The massive pressure organized by Zionists on everyone demonstrates not only the extent of their control over US foreign and domestic policies, but how they have utterly undermined the pillars of the United States constitution and its experiments with democracy and liberty. Thankfully, a large number of Jews are making clear that Zionism is not synonymous with Judaism as nothing increases antisemitism more worldwide than the crimes against humanity of which Israel has been blatently guilty for three quarters of a century, seamlessly filling the space in immorality vacated by the Nazis.

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This helps me to understand why you can no longer be a part of the RFK Jr. presidential bid. You are an intelligent, principled and compassionate man Mr. Kucinich. Thank you for consistently standing up for our rights and recognizing our young people's courage in today's university protests against the war in Gaza and US support for it. Our political representatives are failing us and are beholden to the war / genocide profiteers and cower to AIPAC. Many today are not familiar with the Vietnam war protests of the 60's. The similarities in violent law enforcement attacks against free speech are striking and relevant as you've pointed out. Provocateurs need to be identified and outed. Their paymasters must also be held accountable. This is one of the worst forms of betrayal to humankind.

I hope that RFK Jr. will soon change his stance on the genocide that is occurring in Gaza. He could do a lot of good for our country.

Thank you for your work.

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This gave me information I hadn't had about Kent State. Thank you very much. Kent State was a major moment in my understanding of reality.

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Thank you, Dennis. One of the view voices of reason.

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You be preaching to the choir. I'd normally be quite cynical of this article from a politician but know you're a man who practices what he preaches.

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I am so pleased to see a resurgence of young people protesting the bad treatment of our fellow world dwellers. Israel is like a giant boil that has burst. The pus is destroying everything around it.

Between 1990 and 2024 Senator Biden received from Jewish lobbies some $6,135,456. The next largest sum to a senator was $2,500,005. Biden received about 500 times the average of other senators. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S Israel owns Biden. Juan Cole points out that since Oct. 7, every 20 minutes on average a child in Gaza is wounded or dies. The US just approved another $26 billion for Israel. https://www.juancole.com/2024/04/wounding-palestinian-minutes.html

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Dennis, I wish it was RFK jr who resigned from your campaign.

Iran will soon be invaded. After that who knows.

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It's 1968 all over again. I'm feeling Deja Vu (yes, I'm that old). This country is not a democracy. It's either go along to get along and ignore the men behind the curtains, or get ready to suffer the consequences, and thanks to social media, these kids will be blackballed forever. The universities have been corporatized, and want us to believe this is some sort of anti-semitism instead of anti-genecide (even though many of the protestors are Jews). Many people say, "How could there be a God that would allow such a world?" To that I say, "Free will, honey. Mankind is still manevil. And without a God, we'd surely have blown ourselves to bits by now (and still might). George Orwell was only 40 years too early.

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When the corruption and greed of the elite reaches a certain point, the population tends to rebel. We are at such a point.

The degree to which the hidden rulers will destroy civilizations and even the entire planet is now in plain sight for those who are paying attention. It is also obvious now how corrupt the messaging from the mass media is.

We must awake now and assert our natural power, or it is over.

Drake Chamberlin

Media & Communication Action Project


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I love and support your message wholeheartedly. But “politically naive” university presidents sounds like a mythological creature to me.

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Thank you for publishing this. Free speech has been undermined for years, starting with "politically incorrect" speech and "hate speech." Hate speech and politically incorrect speech are precisely the speeches that the First Amendment were intended to protect. America now has a fascist government, attacking the First and Second Amendments of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights.

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I'm afraid that the Congress, Presidency, and Security agencies have been corrupted and no longer protecting the governance of our country. Multinational corporations are buying various avenues of governance and unless there are people (patriots and others who see this this twisted system all the way to the executive and down to election and education boards and committees, anarchy will be dominant.

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Dear mayor kuccinich,

In 2007 .

I ran for mayor of SF. I went to the straw poll you were at in San Mateo and paid 25 bucks to vote for you.

Then. I went to hear Hilary's speech and yelled stop the wars, being ignored totally I left and played anti war guitar on top of my Grasshopper taxicab in the parking lot.

As I was driving away they arrested me but eventually I beat those charges for playing naked on top of the taxicab, which had already been shut down as a priorly legal taxicab in SF by ScKamala, now vice, because. As running for mayor.

In SF, they threw me in jail and stole my business away.

I had attended and gotten arrested at a half dozen anti war rallies, with others mostly.

But they put me in jail for a bad taxi ride where Janet vandebos testified against me and I was thrown off my own counsel.

Jail is terror and torture, as is your damm democracy, a mockery. As is solitary isolation, thanks for stealing my taxi business away forever.

I support Russia in this war where I was born, Russia will win

America is a sad piece of poo.

Good luck.

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Georgetown U gave up their Graduation ceremony for Martin Luther King and RFK in 68. Sadly that will never happen again. There would be a knock on our door by the Three Letter Agencies that support the Three Numbered War.. Can there be Spring when Fall is so near?

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If everyone voted for you back when we had the chance, none of this would be happening.

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Thank you, Dennis, for speaking for our rights to FREE SPEECH.

God bless the students everywhere who will force our corrupt government to shut down this immoral genocide of the Palestinian people.

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