, and the fact that it was only because the Russian people sacrificed so much and engaged and held off the German army while the US prepared to enter the war in a serious way, that the Allies were able to stop the fascist takeover of Europe. To equate the Russians with the Nazis is ludicrous, but only to those who know history. I thank you for enlightening folks. Again.

No one in our government possesses your intelligence, your compassion, your integrity, your humanity, your leadership. I have supported you for many, many years, but I don't see how someone of your qualifications can possibly exist in the same halls as MTG and the dozens (whose names don't belong on this page) like her.

It is my fervent hope that you are successful in your campaign, and I urge you to keep speaking out for all of us--all of us brothers and sisters in this world.

Something else you reminded me of one day when I heard you speak: Let there be peace in the world, and let it begin with me.

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27,000,000 Russians died in WW2. Let that sink in . . . The first million in less than a month. We need to stop playing stupid games, and try and understand the Russians. Blinken is the Fauci of diplomacy. We used to be the good guys.

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Yes. See here the TRUTH about D-Day that the short-sighted hierarchical anti-egalitarian God-ignorant capitalist ruling class (and their propaganda media) are hiding from us, and exactly why they hide it from us http://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/on-this-6th-of-june-the-anniversary

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Thank you Dennis for your sanity and integrity.. You and Jill Stein are on a very short list of US politicians who are not corrupted. Please work with her. https://youtu.be/sWjWPhfflZQ?si=EK47HGG0tT0GdsFo

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Terrific presentation by Dennis Kucinich. One thing the public must do is not vote for either of the Duopoly as they are two sides of the same coin when it comes to national and international policies/practice. We need to push for term limits on SCOTUS. We need to stop the cowardess in holding elected officials responsible for their lies and mis deeds. WE MUST stop the censorship and short of any overt push for violence against others, it all must be eliminated including the billions spent on propaganda. Corporations must be reined in with their use of money as speech; ie, Citizens United must be overturned. Voter repression must cease and the Voter Rights act must be restored and strengthened. The list of to-dos is long but if people keep their eyes on the prize instead of allowing themselves to be sucked into the blame game dividing the public. And in this regard, the nation needs to have a real conversation on what living in a democracy means and that is specifically not capitalism which is a hierarchical, greedy system based on accumulation of wealth at any cost.

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The shameless USA, congress, the military, the CIA, FBI, and the justice system are blatant liars, thieves, murderers many many times over the years since WW2.

And mostly anyone who has paid attention or is a clearheaded thinker and is willing to see reality, and not captured by emotional partisan issues can see this.

Corporations, our military, industrial and financial "services" the "Supreme" court, have been taking us ever more deeply into this cowardly, felonius and dangerous direction and exported these ugly practices all over the world. And they will find a way to to silence dissent and exposure by any means necessary. It should be shocking but there are few who have the courage to call it out. Thank G-d for Dennis Kucinich. Julian Assange and many others over centuries have and will die or disappear for telling a fraction of what is known.

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Thanks, Bonnie. Since the Nam years (a useless, tragic - for humanity - conflict), I have pegged the spread of corporatism as the culprit behind the world's miseries. While raising kids and working two and three jobs to satisfy the capitalist debt machine, I was occupied with things closer to home, while still perusing material such as Trading with the Enemy. In the 1990's, however, my concern was rekindled by John A. Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. He expertly outlined the depth of corporate involvement in conflicts around the world. Just follow the corporate money. He introduced me to the term corporatocracy. Over the years I have observed a nonstop barrage of corporate intrusion into the minds of the populace, legitimizing greed and overreach, starting with kids at the pre-k age and brand-conscious peer pressure. When I was a kid in the 50's, a major soft-drink company offered to provide the school system with report card covers - bearing their logo. The school superintendent gave them a flat "no". Contrast that now with the schools. I challenge you to find a school gym, at least in my corner of the world, with a wall bare of banners advertising the school's corporate "partners" - the result of declining funding of public education, forcing schools to go to these "beneficent" cash cows to fund their programs. All by design, just as the incessant push to consume massive quantities, expertly masking excessive, resource-draining consumerism as a celebration of the American Dream. Anything for that buck which our culture, eternally strapped for purchasing power in a perpetual drive to keep the wolf of debt out the door, has elevated to a reverential status. Does the trilogy "The Omen", never mind the supernatural aspect, bring anything to mind?

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I notice Mr. Kucinich has not mentioned Israel here!

How does the US of Israel get shot of AIPac?

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Now more than ever, we need a candidate who stands for people, planet and peace. Luckily, there is one. Read her platform at jillstein2024.com/platform

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It would be good to include the names of some of the objective military analysts. I just read this to a friend who asked "Who are the objective military analysts he's referring to?" One resource I know of is Donald Smith's "Letter to Democrats" which includes quotes from several high level officials: https://progressivememes.org/war/Letter-to-Democrats-Part-1.html

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But Dennis, the core truth you did not state, is that UkroNazies Banderites control Ukraine and don't care what scAmerica says and will fight to the last Ukrainian. Not far off.

But also these gangpressed folks are fighting back and the last Ukrainians who will soon die for the lies are forthcoming but few

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Great article. Reading the comments and sorry, I no longer believe in the climate crisis narrative.

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What happens now?

The US is eternally hated because of it's bullyism. We have all had enough.

Everywhere in the Middle East we see posters "Yanks go home." Even in small community's in Japan.

We all know that the US will have a Civil War come November.

Biden will not secede if Trump wins.

Trump will not secede if Biden wins.

My question to you Mr Kucinich. What are you going to do besides talking?

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Well, what’s your specific action plan Jenny?

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Another good one Dennis. The utter stupidity of virtually all our "so-called leaders" along with their cupidity apparently knows no bounds. I read the other day that Russia is number 4 in the world in economic earnings - right up there with China, US and I forget who's 3rd. This is the result of the US and Europe trying to "Weaken" Russia economically with all kinds of stupid blockage of trade. It's Europe who has lost out on that not Russia. Apparently, our government economists are as dumb as our other leaders.

We do have one who actually understands economics -Jeffrey Sachs, but our government refuses to listen to him . And surprisingly not one network news station will have him on including PBS, who now does what they are told instead of the truth any more. Sachs, who is respected for his knowledge and advice the world over and has advised many governments as well as the UN, is now reduced to being interviewed on non network special programs. He's so worried that the idiocy of our current government is heading for nuclear war that he makes time for almost anyone who will put him on the air so he can warn the public. If you want to hear truth, check out the You Tube news blogs that are airing a Jeffrey Sachs interview.

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I would like to live in a world where Mr. Kucinich is secretary of state, and RFK is President.

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God forbid. RFK as President. He supports Israel.?

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That is why I will vote for him

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Not unless you wish to see another 100,000 Palestinians maimed or killed. If you support a platform of people, planet and peace read this one: jillstein2024.com/platform

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I’m sorry, but analyzing this war and discussing Russia, formally the USSR and not mentioning Stalin is like talking about the Holocaust and not mentioning Hitler. NATO is not threatening Russia. Not one of the former satellite nations wants to be under Soviet rule again! They fought hard for their independence. Remember the Stasi? Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, all the “Stans” want never again to be under Russian oppression. Putin expressed his desire to be the new Stalin and recreate the empire of USSR. I agree with your stance on war and peace. I agree with you about our domestic existential crisis and the failure on everyone’s part to deal with climate change, but knowing people who escaped Russian oppression in many countries I think you fail to see the threat at hand - just as those who failed to recognize the monster that Stalin was; killing millions of his own people, the sham trials, turning neighbor upon neighbor. There is no “on the other hand” when it comes to Stalin and Russian history. Listen to their own writers, poets, artists who had to live it. That’s where we are headed, so please don’t soft pedal this situation with Putin; Europeans know better. We have the advantage of two giant oceans on either side, that we mistakenly believe shield us.

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Wr keep hearing about this ‘expression of desire to be the new Stalin and recreate the empire of the USSR’ … yet can find ZERO evidence to confirm these claims in the slightest.

It’s more than understandable that ‘the Stan’s to which you refer be wary of ever being behind the Iron curtain again… that’s exactly why they joined NATO. The chances of that ever happening were ultra slim until two years ago. If a NATO member engages in this proxy war it’s no longer proxy and all bets are off. No one justifies the criminal invasion of Ukraine, and it’s time to look at the consequences on the horizon for failing to promote peace in the region and at home.

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@Olivia Koppell - The question is - did YOU live through that? I did. Please keep your second hand opinion to yourself.

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NATO showed it’s true face in Serbia and Libya. The Russians are right to be wary of it’s intentions given the US duplicity after the USSRs collapse.

Russia has not threatened any of it’s neighbors even as they threaten Russia by entering into a military alliance against it.

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Biden's conflation of Russia and the previous Soviet Union with Nazi Germany would be laughable, it is so absurd, were it not for the many under-educated Americans who probably believe it. Fortunately, there are now websites like this one where the truth can be told. That may not last long. Increasing numbers of dissenting websites have been taken down. Truth tellers on both the right and left have been shoved out of the internet. Let me say here that the deep state or establishment or whatever you want to call it is gravely distorting the picture of Russia. They are demonizing Russia constantly, because the neocon fascists want to go to war with Russia, a war that will end the world. These crazies would rather do anything but negotiate. Negotiating with Russia, something every Cold War president did, is now taboo. This while they bankroll the Ukraine war on the Russian border. The neocons, who first came to power in the George W, Bush administration, are all about world war. That is how crazy they are. They want to start a big war with Russia. Russia, because they know what dark forces are leading the U.S. and its allies into war with them, have made a strong alliance with China. Both are highly advanced nuclear powers, more advanced than the U.S. But the neocons are driven by a sick death wish. If we do not get them out of power, they will end the world as we know it. Dennis Kucinich is one of the very few people who oppose this kind of crazy war mongering. It is the same thing that drove Tulsi Gabbard an Army veteran and former Congress member out of the Democratic Party. We have to defeat the war party, or we will all be destroyed.

Steve Berk

Emeritus Professor of U.S. History

California State University Long Beach

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