I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as mentally unfit for service in 1969 because I said that, faced with the prospect of taking another human life, especially someone whose country I had invaded, I would probably kill myself instead. I reasoned that if I killed another it's a burden I'd carry with me my entire life, whereas if I killed myself, whatever happens after that, it would be over and done. Considering the fact that all wars are simply to serve the ruling elite, in this case the corporatocracy that runs our country, and the millions of PTSD cases out there, I stand by my decision.

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Thank you Steve Doll for being "Mentally fit" to serve humanity but not murder! This does bring up some interesting 'Right-&-obligation-to-Protect-the-innocent' situations. Probably most Americans Dem&Rep would feel justified to kill a whole platoon of 'foreign murderers', but would they recognize their fellow US soldiers as 'foreign murderers' in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc where there were no "weapons of mass destruction" except in the minds of our Zionist Oligarch rulers. We have killed & genocided so many 100s of millions of innocent women & children yet continue to support our sick $$ captured genocidal government representative. It typically takes a couple of years for 50% of every generation of soldiers to realize how they've been lied to & everything they believed was false & opposite, only to 'carry this burden of being murderers for their entire lives'.

ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY was the system of empowerment employed by all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors to maintain sovereignty in the hands of people locally. Real Democracy also includes universal individual business ownership & empowerment in the specialized Domestic, Industrial & Commercial Production-Society-Guilds as well as use of time-based, equivalency accounting on the once worldwide String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie in indigenous Celtic & Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

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Forget all the other WMD's, including the farcical nuclear race. Money and the motivation behind it to acquire it at any cost is the most destructive force ever conceived by humans. The essential difference between it and all the others is, like religion, it is born totally of the whole cloth of imagination and continues its power through misinformation, fear, and ignorance of its true nature.

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PEACE AS 'ECONOMY' (Gk. 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture')

Hey Steve, I agree with you about Oligarch top-down, centrally issued fake 'MONEY' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), in fact 'Amnesia'. Most people without digging deep into understanding, are at the point of rejecting human 'memory' of each other's contributions, tragically. I'm 60 years of my 71 years involved in 1st Nation & worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') solidarity, working & living with folks & absorbing what I can. All indigenous humanity's worldwide String-shell is a system of 'memory', accounting celebration & reflection for the contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen, which flows therein. String-shell systematically integrates 'Capital' (L. 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), 'Currency' ('Flow' or 'recognition for exchange'), 'Condolence' (Social-security in all forms), Collegial mentored-apprentice 'education' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, time-math Communication, professional Costume for recognition of essential service expertise etc. into one integrated accounting cycle. Such recognition-accounting, celebration & reflection enables people to make wise decisions together as complementary parts of a whole. String-shell is issued from the Bottom-up in each collective Domestic (mostly women), Industry & Commerce (mostly men) sector of 'economy'. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

Each specialized labour or profession is organized in progressive-lifelong or career-long ownership in Production-Society-Guilds. With each person invested, decisional & responsible in his or her specific profession as part of the whole, then decision-making is confidently delegated to each level of expertise. I know the success of progressive-ownership, from having helped implement Multistakeholder Participatory investment, ownership & Board Representation in industry & commerce.

Participatory Companies http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/7-participatory-companies

Rateable Corporations (eg. 'B' corporations) https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/3-rateable-non-profit-corporations

We can understand from reading various sources of history, how 7000 years ago in Babylon, oligarchy & a sect took centralized control of the issue of metal-coin fake 'money', which ceased to have 'Community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') memory for each person's contributions. Hugely important was the loss of recognition for the Domestic economy (mostly women) as the core of 'economy' & community intelligence, particularly starting in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). The primary task of men & women should be about recognizing, accounting-for & empowering collective Domestic labours & professions. Organizing ourselves Culturally is far better than waiting in line in inappropriately scaled & detached institutions where people don't know who we are or at the Old-Folks Homes.


The mathematics of organization & governance in indigenous society is based in cultural 'fractals' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole'). One can compare this fractal organization with the autonomous organization of the genes, cells, tissue & organs of the human & other animal bodies. Economic Memory with bodily autonomy. Modern neurology has established how each part has both neurons, memory, intelligence & the autonomous mandate to act with their specific knowledge. The brain is considered as one of several body Nexus for the inter-communication of these events & coordinated action by the whole body, often well after the fact. The stomach for its integrated body nourishing functions, has more neurons than the brain. The body is synonymous with the body-politic or society at various levels. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

Without-memory being amnesia, Oligarch rulers imposed centralized linear centralized controls in a whole range of business & government activities, which has led to our present terminal stage war & ecological destruction, pushed by this same lineage of oligarchs.

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" I believe it is honorable, a sacred obligation, to serve in defense of one’s country". Mr Kucinich opines.

NOBODY has a a sacred obligation to serve in the defense of one's country, especially as none of the wars since WW2 have been 'defensive'.... all have been offensive, mostly based on a pack of lies from the President, Congress or both.

Even if the war is 'defensive' every individual has the right to be a conscientious objector, to refuse the morally government sanctioned demand to kill another human being, without being persecuted for 'cowardice'.

In the event of a re-introduction of the draft, I hope all within the proscribed age range do everything in their power to avoid any form of service in the military.

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All War is Failure. We need to stop rewarding Failure. That’s how Failure stops.

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Reply to Percy Groinbrush (below), Thank you for standing up for conscience.

All war is 'Intellectual Cowardice'. actually a condition of fear of SUZERAINTY, which is a position of control by a sovereign or state over another state that is internally anonymous or hidden.

All humanity's once worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') COUNCIL-PROCESS CP prescribes Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published FORMAL DIALOGUE exactly during times of incomprehension or disagreement. Because these puppets, follow the instructions of their Oligarch owner, campaign financiers so pervasively, they conspire with everything they have to shut you down. They don't have the confidence in their oligarch indoctrinated truths & therefore with Cowardice try to keep all of us & your wonderful voice on all our behalf silent. I was raised in a family with regular frequent equal-time formal family 'debates' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight'). I feel nourished & intrigued by the parallel minds of friends, family & even adversaries, because they provide a real view of part of humanity's common mind whether in loving capacity or Oligarch controlled psyche. In your ongoing work & Presidency, I hope restimulating the processes of 'Dialectic-Right' to raise issues & be heard with our fellows (Socrates), 'Satyagraha' (Hindi 'Truth-Search') of Mohandas Gandhi & ultimately restoring the CP of all our indigenous ancestors & 1st Nations here will be one of your ongoing accomplishments. BOTH-SIDES-NOW is a simplified process, which we use to help people engage in CP. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

Mohandas Gandhi stated, "Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Non-violence & cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a COWARD." Gandhi is speaking here to the intelligent mind of the soldier as an active contributor to his or her community, society & ultimately to the international conversation of war & peace such as Social Media might afford today if converted from Mono to Dialogue? as westerners failed in stimulating around our travesty in Libya? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya

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No more 👎 wars for Greater Israel & Jewish Supremacy.

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It's not Jewish supremacy. It's zionist supremacy. Judaism is used as a front by zionists to justify colonisation and terrorism

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Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie

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Kazarians are to Jews like how Mafia is to regular Italians.

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They're our most reliable and best military ally in the world. Jewish Supremacy. Why aren't you out smashing the windows of delicatessens?

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I think the crew of the U.S.S. Liberty who survived and the families of those murdered on that ship by that "ally" might think differently.

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You know what? I haven't looked into that. I will.

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You definitely should look into it. It was during the 1967 war. The USS Liberty was a spy ship, clearly marked as American and with a massive American flag flying off the rear. Israeli fighters were flying planes from which the identifying marks had been removed. They flew over the USS Liberty all day, some of the sailors recounting that they flew low enough to wave to. Then the pilots were told to start attacking the Liberty after Israel jammed the radio frequency making it impossible for the Liberty to issue a distress call. The sailors on the liberty were able to get a signal and sent out a distress call. Johnson immediately ordered two rescue ships to go to their aid. Before reaching the Liberty it was confirmed that the attack had come from Israel. When Johnson learned it was Israel who’d attacked he ordered the rescue vessels to turn around, leaving our sailors to die. I believe Israel also attacked with naval vessels, shooting up the lifeboats, and attempting to kill the sailors trying to reach the remaining lifeboats. Many US servicemen died that day and even more were injured. Israel was unsuccessful in sinking the Liberty, an attempt to hide the evidence. Those servicemen have never received recognition and some have stated that they were forbidden to discuss it. One sailor had been on deck filming when the attack began. The film was confiscated and has never seen the light of day.

The theory has been that Israel hoped to create a false flag operation, blaming Egypt for the attack, thereby drawing the US into the war. Israel has tried time and again to draw the US into war with Iran, which would certainly not be in our best interests. They pushed hard for the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel wants hegemony in the ME and has no concern for the best interests of US. They have spied on us, sold the technology that was developed with US taxpayer money and given to them by the US. Israel isn’t a true ally to anyone. Their exclusive interest is in themselves and they will take advantage and double cross anyone to achieve their goals. Research JFK and Israel’s promises regarding nuclear weapons. Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons is the greatest threat to peace in the ME and responsible for any nuclear proliferation in the area.

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That's life when you are another country's "bitch". Does ANYONE still believe the USA is not totally Zionist occupied? Anyone who will study 19 and 20th century history will see this pattern repeated again and again...

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The Balfour Declaration itself supports and confirms your assertion. Humans are able to rationalize nigh-anything to not see this for what it is.

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It's well worth looking into, and I will. My instinct is that you're right. If you are, I can't defend it, though I can understand it. I remember The Six Day War. In late May/early June, it looked very much as though Israel faced extinction. Ask yourself what you might be willing to do if you thought your life might depend on it. This is a fallen world, and we are a species which has been known to eat its dead children to stave off starvation.

I'm 72, and consider myself to be of that first generation which had to grapple with the fact of the Holocaust. ( My criterion for membership in that club is that one must remember when Eichmann was tracked down, and I do. ) Human life is individual, not corporal, still, we don't flinch from talking about "Japanese war crimes" or "Irish ruthlessness," and if you've known Holocaust survivors, which I have and which I gather you haven't, your reservoir of what you will give sanction to in Jewish behavior will be huge. Whatever crimes Jews have committed against non Jews can't begin to compare in numbers with the crimes which non Jews have committed against Jews.

No sane country is ever at the behest of another, and that isn't what an alliance requires, anyway. I ask you to remember that Islamicists want you dead only somewhat less than they want Jews dead. From you and possibly me they might accept a meek surrender to dhimmitude, it's true, but I personally would prefer death.

Your idea that Israel's possession of nuclear weapons is the greatest threat to Middle Eastern peace strikes me as so perverse I can't see that I should address it.

I'm a Christian, worship the King of the Jews, and see anti - Semitism as demonic. Romans 9 - 11 should annihilate any trace of anti - Semitism in anyone who takes it as Holy Writ, which, of course, I do.

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I'd kindly suggest laying off the western imperial kool aid. Absolute nonsense, with all due respect. I've travelled across Muslim-majority countries and not only did nobody try to kill me (shocker) but they welcomed me at every turn. I'm about the most white, western looking guy you can think of. Or is this all part of their dastardly plan too? 🤦🏻‍♂️

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I am 71. I am horrified by the Holocaust, that it was allowed to continue for so long. There’s no justification for genocide either in law or morality. I oppose antisemitism as I oppose any form of racism or prejudice.

Where we part company is your assumption that having suffered a holocaust the Jewish people, though I would differ and say Zionists, get a pass for atrocities against others because the numbers of victims is less. No individual and no state or non state actor has permission to inflict harm on others. The holocaust was horrific and a blight on humanity. The current genocide in Gaza is also horrific and a blight on humanity. There a reason that genocide enjoys NO JUSTIFICATION in law, because there simply is no justification for committing that level of death and destruction of another people. By your logic, any group who’s suffered a horrible crime has the right to inflict the same or a lesser crime against others. That puts the lie to “never again”. If the world ascribed to your logic revenge would be allowable and all international law would be out the window resulting in chaos and survival of the wealthiest and strongest. That’s not a world that many of us would choose to live in.

Your racism towards Muslims, lumping them all into radical islamists, is very offensive. Every religion has extremists. They don’t represent the entire religion. Hitler was a Catholic but I don’t think any sane person would suggest that he represents all Catholics.

I wouldn’t expect any country to bow to the US, though we do hold many countries hostage through financial aid, etc. We routinely exert undue pressure on other countries to garner their vote at the UN, etc. I dispute Israel’s status as our great ally because of their killing of Americans, some executed, with no accountability. Their willingness to violate US imposed sanctions, selling arms in violation of US prohibition, never honoring the boycott of S Africa during apartheid continuing military cooperation and arms sales. Since George W’s administration they have pushed for bunker buster bombs to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, lobbied hard to avoid the deal with Iran which allowed for monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program and provided our best chance to avoid a nuclear Iran. They know that if they manage to start a war with Iran we’ll be forced into the conflict. It’s one thing to put your country’s needs first, it’s another to try to drag another country into a conflict that definitely not in their best interest.

If you lived in the other Middle East countries, knowing what Israel has done in the last 75+ years with full US support and political cover, I think you’d be uncomfortable. Israel has committed targeted assassinations of many Iranian nuclear scientists, cyberattacks, and the recent bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria. They routinely bomb Syria, a sovereign nation (regardless of what you may think of them), in violation of international law. With such a ruthless neighbor it’s not a surprise that other countries would seek nuclear deterrence.

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Why are White nations being targeted for destruction? And by who?

“I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” - Rudyard ...


What say we broaden the perspective by asking questions?

Why is this happening?


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Look at Tom’s Substack by Tom Calabretta, June 3, 2024. He writes a great synopsis of events as an eye (or rather “ear”) witness to the liberty fiasco. He was at US radio station and received and forwarded the Liberty’s distress call to Washington DC during the event. He is nonjudgmental, but there were troubling details regarding the US response and also Israeli participation. Don’t miss it.

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Can you tell me if any Israel’s fought during the war of terror? Netanyahu wanted Saddam and Gaddaffi gone, but Israeli troops got to stay home and watch Americans die. Some ally.

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I'm not sure what to make of this. As for the War on Terror, George W. Bush is a war criminal and an idiot. Cheney, Wolfowitz, Condoleeza Rice and the others are only war criminals.

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A superficial take. For example, 9/11 and 10/7 are mirrored events, blatant false flags allowed/abetted/assisted and perhaps outright planned by the “victimized” countries in order to justify the subsequent power and land grabs.

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10/7 was not a false flag. N.S. Lyons' Substack has an analysis of the Israeli security failures which made the attack possible. It isn't paywalled. Read it. Israel was vulnerable not because its security was too simple but because it was too complex.

As I read it, I couldn't help admiring Hamas' ingenuity in figuring out that they could breach the surveillance with Big Box store - level supplies. Evil, evil, evil, but very clever.

Again, read it. It will alter your superficial take.

I have little but contempt for the intelligence and decency of people who think 9/11 was a false flag. Do you realize what monsters our leadership, our military, and our intelligence people would have to have been to have done that? George W. Bush waved off an intelligence briefing he was given in the summer of 2001 that Al Qaeda was planning a big terror strike in the United States. He told the C.I.A. intelligence officer, "Okay, Skippy, you've done your job. You can get your butt out of here now."

Bush is a dullard and a 77 year old rich brat. You can't impeach a President for policy failure, though.

You're another useful idiot for anti Semitic propaganda. Tell me, please, what "land grabs" have the Israelis made?

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Two words: Operation Northwoods.

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In your mind all land Israel occupies belongs to them, so he cannot prove there were land grabs to you.


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I was just looking this thread over and was stopped cold by the comment: please tell me that you do understand that for most of their history, the modern Israelis have been the primary target of the terror war. You do get that, right?

The United States first real experience of Islamic terrorism was the bombing of Pan Am 103 in December, 1988. I do not count the attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 or 1984 as a domestic terror attack. Our military was on Middle Eastern land.

By comparison, google the following:

post 1970 islamic terror attacks on israel

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Reliable ally? They are making a laughing stock of the US around the world, as Biden feebly pretends to plead with israel, which israel ignores, the US presents an ISRAELI ceasefire proposal which israel denies and refuses to support - a farce if it weren’t so tragic for the Palestinians. Israel us dragging the US into shame and ignominy, and the world is soon to witness the shameful spectacle of the US congress applauding wanted war criminal netanyahu in its congress

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Nice, when are you signing up?

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That shouldn’t stop you if you really cared. The other Zionist regime in Ukraine 🇺🇦 has sent people with special needs to die on the front lines.

Fighting these forever ♾️ wars in the Middle East has gotten us nowhere and $35T in debt. We weaponized the dollar and that has backfired. No one is suggesting turning on Jews rather suggesting not supporting the Zionist regime… there a big difference although you prefer to conflate the two.

Not sure if you are paying any attention to the UN voting but supporting this Zionist regime, now has us completely isolated.

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Yeah but just think how much money defense companies made and then shared with their shareholders and pilfered back into conglomerates wallets.

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"Zionist" is just a euphemistic way of saying that you want to finish the job Hitler started. Think, please: you hate God's chosen people, the people who gave us the Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.

The Devil's own. Sleep well.

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Not sure if you've ever paid any attention to the Bible, and to be candid, am pretty sure you have not. I worship the King of the Jews, and see anti - Semitism as the demonic thing which it is.

If you can have witnessed the nightmarish eruption of open anti - Semitism in the last eight months and be oblivious to the evil which it is, your spiritual perceptiveness is dull, indeed. Read The Gospel of John and The Epistle to the Romans, paying special attention in the latter to chapters 9 - 11.

Genesis 12:3 has not been abrogated. It's far safer to be isolated because of our advocacy of Israel than to get crossways with God. Are you aware that the Bible prophesies that in the last days the entire world will turn against Israel? Are we in those days? I think we are in a prelude to them, and things are likely to get only worse.

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At 72 and severely disabled since childhood, not anytime soon. For what it's worth, I'm America First, too, and part of that is recognizing that we need allies. I hope to live to see the ninety million Iranians who despise the mullahs get rid of them.

An America/Israeli/Iranian alliance would be highly likely to happen, and if you want peace, you should hope it does. There is an Iranian born Londoner, Mahyar Tousi, whose YouTube channel, TousiTV, I urge you to have a look at.

I would have hoped that Globalism's clear pro Hamas affinity would have convinced guys like you that "Jewish Globalism" is a lunatic fever dream. In any event, I believe Genesis 12: 3.

Huey Long didn't live to see World War II. He was shot in 1935. A reporter once asked him what he thought of the Nazis.

Long, not verbatim, but close: "Study history. Any nation which turns against the Jews gets destroyed."

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They have worked with and armed Mexican drug cartels infiltration of US markets.

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Proof, please.

Did you know they also drink the blood of Christian children?

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https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/07/mexico-cartels-drugs-spying-corruption not a mistake. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-08-30-mn-1305-story.html old but historic precedent. This is around the same time Israel was supporting Hamas as the only viable leadership in Gaza as a hedge against the leadership in the West Bank. Many have a tough time spiritually separating disparate Jewish peoples around the world from Israel proper, yet conflating them helps no one. Mossad is everywhere, whether you wish to believe it or not. And I’m sure none of this is state sponsored... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-08-30-mn-1305-story.html Take care

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Men from the age of 18 through 25 or 26 have always been required to register with Selective Service, that doesn't mean that there will be a draft. Only that everyone eligible will be registered if a draft is needed. Senior year in high school many of the older boys had to register. I remember seeing the posters which said "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." And I thought, wow, we need a men's movement. Imagine if there was a poster that said "a Black's gotta do what a Black's gotta do, " or "A Gay's gotta do what a Gay's gotta do." Our society places no value on men, only as utilitarian pawns in their international chess game.

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And women's value, apparently given the Supreme Court, is determined by marriage making babies...otherwise there this " third quarter of 2020 (the most recent national data), women in the United States earned 30% less than men and that pay gap increased with age. "(census.gov)

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Oh dear, don't draw me into this debate. You will lose. Here is a stat for you: "Similarly, women made up 8.1 percent (445) of all workplace fatalities" So, let's see, men make up almost 92% of workplace fatalities. And a similarly high percentage of workplace injuries, which may be serious, disabling, and eventually lead to premature death. Why don't women break the glass ceiling of workplace death and start dying in equal numbers?

And do you want to talk about abortion? Because, if I am the father, and let's say I want to keep our child, and even if I'm willing to raise the child as a single dad parent, the woman is like "my body my choice, I'm a gonna kill it." But suddenly, let her decide to have the child, and if I am the father and don't want the child, I will have to pay child support for 20 years, suddenly, it is the father's responsibility and his doing that this life came into existence, and the father is on the hook. I've known guys who had to spend time in jail due to delinquent child support-even guys who were earning a poverty level pay, and the mother earned six figures and had a new husband who earned a lotta cash.

Yeah, don't draw me into a debate on the value our society places on men, vs. the worship it heaps upon women, because I will win. Although I love women, I am right about this. Thanks.

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Speaking of abortion and women's rights, where are the so-called right-to-lifers when it comes to their 18-year-olds? Do you see any of them at anti-war rallies, or are these just for the leftists and subversives? They'll die defending the right of the fetus to be born, but wave the flag of perpetual, profit-driven war in front of them and all of a sudden they are uber-patriots, sending these same precious lives off to kill and/or be killed in the name of the freedom of the banks and war profiteers to further gouge the taxpayer. If there's anything unfettered capitalism and blind, unquestioning faith breeds, it's hypocrisy.

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I don’t think any party is particularly anti-war

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Speaking as a man of long-standing (61 years), I'll go to my grave convinced we are by far the worst of the two genders and deserving of limitless contempt.

I agree with your point about the draft, though. I registered when I turned 18 and so did my son. I'm not sure that this 'auto draft' increases the risk for a war. After all, the US has been fighting someone somewhere virtually my entire life...including the years after the draft was no longer mandatory.

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You are a gem of a man, imho, & definitely not worthy of infinite contempt, as are so many wonderful men who have given their lives to love & support their families, their friends, their nations. Even the majority of those who died in the wars most never understood!

But you are also correct that the majority of the violence on our Earth has beed committed

by men, conceived by men, enabled by men.

But it is not completely their fault, it is the fault of the twisted & abusive cultures that raised them & took advantage of their natural instincts of aggression to protect themselves & their loved ones. The culture that also raised them with violence, humiliation & psychological abuse & sent them off to be cannon fodder for the "King's" wars of aggression. To dig down deeper into how humanity & children & men & women hot into

this mess read "Saharasia" by James DeMeo, PhD.

Boys raised in Peaceful, Matriarchal societies are completely different. Violance against women, child sexual abuse & violence & war basically did not exist.

The work on Bonobos & Chimpanzees also tells us that peace & plenty brings more peace & plenty, while lack creates aggression & war like behaviors.

One single generation raised without violence & suffering breaks the cycle, which is why in my opinion, the demons are busy warmongering one more.

Blessings to you, and remember, many of us girls really, really love you boys!

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Speak for yourself re: men. Its viewpoints like yours that allow young men to be considered as disposable as they are treated.

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Thanks, I will.

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This sounds like cope, though. Maybe if you would try to debate and not talk about you. Also, there's a low level percentage of men who raise their children alone without women in their lives (thanks to the USA experiment we have that data!) and that is not because social laws. It's because your male biology. You lack what women have in the field of child rearing, biologically. And that's why every government use men and not women as cannon fodder. Do not need to say anything about my personal relations with people around me to talk about why things are the way they are.

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Not sure I am speaking about my personal relationships. I am speaking generally, although I mention someone specifically who spent time in jail due to lapsed child support, he's not the only one. It is just more glaring an example because of the financial disparity.

Nevertheless, you open a new can of worms. Nobody today can say what is a woman. You have to be a marine biologist to determine that. Male biology and female biology is now the same. Men have periods. Women have beards. The progressive agenda blurs that line, so your thoughts about male biology are antiquated, quaint, and irrelevant.

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Hello buddy. Again, it's not about you. Also we as a human race know what is a woman. Some of our governments don't, but then the governments are not real either. If human males were biologically intended to care for the young they would not have male sexuality strategy: to make as much children as they can. This is why guys have unlimited amounts of sperm and don't go into menopause as women do. There's no solution to that evolutionarily sexual strategy in humans and if you want to change men in that regard, well, then you're clearly talking from the same social constructivist culture, and you're the same as the people who pretend they don't know what a woman is.

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I've been alive for 79 years and never had any doubt whether there is any blurring of the line between male and female. One simple has to look and experience the difference between the male and female 'naughty bits' which conveniently fit together so nicely and pleasurably.

I've never had a period, nor have I had a relationship with a woman who sports a beard.

I think your can of worms is a disinformation fantasy that need to be kept closed.

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I'm not American but I remember when Carter reinstated draft registration. It was in response to the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. At that time 19 and 20 year olds had to register (there had been a lull for several years post Vietnam). But then as time progressed millions and millions of young men simply didn't bother registering. Did this affect their future in terms of say, not being able to get a government job? In any case, lack of registration was never enforced. This bill automaticallly registers the young. Not sure if this is simply a way of streamlining a system that wasn't working or is there's something more sinister at play?

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Zoomer women make more than men (our potential draftees here). Sorry burst your boomer feminist take.

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This has been debunked forever

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Imagine that

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For what Evil is trying to run our Country, if I were these young people, I would refuse. These scum trying to run our Country need to be put out there.

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I also thought this law was already on the books. I am very concerned about the direction our government is taking us, however.

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My body. My choice. In all matters. For everyone.

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Now it is automated. You won't have to go do it. It is done FOR YOU.

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Here is exactly the reason why the ruling class foments constant conflict and war, and why they MUST always have us fearing and hating an 'evil enemy' (who the scary enemy happens to be can change from generation to generation, but what doesn't change is that the ruling class ALWAYS have a scary boogeyman enemy ready for us to be afraid of and hate (and cling on to them - the ruling class manipulators - to protect and save us from the scary monstrous evil enemy who wants to hurt us for no reason whatsoever, simply because they're evil...) https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

In my view, this is a MUST READ for every human on the planet, and especially for Americans. If we were all aware of the trick they're playing on us then it wouldn't work for them anymore. So please read this profoundly important essay (that provides full citations and sources) and please share it so that the majority of us wake up to their manipulative tricks on us, and no longer fall for their propaganda. This is when their jig will be up and the ground ready for true change.

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Americans crapped their pants over a respiratory infection and tossed out their last remaining rights along with soiled undies. Convince minds like that that they're being tricked?

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I hear you, fully understand the frustration and truly thank you for caring. I don't know what else can one do other than try one's best to bring this to humanity's attention so that we may change course through greater and deeper awareness of how the ruling class operate and of the mechanisms they use to maintain their domination over us and profit off of us, such as, for example, the ownership of, control over and manipulation of the flow of information, in order to both affect our psychology as well as keep us ignorant of (and so, not challenging) the stratified unfree nature of our society and economy (detailed in the link I shared above, as well as in this profound and insightful essay https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor).

In my understanding and study of history, this (bringing these things to light and helping people become aware of the nature of the ruling class' control over us) is the factor that historically has lead to change, but of course I could be wrong about this. If there is a better course of action then I'd definitely like to know about it 🙏

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When you say humanity, you mean the whole world? My disdain (vs. frustration) I aim solely at "Americans."

One cannot continually laud oneself as "free and brave" and then behave in exactly opposite ways and 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 a person of integrity. Or a country remain free. And that has zero to do with "the ruling class." That has to do with character.

Thus, what the vast majority in this country revealed was their character -- not their lack of knowledge. Oh, maybe that, too, but bottom line? The country got presented with a fundamental question -- one that defines what it means to be American -- and it failed spectacularly. The "shining city on a hill" got an F- -- if that's possible.

I've said elsewhere that Sep 11 was the first test of the 21st century, which Americans failed. The COVID Operation was their final exam...and they failed that, too.

Had the majority acted as our "Marketing" department continually advertises, this latest, most grievous crime would have had nowhere to go...In standing for freedom, vs. trading it for "safety," the people would have saved themselves...and possibly the whole world.

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I fully understand and appreciate what you are saying. Thank you for sharing that. From my perspective (which is of course only partial, and therefore limited, as all prespectives are), it seems to me that the question of character is indeed an important and fascinating one, however it seems to me that the character factor comes into play only AFTER a more fundamental issue, and I will explain what I see as the most fundamental issue and why I think that the question of character can only arise AFTER the fundamental issue.

In my understanding, the fundamental issue is having access to CORRECT INFORMATION regarding what is actually happening (and derived for that, having an understading of what prevents our access to correct information. Which means, having an understanding of how the dominant narrative (what we believe to be happening) is constructed, and by whom, and for what reasons

After all, if two people (for example) cannot even agree that they are talking about the same reality, if they don't even have a shared understanding of what the course of events actually is, what reality is, then obviously the question of what to do in relation to reality doesn't even arise, because they don't even have a shared understanding of what reality is, of what is actually happening, so how can they even discuss what to do about the state of affairs, when they don't share the same understanding of what the state of affairs is.

That is why access to CORRECT INFORMATION (knowing what is the truth regrading what is happening, knowing what the reality of the situation actually is) is the most important and fundamental, IMHO

In my understanding, the question of the different character of people only comes into play once the two people are at the stage of deciding how to respond to reality, right? Only then you can talk about their different characters (and like or disdain their characters). But they cannot even reach this stage of deciding how to respond to reality if they don't even have access to CORRECT INFORMATION and don't have a shared understanding of what reality is, if they don't have a shared UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.

Let me give you an example that might make this clearer. Or actually, lets take the example that you gave, your desdain for the character of some or most americans. I fully understand your desdain, however, surely you can see that the way people responded to a situation (for example, the scamdemic), was based on their UNDERSTANDING of WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING, WHAT REALITY ACTUALLY IS (An understanding that you don't share, and I don't either). In a moment I will say where their (false) understanding came from, and why I see this (the understansding one has of what is actually happening, what reality is, and how this understanding is manipulated) why I see this as the most fundamental issue, but before i get to that, lets first go to the example i started giving, becasue i think it can clarify things.

I think it is important to understand that everyone (including those who we think are very wrong) do what seems the most rational and beneficial from their perspective BASED ON THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS HAPPENING. No one is intentionally evil or bad. Even hitler or stalin did what they thought was the most beneficial BASED ON THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY. From their perspective, and from the perspective of many americans during the time of the so-called pandemic, they were acting in the most rational and beneficial way possible BASED ON THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS HAPPENING.

For example, if you knew with 100% certainy that a room that you usually enjoyed being in (and that you also used as a short-cut to get from one section of a building to another section) if you knew that this room is now filled with poisonous gas, you would obviously avoid going into that room, right? Even though doing so diminshes from your freedoms and creates a lot of inconvenience for you. You would avoid it because YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY is that going into that room severely threatens your life, your very existence, and being alive comes before any temporary diminishment of freedom or inconvenience. You would do this becasue you are acting in way that you believe is most rational and beneficial based on YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Now lets say that later you found out that your previous UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY was wrong, and that the room was actually not filled with poisonous gas at all, even though you thought that it was. You thought that it was becasue you were given INCORRECT INFORMATION about the situation by certain authorities (who told you that it was filled with poisonous gas and that it would be lethal to go in there). And you believed those authorities becasue you had NO AWARENESS of the power relations in society and you had NO AWARENESS that those with the power (ruling class) are very often dishonest and make things up in order to make you scared and further their agenda of more easily dominating the non-ruling-class, dominating those who are not in position of authority and power (domination and power over others from which the ruling class derive many numerous perks, including control over the flow of information and the ability to declare what is the reality of a situation). You had NO AWARENESS that the ruling class (those who hold the power in society) do NOT have your best interests at heart (even though they tell you they do, especially before elections) and that they are working to further their own narrow interests, not yours (as detailed in the profound essay that i shared in tne previous reply). You had NO AWARENESS of any of that, and that ia why you believed them and avoided going into the room, even though in reality there was no poisonous gas in the room.

Now please tell me, in this example that we just described, what is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE at play here? Is it that you have a character flaw? Is it that you gave up certain freedmos in an irrational way becasue your character is flawed? Is this what actually happened here? Or is it that the MOST FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE at play here is that you had access to INCORRECT AND DECEPTIVE INFORMATION (you were presented with a false depiction of reality) + you had NO AWARENESS of the manipulative nature and of the agenda of those whom you believed to be giving you correct information.

Isn't this the most fundamental issue at play here?

What kind of character you have is a factor that doesn't even come into play here, because your character only matters when you are presented with a situation where there is some room for manouver, but here there was no such question at all, you were plainly told that you would die if you enter that room (if you don't temporarily give up your freedom of movment in order to stay alive). And you believed their assertion because you had NO AWARENESS of how those in power operate, and so you had NO AWARENESS that they might be lying to you, that they might be pushing certain agendas and that it is likely that they are being dishonest with you.

So the fundamental issue here is clearly NOT what kind of character you have, but rather it is the LACK OF AWARENESS of how power operates, the LACK OF AWARENESS that the ruling class in power always trick the have-nots this way. If you had this AWARENESS then you wouldn't have fallen for it, you wouldn't have unquestioningly accepted their DEPICTION OF REALITY, OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.

So I hope it is clearer and makes more sense now why I said earlier that in my view, the fundamental issue here is one of AWARENESS and UNDERSTANDING of how the ruling class functions.

The question of character only arises if there is lack of certainty about the level of lethality of the gas in the room (should i give up my freedom of movement and inconvenience myself in order to keep safe and not die, or does the level of lethality of the gas in the room not justify such giving up of freedom?), but if you believed that going into the room means certain death (becasue you were NOT AWARE of the manipulative nature of the ruling class who informed you about the situation and described reality to you) then the question of character does not arise at all. You would simply avoid the room, you would react in the most rational and beneficial way you can think of based on the access INCORRECT INFORMATION that you had, and based on your UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION IS.

Thank you for your attention.

Here again are the two very important and highly recommemded essays shared earlier



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As much as I have at times warned my fellow Kiwis here in New Zealand that if we continue to worship at the alter of the Transatlantic Imperial Bankers Empire we will end up handing over our kids in exchange for letters in the letterbox to go be cannon fodder for our financial masters, I hoped like hell I would be wrong, but here we are, going to hell in a handcart.

Just wow.

Please Dennis keep up your great work for good exposing this Transatlantic Imperial Bankers Empire for the evil it is.

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If you build it, they will come, but this is no Field of Dreams, The majority of humans on this planet would prefer cooperation. There is no shortage of food, just mainly distribution problems created out of the greed of a few. Most want to protect this rare and precious planet, Most recognize that we live in a symbiotic system and harming it rather than respecting it, is close to causing our extinction, Most want to be healthy , educated, and happy. How does our species continually believe the lies of the few greedy that believe in profits over people? How many really believe war is an answer? Yet here we are again, and again, and again. I had a high draft # for Vietnam. One of the very few times misogyny worked in my favor.

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"I had a high draft # for Vietnam. One of the very few times misogyny worked in my favor."

Women were given draft numbers in the Vietnam era?

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we still had birthdays... so luckily being female meant we didn't get drafted.

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I see, ok, thanks

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Anti-hip , No. #’s were given depending on your date of birth. According to my DOB, had I been male, I would have gone. Sorry for any miscommunication

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56 billion dollar pay package to Elon Musk. That’s some pretty convincing speech from a corporation “person”

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Have you talked to any Russians lately about their “special military operation?” The ones who are not scared to talk will give you an earful about Ukrainians punishing ppl for talking Russian, or Nazis (like Russian speaking, Jewish Zelenski !) who run the Ukr Gov, etc. Pure propaganda, because if you say anything else, off you go to a penal colony. How likely is it that we will long avoid a war with the bullies and imperialists who run Russia? We’d better get ready, because just like Americans in the 40’s, our wish to live in peace and friendship with others is not a decision we alone get to make.

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"Years ago I had a conversation with then-Vice President Biden, who mused, painfully, about his own sons’ lives potentially being at risk in combat. His deep love for his sons is reflective of all Americans’ love for their children.."

'Reflective'? Maybe,.. except in biden's case, just like all other politicians, they pass laws full well knowing they'll use their tremendous influence to keep their own children out of uniformed service.

"Those parents and grandparents with a first-person understanding of the human cost of wars in Vietnam and Iraq may have a powerful aversion to exposing their children and grandchildren to deadly conflict, unless there is a direct threat to the territory of the United States."

Not at all a description of our US government representatives. They have no aversion at all, because it aint their kids going.

"Ukraine understands the price paid for war, having lost hundreds of thousands of its courageous sons and daughters in the ongoing war with Russia."

Zelensky does NOT understand the price paid for war; He has rejected (at the behest of the West) each and every entreaty for peace negotiations on the part of Russia since the start of this 'war', that was provoked by Ukraines' apartheid, and then genocide of Russians in the Eastern Ukraine, since the US invasion in 2014. This slaughter of the Slavs is blood on his hands.

Sir, You are being far too obliging to your pending colleagues; and as a US military veteran, and the mother of a 25 year old son, I resent it.

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Very well said. It's never their kids or any price for these capricious things.

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Rather than see your sons serve as cannon fodder and come home in a body bag, l would recommend conscientious objection as a response to this insanity. War serves no purpose whatsoever !!

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The "owners" ( These guys: https://ehden.substack.com/p/the-anglo-saxon-mission ) use herds they own to cull other herds they own.

That's us, though...

It's "useful" in a way.

We need to devise a better way to replace it, right?

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Omg, that was a depressing read !

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Yes, I'm sorry. These tales are nothing new, as you can tell. I don't know how far forward the plans can be carried without much change, but the "3 world wars" thing apparently really does go back to the 1800s. I have seen it forever.

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just the mention of ‘a draft’ to fight illegal wars…

certainly not brilliant thinking… but…

i cannot think of a better way to turn several generations of our youth against current corrupt politicians and government with it’s growing participation in current illegal wars…

i also remember how the last draft brought the younger generations into the streets in huge droves…

with their justified rage against that particular corrupt and heinous government…

i was one of of those young folks.

ps… will it all be televised?

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Gee, I must have missed the article about automatic conscription in the NYT.

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Big difference between being registered with Selective Service and being "automatically conscripted" -- or drafted -- into military service. There are and have been many exceptions/exemptions to being drafted

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Even in the Vietnam War you had to register with the draft when you turned 18. It was not automatic. Don't you think this should be announced to the American people rather than buried in a bill? Why do you suppose it was quietly buried? Why do you think the draft was ended after Vietnam and an all professional military was created? Without any price to be paid by Americans (no risk of death, no increased taxes), wars are more easily swallowed. Why do you think that Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Kriby, Jean-Pierre, Miller, Patel and others always lie to us when addressing the war in Ukraine and Gaza? We no longer have a democracy. it's dead. We are ruled, censored on the internet, spied on. The CIA interfered with the 2016 and 2020 elections. Mainstream media is now the propaganda outlet for the government and each outlet has a go to person to "leak" stories to.

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You can always count on you Dennis to be on top of what is going on. We absolutely need you in Congress or the Presidency

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isn’t every U.S. 18y.o. Male already required to register for the draft❓

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Required yes but the onus remains on the individual to actually register. Automatic registration, however, would be new. No individuals would be required to do anything - except perhaps die when called to serve.

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Every male is sent a letter when he's 18 to register for the selective service. It says that if you don't, you don't qualify for federal student aid or loans, nor can you ever get a government job. So those who want any of that, sign up. So the middle class college boys. The rest ignore it. Now, the database will include everyone, not just our educated males. This is good for those who followed the rules, reduces their chances of being called up.

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There will be little resistance this time because they have spent decades deliberately making young peoples living lives a miserable one and removing expectations of any kind of future. The road to WWIII was paved with “Learned Helplessness”.

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Dennis, I have been writing here about climate change for three years. We are quickly heading for world resource wars. It seems likely to me that's why Biden has allowed Netanyahu to commit genocide in Gaza, and arm it. Consolidating allies for what is to come. Consider the upheaval on the way. Mexico City is on the verge of running out of water. India is experiencing temperatures over 120° F. Land is burning up. Crop failures are inevitable. This is the new world rolling out before our eyes.


Also, there's going to be insane competition for "resources" in the Arctic as it melts, and they become accessible. I uncovered a lot of military reports for this article. I can't prove it, but it all fits together.


Things are deteriorating fast now. I hope you can find 20 minutes to read my warnings.

Thank you.

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we are witness.

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Witnesses and victims.

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Thank you Dennis for the information on US Army Automatic Registration for 18-26 year old men.

Congress Rep. Thomas Massie says every US Congress Republican & most Democrats have an Israeli Lobby ‘AIPAC Babysitter’ who tell them how & for what to vote.

Executive resume Interview by Tucker Carlson 12Jun’24 3m49s https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/thomas-massie-says-every-republican-in-congress-has-aipac-babysitter-from-the-israeli-lobby 3m49s https://twitter.com/AFpost/status/1799160371615506812

Full: Cowards in Congress & Living off the Grid full interview by Tucker Carlson 2h9m40s https://youtu.be/omBSEuFTYEo

Good News: Wouldn't it be great if: AIPAC "Babysitters" who instruct our Congress Democratic & Republican Reprehensible & Senile-legislators how to vote on Wars, destabilization, stealing foreign resources & Omnibus legislation, are willing to go in the place of younger generations & fight directly with the champions of their enemies.

Its kind of a David & Goliath thing, where these self-acclaimed 'heroes' are anxious to prove their shameless 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Torah indoctrinated & Oligarch submissive ability to kill more & more 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') people, so called 'enemies' on their own 'petard' (from Shakespeare meaning 'bomb'). No one has time even to read & the Omnibus bills. 1 million mostly young people are killed in our wars every year on behalf of these self-aggrandizing monsters. Won't it be amazing when the people of Turtle-Island (N. America) finally recognize the ~110 First Nations organized into some 25 Confederacies in 'indigenous' sovereignty outlined in the Great-Good-way-of-Kindness aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution outlined in the CIRCLE-of-LIFE, which provided checks & balances for interdisciplinary loving 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') functions over many 10s of 1000s of years of vibrant, abundant, distributed wealth in loving societies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

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