Thank you for speaking up, Mr, Kucinich. Biden and the neocon warmongers would rather end the world than give up power. Their arrogance is their downfall: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/downfall-kamala-2024-election

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...our downfall if there is no forbearance on Putin's part.

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Thank you for speaking up...said like a card carrying Red Fascist!!!....how about all our International Worker sisters and brothers getting decimated not only in Ukraine/Russian...yet Palestine/Israel...Sudan...Venezuela...Honduras...and the genocidal gentrification going on in Detroit and rural America!!!

Thank you for your comment...pleeezzzz!!!...see.my reply to this tepid tea milquetoast red fascist piece!!!

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Matthew. When the nuclear bombs come flying you’ll be in your bolt hole in Montana. But the fall out will get you. Moron.

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Putin is the only one hinting at a nuclear option. So DK supports the guy who's actively and openly been trying to rig our elections in favor of wannabe dictator Trump? I'm disgusted Dennis.

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WTF?!...please elaborate.

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Another classic Red Fascist (see Black, Red, White Fascism...Wilhelm Reich and my FB page) statement:

We're talking about ending the devastation of earth and the worker who works it in subsidy to one billionaire cartel over another....and yer dishing up grama lessins...please...we need more from you right now!!!

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You are apparently ignorant of the history of Mr. Kucinich. The reason he was NOT embraced by the Democratic (sic.) Party was precisely because he REFUSED to sell the publicly-owned Cleveland power company to such a 'billionaire cartel'.

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I was aware of that history with Cleveland Power...and I've followed him since his seminal Prayer For America or some such title. I've been in the large room with him when he would come to Detroit and pow wow with Marianne Williamson.

As I said in my main statement on this thread: Kucinich should frame the narrative at the Standard he set with American Prayer ....where he appropriately called out the "coup" that was perpetrated when the Patriot Act was ramrodded through a fear mongered congress at midnight.

That and the Military Authorization Act, finalizing the Dictatorial Power usurped by the Executive, need to be repealed along with Citizens United...for the United States to be reestablished as a Functioning Democratic Republic.

At this moment in time...considering all the battle zones around the world are being fought and blood sacrificed by divided and conquered Workers...over Energy Profiteering by One Billionaire Cartel over Another (with side benes of Weapons turnover profiteering and new Weapon system launch profiteering)...

The only adequate Call Out Of This Day is:

Stand Down Everywhere Now!!!

World Energy Summit Now🏳️🏳️

For a fuller picture of the Argument, Demands, and Call to action....updated and taken from Dr. king's Breaking The Silence Riverside speech....see Matthew Evans at Facebook, Profile pic: Green Flight Jacket standing)

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What has Utah's Government Records Access Management Act (Utah version of FOIA) to do with this?

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Communication is key to understanding.

Also, sorry. teacher here, can't help it.

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Teacher: what would advise to the grammar here for better communication and understanding within this most critical conversation of the day?

- Humble Student

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Few days back when we saw the Trump and Biden handshake and the talk of the smoothest of smooth transitions, that was clearly farce.

Biden and his string pullers clearly want to leave the biggest pile of dog excreta on the doormat when they depart the White House for Trump to negotiate, assuming there is still a White House to leave on January 20.

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Maybe it is genuine proving what a farce the feigned opposition is.

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Helping attack and invade Russia and helping Israel attack defenseless Palestinian families sounds like the Biden I know. Kucinich for President!

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The second part of your comment is vile, Jew - hating horseshit. You should consider that God Incarnate, The Lord Jesus Christ, is among other things the King of the Jews. Read Romans 1 - 5.

Repent and believe The Gospel.

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Go fuck yourself, warpig.

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idk what I think about any of it, tbh.. bc I feel like the global elites are lying to us all, & the Dems & GOP are really the same. Why would Biden do that? It’s dumb. Now Russia has a reason to attack us, like come on! & im liberal.

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So… are you a “Liberal” in the Merriam-Webster way? Or, are you a liberal in the modern Western media way?

Never thought I’d see a word that was an antonym of itself.

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And, thus, we destroy not only our ability to communicate but also our ability to think.

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Biden is handing off escalation to Trump. Two parties are here to make you believe you have choices. We do not. There is little to no difference between the policies and actions of our last five presidents.

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With Trump, there will be. There already is. He can't say anything publicly because he could be charged with violating The Logan Act. In fact, it has occurred to me that Biden may be so malicious as well as a dolt, a hack, and a crook, that in approving the missiles for Ukraine, he was hoping to lure Trump into saying something.

But do you really think Trump isn't in touch with Putin?

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Biden is a Little Man who always wanted to be big. Add to that a low functioning intellect, criminal tendency, a talent for lying, and extreme arrogance and we have that which we see before us today. Congress may be a bit better in aggregate but then again most stood and clapped when Biden soiled the halls of our government with that garbage imported from Israel, Netanyahu.

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Just change the first word of your comment to "Trump" and the rest of what you said is 99% true.

"Trump is a Little Man who always wanted to be big. Add to that a low functioning intellect, criminal tendency, a talent for lying, and extreme arrogance and we have that which we see before us today."

The only change needed in your statement should be from "criminal tendency" to "convicted felon" and the assessment would be 100% true.

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Wake up. They're ALL the same. Lying, thieving puppets for war mongering fascist plutocrats. Unless and until we go around this system and build something new WITHOUT the need for the state and all its accoutrements, we are screwed and so are future generations.

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So you’re all about starting World War III as long as it’s done by Biden instead of Trump? Radiation and fallout won’t treat your loved ones any better than anyone else’s

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You make a strong argument for repealing the nineteenth amendment.

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Although I do understand and somewhat agree with your stance on Biden and the missiles for Ukraine to use in its fight with Russia, I am downright horrified by your outright support of Trump. Whatever happened to the person who thoughtfully gave such great consideration to TRUTH and HONESTY, to justice, to adherence to morals and standards, to the LAW!? SHAME ON YOU!

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Oh yeah, the law. You should look at some of today's testimony in the trial of the killer of Laken Riley. If Harris had done her duty as Border Czar, made constructive recommendations to Biden about means of sealing the border, and Biden had followed through on them, the monster who killed that young woman wouldn't have been in the country in the first place.

It's clear that Biden was always dumb and Harris was always dumb. Neither has ever had any commitment to duty. A president is supposed to be forceful. Trump can be. He should have gotten The Nobel Peace Prize for having done some headknocking to get The Abraham Accords negotiated.

It wasn't going to happen, of course, because Trump haters can never say exactly why it is they hate Trump. Meanwhile, Miranda Devine's book, The Big Guy, is all about the Biden crime family.

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The GQP and Fox called her "border czar" not anyone else. Get a clue.

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Get a clue: there is this thing called “slang.” Biden may not have used the actual term, “border Czar,” but it's a handy media term, and he did say that during his term she was going to have oversight of the border, implying that she would be keeping a routine eye on the situation and reporting her findings to him regularly. Some people actually believed him.

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If the choice is death, or a despot, which is better?

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Despot? Please correct my failed memory and list a single despotic thing Trump did in his term as President.

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Nov 22
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They're not lies, but neither are they despotic. Petty, contemptible, irresponsible, but not despotic. I have never thought Trump is sub - Jesus.

I don't know how old you are, but it wasn't that long ago that Trump was Mr First Nighter, quite the elegant chap. Watch some of his appearances with David Letterman. They may go back as far as the 1980s. I was surprised when I learned about his McDonald's affinity.

A despot is a power grabber. All Trump does is bitch and pity himself.

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I live in the cool hip cosmopolitan "progressive" California San Francisco Bay Area, not in Nebraska or North Carolina, and EVERY smart, kind, ethical liberal and progressive I know IN PERSON supports America's most insane AND EVIL war ever, the Ukraine proxy war against Russia. They say, if we let Putin take Ukraine, next he'll go after the NATO countries. It makes me almost fighting mad when they say the war was unprovoked, considering that we had surrounded Russia with military bases and missile stations and actively interfered with Ukraine's government inside of Russia's small sphere of influence. Imagine what these same foolish Americans (including AOC and Bernie) would think if Russia did the exact same thing in Canada and Mexico.

Thank you DK for this wonderful piece. I saved it as a PDF because it's so beautifully written and so intensely and clearly true, and for its historical value as a signpost in this most dangerous moment for humanity. But the saddest thing was that I almost DIDN'T save it because as a 70-year-old English teacher and student of history I really don't think there's going to be anybody around to read my archive of interesting essays, including this powerful one of yours.

Here's a song I wrote about the situation you describe when I was a young man, recorded decades later when I was 50 from the depths of my memory on an old cassette recorder with my then 5-year-old daughter holding a $2 Radio Shack mic.


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I live in SF Bay Area too. My liberal friends think it's ok to fight Russia, even if it means danger of WW3.

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Thank you Dennis for saying this clearly- The forces pulling Biden's puppet strings are recklessly pushing for terrible devastation - We should long ago have created the cabinet-level Department of Peace that yo proposed way back in the early 2000s.

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Hopefully, each commenter here has chewed the ear off their Senators and Representatives. And insisted also on no more killing aid to Bibi and his sadistic mass murderers of helpless starving Palestinians. Soldiers ”in defense of Israel” is a gross misnomer for the reality. Unless - can 2 month old babies still in incubators belong to Hamas?

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Back in the day when Bernie was running I tried calling my senator Nancy Pelosi and found that since my area code did not match the area code of her particular District I could not call. I thought she was the senator for the whole state. But, I had a 707 area code and they are down in the 916 area code so the call is not allowed to go through. That's the kind of democracy and republican governance we have.

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It almost makes me ill to think of the suffering we are causing the people of other nations with our prolific military 'aid'. This behavior goes against the teachings of any religion I know about. We are supposed to be the pinnacle of evolution's development, but we sure aren't acting like it.

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My prayer is the Putin will use forbearance and it’s likely to come at a hefty cost for all involved.

God Bless You as an American with good sense that knows what needs to be said and how to say it clearly.

It’s beyond tragic; and imagine only days ago, the lamest of all ducks in history was grinning like the cat that ate the canary!

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Isn’t there ANYONE who will lock up these criminals? I guess the answer is NO. God have mercy on our souls

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To Impeach is Patriotic


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Great idea! Start proceedings on January 21, 2025. Third times a charm!!

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Obama--Clinton--Biden: Terrorists all. Always have been. Always will be.

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Why not add Bush x2, and Trump to the list?

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Yikes! Dennis, shame on you...find another brand of Kool Aid...

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Can't agree with you on this one, Dennis, though I've been a supporter of yours for decades.

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