Trump in 2020 declared a fake pandemic State of Emergency leading to unethical executive orders that by-passed congressional approval, warp-speed vaccine, an Emergency Use Authorization experimental event that was rushed through with poor and incomplete safety studies, disastrous economy-busting lockdowns, using coercion to take away medical freedom of choice, mandatory masks, mandatory \/@❌’s, never-ending Booo-stirs, censorship and completely closing down any debate or discussion contrary to the adopted and established narrative. Biden followed and adopted all the totalitarian policies taking away freedoms. I’ll never forgive or forget. I’ll never vote for either Trump or Biden.

🌏☮️♾️🌍🕊️World Peace forever

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Great post, Ron. Let's not forget about the governors who were responsible for installing and keeping the lockdowns for as long as possible. Biden adopted even more totalitarian measures by creating vaccine mandates. The ones he wasn't able to enforce directly, he enforced indirectly.

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Very creating spelling in the word immediately after "mandatory" :-)

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JustPlainBill I posted this comment on a YouTube channel and it was immediately blocked until I removed or replaced all the trigger words. Their algorithm couldn’t identify my euphemisms.

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I knew the reason for it immediately. Why am I not surprised that YT blocked it...

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love that “ world peace forever.” You’re alsospot on with comments too.

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A vote for Trump or Biden is akin to changing deck chairs on the Titanic. Our country is in deep crisis. We stand at the 11th hour as America teeters on the brink of fascism. There is only one candidate who can turn this ship around and that is Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.



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America's Journey into Decline AND How WHY Israel wanted JFK AND RFK DEAD


It is an insult to the memory of JFK AND RFK for Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. to support and defend the terrorist state of Israel.

NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb by Ryan Dawson

Terrorists took advantage of the massive weapons surplus following the end of WWII and created lucrative black-markets for illegal arms trafficking many of which went to ethno-fascist fanatics who created the state of Israel. The weapons theft would escalate to Highly Enriched Uranium for nuclear bombs and the assassination of a US president.




Jill Stein or/and Cornel West are the only American Patriots running for POTUS.

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The US of scAmerica is the biggest threat to world peace., our greatest enemy is ourselvies

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Our greatest enemy is our government...and their billionaire paymasters...and their corporate cronies.

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The Constitution is not going to save us.

If it could, none of this would have happened.

Time for a new vehicle of liberty and freedom, and it's not going to come from the current establishment.

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I’m intrigued. Please offer us some detail on this new vehicle for liberty and freedom and its potential origin points. Please be as specific as possible so simpletons like me can grasp and be on the lookout.

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My substack is full of columns with steps to develop this new vehicle, which is ourselves and our self-awareness at Philip Mollica's Consciousness Evolution. https://philipmollica.substack.com/

For a more pragmatic approach to objective sources of detailed ideas, I would refer you to Christopher Cook, who is doing tremendous work in this field at The Freedom Scale. https://christophercook.substack.com/

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I’m intrigued. Please explain with specifics those precise reasons for supporting RFK Jr

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I don't support anyone running for President nor Congress, present company excluded.

And unfortunately, I am not in Dennis's district.

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This is why the Convention of States is growing. We the people, not we the government.

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I couldn’t possibly vote for Biden, Trump, RFK for President. Jill Stein appears to want to preserve the Constitution and recognizes the Zionist Israel problem of genocide against the Palestinians, which is indication of a conscience.

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Well said!

America's Journey into Decline AND How WHY Israel wanted JFK AND RFK DEAD


NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb by Ryan Dawson

Terrorists took advantage of the massive weapons surplus following the end of WWII and created lucrative black-markets for illegal arms trafficking many of which went to ethno-fascist fanatics who created the state of Israel. The weapons theft would escalate to Highly Enriched Uranium for nuclear bombs and the assassination of a US president.




It is an insult to the memory of JFK AND RFK for Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. to support and defend the terrorist state of Israel.

Jill Stein or/and Cornel West are the only American Patriots running for POTUS.

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In my view. Until money is out of the govt. Nothing will work.

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Sadly we don't have even one viable candidate for president, I doubt they will actually have sElections....martial law will be invoked, or a new scamdemic Harmacide to declare the perpetuation of all we abhor.

Our biggest enemy is ourselvies, because when anyone speaks truth to power, as I did , we go to jail, lose our business to ScKamala, thank you girl for busting my fucking door down, sic, and lose our minds in solitary isolation. Thank you scAmerica., for waging war upon the whole world and destroying it all

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Concur that "we don't have even one viable candidate for president"!

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Can we cut and paste, er, scratch thst

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Biden, just like Zelensky is into the perpetual "emergency" mode to usurp the power.

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Thank you, Mr Kucinich.

This is precisely why we support RFK JR for president!!












" Come My Friends.. ' tis not too late to seek a newer world." - Tennyson



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The Department of War changed itself to The Department of Defence in order to be compliant with the Constitution and convince the American citizen we are only defence oriented... just like NATO. The Constitution is clear on how war is decided; if we are building up for a war and not for the defence of this country... we are violating ourselves.

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Don’t want to mention Israel, I understand, but to say we have enemies… those our imperialist government has created. I think it’s time to look at those from within and outside of the U.S. and try to make amends.

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Thank you Dennis. As long as this system can keep the American People anesthesiacized with it's wall to wall 24/7 365 propaganda and keep us locked into a state of constant fear and doubt, many will seek protection by voting for the criminal Red and Blue Cabal "Saviors". America could refuse to tune into the propaganda and look for alternatives.

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Michigan here... If Dennis or others on the list would like to know about how TSA began and the developing threat of terrorism today (Memorial Day should be reason enough for an Alert) comment here... I was Manager schooled at FAA’s Mike Mulroney Aeronautical Center... US Dept of Transportation employee .

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I would love to understand this. Thank you for offering.

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You're right, but on other matters, the President has not used actual powers. For example, in 2000 when the lame Gore and Clinton rolled over for the Supreme Court's election interference in Bush v. Gore. Today the un-Constitutional decision by the Stupe-Reams approving the South Carolina gerrymander should be declared invalid. (Unfortunately, the South Carolina legislature would probably keep the gerrymander and defy the Appeals Court that nixed it.)

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And we would never have gotten to this point iff we had elected you President.

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